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Dear <<First Name>>,
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Roundtable Discussion this Saturday, Feb. 25, 10am-noon!

Join us again, or for the first time, this Saturday, February 25 for another one of our popular Roundtable Discussions. We'll meet at the Oak Bend Library Branch (842 S. Holmes Ave., 63122) from 10:00 am until noon to talk about topics you choose. Snacks and drinks and fun company will be plentiful, so it's a very enjoyable way to earn another Game Changer point. One hot topic to discuss is Nikki Haley, Republican presidential candidate, saying politicians over the age of 75 should be required to take a mental competency test. Lots to dissect there. What does age bring to the political table? When is age a liability? What are the pros of a much younger president? We also plan to watch and discuss some of the 2023 Super Bowl Commercials (and maybe a few memorable ones from the past). Don't miss it!
Click here to sign up!
Also this Sat., Feb. 25, League of Women Voters Trivia
For the past four years, Civitas students and staff have combined to form winning, or near winning, teams at the St. Louis League of Women Voters Trivia Night. We once again invite interested students to become part of our teams. This year's Trivia is at the First Congregational Church of Webster Groves (map) this Saturday evening, February 25. Doors open at 6:30 PM; play begins at 7:00 PM. Bring your brains and a friend and earn Game Changer points! You can sign up by clicking here.
Attention Civitas Game Changers!
We have some important info to share.

Civitas will soon be inviting Game Changers to apply to the paid Civitas Summer Internship program. What we know so far that might help with your summer planning:
  • The internship will be Monday, July 10-Friday, July 21, 2023.
  • We will meet every week day from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm.
  • The 2023 Internship will be held at Crossroads College Preparatory School, 500 De Baliviere Ave., 63122.
  • Students in the graduating classes of 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026 with enough Game Changer points will be invited to apply in early March via an email.
  • There are still opportunities to earn Game Changer points. Two can be earned this Saturday, February 25, for attending the Roundtable Discussion in the morning and/or Trivia in the evening. Bring a friend new to Civitas and earn an additional point.
  • Another Game Changer point can be earned by writing a reflection about a Civitas event you've attended this school year for us to post on the Civitas blog. No more than 500 words and submit to Stephanie at
If you are unavailable for the July internship because of a prior commitment, there will be another application opportunity offered to all Civitas students, with special benefits for Game Changers, June 12-June 22 at the MO History Museum. Details will be in an upcoming newsletter.
Spring Model UN sessions approaching quickly!
Sign up now!

US Ambassador of the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, speaking this past Friday at the UNA Global Engagement Summit at UN Headquarters
Important Information about the Spring Model UN Sessions:
  • Both of the Saturday sessions on April 1 and April 15 will be in the morning, 9:00 am until noon.
  • Both will be held at Browning Auditorium at Webster University (same location as fall).
  • Students can attend either session on their own; no need to be a part of a school group.
  • Sign up to represent the same country you had in the fall; if there are duplicates, we'll notify you of options.
  • If you did not participate in the fall, you are welcome to attend a spring session. Contact Stephanie at for a list of available countries.
  • Priority will be given to seniors for resolution order of discussion.
  • Click here to sign up.
Middle School Teacher Meeting Next Week
Students gather before school starts at the Model UN Club at John Burroughs.
Next Monday (Feb. 27) at 4 pm there will be a middle school teacher meeting. There’s a lot to discuss before General Assemblies start in April & May. We will be going over what happens at the field trip, resolution writing class visits, Honors Model UN, & more! This meeting will be held via Zoom & invitations will be sent out soon to middle school teachers.

Speaking of class visits, Bobbi and Stephanie have been busy making sure students are ready for Model UN. Last week we were at Assumption, Brittany Woods, Grand Center Arts Academy, John Burroughs, Ritenour, & Rancho Solano. This week we will be visiting delegates at Hixson Middle, Crossroads College Prep, and Maplewood-Richmond Heights.
Interested in a Civitas Book Club?
Excellent books are being written for young people today, some of which, unfortunately, are not readily available in area high schools. Civitas is planning a book discussion to be held in April, giving everyone plenty of time to get and read the selected young adult novel by a debut author, We Deserve Monuments written by Jas Hammonds. We imagine a lot of students being interested in this compelling novel about 17-year old Avery, who is Black and gay, being uprooted from her urban Washington D.C. life and school to rural Georgia for her senior year. If you would like to be a part of the book discussion, please click here to sign up and indicate your preferred setting and time. We're considering a Zoom discussion or an in-person discussion, but we want to hear from you. We'll schedule the exact date soon.
We can help students get a copy of the book, if needed. Just let us know!
To listen to a short NPR interview with the author of We Deserve Monuments, click here.

Saturday, February 25, 2023, 10:00 am-12:00 pm at Oak Bend Library
A Roundtable Discussion to talk about topics that interest you.
Sign up here!

Saturday, February 25, 2023, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM at First Congregational Church of Webster Groves
Civitas Trivia Team(s) at League of Women Voters Trivia Night. Open to Civitas students who sign up.
Sign up here!

A date in April to be decided later: Book discussion of We Deserve Monuments by Jas Hammonds.
After a few people sign up and share their preferences, we'll announce a date and place.
Click here to sign up and share your preferred times/venues.
Saturday, April 1, 2023, 9:00 am until noon, High School Model UN at Webster University
Sign up here!

Saturday, April 15, 2023, 9:00 am until noon, High School Model UN at Webster University
Sign up here!
Picture of the Week
The sun rises near New York's Empire State Building on Tuesday, February 14. -- Gary Hershorn/Corbis News/Getty Images
This past week at the United Nations
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