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Rondo CLT's Newest Staff Members 
Noah Bauer is a Minneapolis-born, Latinx and Swedish artist and activist. He can play 15 instruments and is deeply passionate about using music as a tool for connection, medicine, political organization, and education. During the pandemic, he served in the Governor's Office to help provide health and educational resources to communities across the state. And, after he finished his degree, served in the MN Secretary of State's office to connect the public to essential voting infrastructure. He has just returned from a long trip visiting his family in Panama. He is feeling honored, energized, and excited to serve the people of Rondo and St. Paul as the Community Engagement Specialist.

Addie Backhus is joining the staff as the Executive Assistant. She grew up in SE Minneapolis and attended South High School. It was through attending South that she learned about social justice and the importance of civic engagement – things that she values greatly and wishes to center her work around. She went to Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York and got her bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and English. Graduating at the start of the pandemic, Addie moved back to Minneapolis and has loved reconnecting with the place she grew up. Prior to coming to Rondo CLT, she worked for a non-profit organization that advocated for equity and innovation in education. She enjoys writing, listening to audiobooks, and rewatching old seasons of Top Chef.
We've Moved! Rondo CLT offices are now located at 1041 Selby Avenue, St. Paul 55104. 

Winter Carnival: On Thursday, February 2nd, Rondo CLT set up a table at the Winter Carnival and spoke to community members about the community land trust model model, Right to Return, and the Inheritance Fund.

Central High School: We will be attending St. Paul Central’s Career Opportunity Fair on February 26th. This all-day resource fair educates students about potential career paths. It will be an opportunity to learn from our community members, connect with other local businesses and organizations, and talk with the community about the land trust model.
New equity initiative set to invest $5 million over three years in St. Paul

Rondo CLT was featured in an article published by the Pioneer Press that highlights a new equity initiative that launched last year by the Partnership for Equitable and Resilient Communities. “The Rondo Community Land Trust was chosen to manage and administer PERC’s funding in St. Paul and will work with other local organizations, including Model Cities, the West Side Community Organization and Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers, to include community perspectives in decision-making about how the money will be invested.” Read the full article here
The Inheritance Fund

On January 16th, St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter announced the city's plans to launch a program to rebuild the wealth that families in the Rondo neighborhood lost. The Inheritance Fund "will offer forgivable loans for down payments or housing rehabs to income-qualifying descendants of those who forfeited property when the freeway was built". Rondo CLT has been chosen to help administer these funds. To learn more, click here
Rondo CLT's Newest Board Members 
Shannon Brunette (L) is founder and management consultant of the Office of Cultural Work (OCW), an organization focused on developing personal freedoms to connect, heal, share skills and build a just and inspired cultural life for all. Shannon is a leader in nonprofit management and philanthropy, working at the intersection of art and social change with individual artists, nonprofits and creative entrepreneurs.

Kate Speed (R) provides technical assistance and early, flexible capital to developers working to advance equitable and inclusive development projects in the Twin Cities. She has experience with affordable housing and finance.
Ramsey County releases Community Indicators through their open data portal
Ramsey County recently released data on affordability, wealth creation, early childhood, health and public safety, that will be used for the County’s strategic planning and budgeting.
“Indicators were selected during two rounds of community engagement conducted in the fall of 2021 and spring of 2022 as part of Ramsey County’s participation in the Urban Institute’s Upward Mobility Cohort and are directly connected to the county’s resulting Mobility Action Plan and Economic Competitiveness and Inclusion Plan. These plans are both focused on cultivating inclusive prosperity and narrowing the racial and ethnic wealth gap.”
Visit the Open Ramsey County website for a full summary of the indicators and how they will be used.

Interested in becoming a CLT homeowner?

Attending a Rondo CLT Orientation is the first step in the application process. Orientations happen weekly on Wednesdays at noon. Click the link below for additional information and to register for an orientation today!

Register here

Please Consider Supporting our Work 

Rondo CLT builds community wealth and neighborhood stability through the development and stewardship of perpetually affordable homeownership opportunities, rental housing, commercial space, and other community assets.

Each new property that enters the community land trust starts a cycle of affordability for generations of low to moderate income earning families and local small business owners. Your donation makes all of this possible. Thank you.

Donate here. 
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