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A Message of Spartan Community Healing and Solidarity
Tuesday, 21 February 2023

As students, faculty, staff and the entire campus community continue to deal with the tragic loss and ensuing grief and sadness because of the violence that our community endured on February 13, I wish to send a message of solidarity and hope to you all. We at the African Studies Center know this has been distressing for many of you and wish to let you know that we are here with and for you. We join hands with you and the entire Spartan Community to remember and honor the three students whose lives we tragically lost to this violence, Arielle Anderson (Junior, Grosse Pointe), Brian Fraser (Sophomore, Grosse Pointe), and Alexandria Verner (Junior, Clawson). We extend our condolences and wishes of solace to their families. We also add to your collective wishes, hopes and prayers for the quick recovery of the five students who were severely injured and remain in hospital, and keep their families and friends in our thoughts.

I have been impressed by how the campus community has come together in the past week, and by the outpouring of support from outside the university locally, nationally and internationally. I am also grateful to the senior MSU leadership for prioritizing the safety and well-being of students and flexibility in their efforts to help the campus community heal. I also acknowledge the professionalism and dedication of so many of you in your attempts to continue the core missions of teaching, research, and service under such trying circumstances even as you have to look after your wellbeing. I also acknowledge offers of support from some of you on how you can be of help, including to our African students who may be more disconnected from their regular social networks to help them deal with such traumatic events. We urge you to reach out to them to join other students and the campus community to use the resources available to help them deal with this traumatic event.

Here are some resources that are available and people you can talk to for support:

They can also reach out to the African Studies Center, especially Dr. Damaris Choti,, the Center’s Student and Alumni Engagement Coordinator, for support or to talk of their concerns, and to be directed to available resources.

As classes resume this week and faculty work to accommodate both the learning and well-being of students, I wish to recognize that this news may be difficult for those within our campus community and beyond. I also recognize that the grief some individuals may be experiencing is normal. The most important thing is to seek support, including talking with friends, family and colleagues to process this. Together, we will get through this Spartan Strong. 

Leo C., Zulu, Interim Director, African Studies Center

Link to Support and Updates

Eye on Africa

February 23rd, 2023

Abdiqani Farah
The Relationship Between Different Measures of School Performance and Student Achievement in Somalia, with a Focus on Puntland state
Event Flyer

African Tea Time 

March 2nd, 2023
Ethiopia & Ghana
Research and Innovation in African Universities I: A focus on Ghana and Ethiopia

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