You are receiving this email as you have previously expressed interest in, or attended one of Te Ngira's (Formerly NIDEA) seminars. These seminars are held at regular intervals across the teaching year and feature 50 minute presentations on matters relating to demography and Te Ngira research activities. You can join in-person or online.
For future seminars I will be sending out invitations via Mailchimp. Should you like to be included in these invitations, please fill in your details below (once joined, you can unsubscribe at any time).
For more information on past seminars you can visit our website Please feel free to pass this on to friends, students and colleagues who may also be interested.
Ngā mihi nui,
Renae Dixon Research Development Manager Te Ngira – Institute of Population Research
Ph: +64 7 837 9199 | Mobile: 021 587 097
University of Waikato | Private Bag 3105
Hamilton 3240 | New Zealand