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Call for Speakers
Help us find the speakers you want to see present at the Summit for Recycling this year. We are looking for speakers to address our theme of "Cultivating Solutions to Capture Value" within the following topic tracks:
  • Materials Recycling
  • Organics Recycling
  • Construction, Deconstruction and Demolition
  • Zero Waste
  • Reuse
Send Us Your Summit Speaker Ideas
Join the RC team TODAY for an exciting presentation with our Members: 
Foam Cycle & SustainAbility 
This will be the second Snack & Share meeting for Recycle Colorado. We invite you to bring your lunch and tune in to celebrate your organization, learn about your fellow RC members in Colorado, and have some fun!
Join us at the February Snack & Share!
Lobby Day 2023 was a great success. With some returning lobbyists, ready to share their knowledge, along with a few newbies, excited to learn, the first in-person Lobby Day in over 2 years, was one to remember. 
Thank you to all our sponsors, support team, and volunteers who made the day possible!
Read about the Day at the Capitol
Council & Committee Meetings & Updates
Some new changes have been implemented in 2023 to help address council & committee confusion. Councils & Committees all now have their own webpage with all their meeting agendas, notes, and resources posted to it. Members of the council and committees have now been added to Google calendar invites so everyone always has the meeting information. When you RSVP, you will be added to these calendar invites. If you have questions on this or would like to join a council or committee, please contact us.
Council and Committee Pages & First 2023 Meetings
Poster Contest Details Coming Soon
If you would like to be on the distribution list for the 2023 Poster contest participation packet, please sign up. We are hoping to have the materials ready soon! 
Receive Poster Contest Information
The Time to Renew with Recycle Colorado is NOW
Recycle Colorado members at the Community Partner and Individual level have been invoiced for the 2023 membership year. If you did not receive an invoice, please let us know. All other Recycle Colorado Members will be contacted by a Recycle Colorado board member as part of the renewal process. If you would like to receive an invoice immediately, please contact us
See Upcoming Events!

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Recycle Colorado · 205 Ken Pratt Blvd ste 120, #73 · Longmont, Colorado 80501 · USA

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