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Answers to Prayer

Thank you all for praying about our housing situation! The meeting we had went well. Lord willing, we should be able to move into a newly constructed rental house a week before March 1st.  There have been clear and unique ways the Lord pointed us in this direction. One instance, the real estate agent called my wife and was rude to her on the phone, another we were to sign a rental agreement in 2 hours and the owner decided to increase the rent by about $200 monthly (it's since gone down a little and is still vacant). We don't understand everything, but it is encouraging to see the Lord at work. Please pray everything goes as planned and we can move and settle as a family soon. 

I met with the university of Pécs language team and I am excited to begin this new phase of Hungarian learning this month. It is not a quick process to learn the Hungarian language, but I am encouraged with the curriculum and plan. Please pray I learn Hungarian thoroughly so I can communicate effectively. Another way I see God at work is that He allowed a one week break between my one on one tutoring and the university classes. My wife's parents have watched our children for us most of this week and we have had time to repack our things and find furniture for our new place (our current place was furnished). 

This is not brand new news, but I think I forgot to mention it in a prayer update. We are very excited that our daughter Abigail asked Jesus to save her on January 3rd! We had been praying for her, but not wanting to push her of course. After pretty much talking her out of praying to get saved that evening, she used her regular evening prayer time to ask Jesus to forgive her sins and give her a clean heart. It was special that both Ramona and I were with her and that she decided to to it on her own! 

Thank you all for your prayers for us during these trying days. We can sense the direction of God and are grateful for your encouragement. 

Jake & Ramona Allen

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