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Tuesday, 07 March 2023

Spring Break at MSU
Supportive Resources at MSU
Eye on Africa
African Tea Time
Featured News
Events & Opportunities
Core Faculty Highlights
Student Groups & Activities
Digital Africa @ MSU
Learn a Language
Center Funding Opportunities

Eye on Africa

Next Eye on Africa: March 16th, 2023

Dr. Ousseina Alidou
Hausa Popular Songs and Performance: Musical Digital Advocacy Against Gender-based Violence in Society

African Tea Time 

Next African Tea Time: March 16th, 2023
South Africa
Research and Innovation in African Universities II: A focus on South Africa

Featured News

New Advisory Committee Members

The MSU African Studies Center is happy to welcome four new members to our Advisory Committee: John Aerni-Flessner (Residential College in the Arts and Humanities), Mara Leichtman (Department of Anthropology), Omowumi Elemo (James Madison College), and Ifeanyichukwu (Ife) Eke (Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics). The Advisory Committee is the major channel for advising the Director on matters of Center policy, program, personnel, grants, and financial matters; on any matter which the Core Faculty, through its meetings, entrusts to it; on any matter about which the Director seeks advice; and on any other matter of importance. Members of the Advisory Committee shall serve for a term of two years. Terms shall be staggered in order to provide continuity from year to year. 

Congratulations to our newest Advisory Committee Members!

Events & Opportunities

Claffey Meyer International Travel Grant
Deadline ExtendedMarch 10, 2023

This award provides financial assistance to domestic students who intend to travel to developing countries for the purpose of providing technical assistance, participate in research, or engage in service. The intent is for students to work towards discovering and implementing solutions in response to urgent human needs (for example: food security, environmental quality, health and nutrition, education, and other areas) and, thereby, to encourage careers in international development teaching, research and practice. Grants are intended to support travel, related living expenses, and projects costs—not to be used as a tuition scholarship. Open to upper-level undergraduate and graduate students; Multiple scholarships will be given in 2023; Award amounts will vary, but will be no less than $2,000. More Information

Dr. Charles and Marjorie Gliozzo Dissertation Research Scholarship
Deadline ExtendedMarch 10, 2023

This scholarship is available to MSU doctoral students with dissertation research objectives who have defended, or are in the process of defending, a dissertation proposal. The scholarship supports field research abroad in support of the student's dissertation. More Information

Walker Hill Scholarship
Deadline ExtendedMarch 10, 2023

The Walker Hill International Award is available to MSU doctoral students to be used for pre-dissertation visits to a doctoral research site in a country outside the United States (for international students, research in one's own country does not qualify). The student must have completed adequate credits and be able to submit a description, appropriateness and feasibility of pre-dissertation research objectives to be accomplished during the period spent abroad. More Information

US and African Universities Engagement Day 1
March 27, 2023

Alliance for African Partnership (AAP) is hosting a Town Hall with Paul Zeleza, Associate Provost and North Star Distinguished Professor at Case Western Reserve University. This event will provide highlights of the US Strategy towards Sub-Saharan Africa and the role that Universities and initiatives like the AAP as a US-Africa University network could play in the implementation of the strategy. The implications of expanding the AAP network to include other US and African universities will also be discussed. Register at this link

US and African Universities Engagement Day 2
March 28, 2023

Day 2 of this Alliance for African Partnership (AAP) event is a dissemination workshop (Virtual Dissemination Workshop: Diverse Black Africa (DBA) Program) for the teams that are part of the first cohort of the Diverse Black Africa (DBA) program, established in 2021 by AAP with funding from the Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion to increase the collaboration between Black faculty and administrators at MSU with African colleagues. The teams are expected to share their research, teaching, exchange, and outreach activities and discuss strategies for expanding their work. Register at this link

OISS Coffee Hour
Every Friday, 4-6pm EST
Spartan Rooms B&C International Center

Join the Office for International Students and Scholars for Coffee Hour, a free event where students, staff, faculty, and community members gather to connect over coffee each week. Different hosts offer educational programs, information on how to get involved on campus, and fun activities that change throughout the year.  

Core Faculty Highlights

Marsha MacDowell & C. Kurt Dewhurst
Dear Mr. Mandela, Dear Mrs. Parks: Children’s Letters, Global Lessons: Exhibition Launch

Please send recent work and publications to Mike at!

Student Groups & Activities

Somali Association of Michigan State

The Somali Association of Michigan (SAM) is a student-led volunteer organization dedicated to helping all Somali students and families in the greater Lansing and East Lansing area through free basic social service including youth and educational programs to improve the social conditions of the Somali people. The organization also brings awareness of the Somali culture and history through events and social activities.
Want more information on how to get involved?
Contact Dr. Damaris Choti at

Digital Africa @ MSU

African Media Program
Database of audio-visual materials and education services
Archive of Malian Photography
Digitized collections of five important photographers in Mali
Overcoming Apartheidafripod logo
First-hand accounts of this important political movement

Afripodafripod logo
Podcast about African history, culture and politics

African Activist Archive Project aaap logo
Documents, photographs, artifacts, written and oral memories

African Online Digital Library
aodl logoFree universal access to cultural heritage materials

Africana Collectionmsu library logo
African Studies at the MSU Library

Exploring Africaexploring africa logo
High quality African resources for students and educators

Learn a language!


Have suggestions or a job to highlight?
Email us at

Center Funding Opportunities

Curriculum Development Grants ($3,000 summer stipends): to support faculty interested in developing a new course or seminar related to Africa or revising an extant course or seminar to include at least 25% of Africa content.

Curriculum Enhancement Grants ($1,000): for purchase of Africa related curricular materials, payment of guest speakers.

Conference Travel Grants ($1,000): to support Africanist Faculty for conference expenses.

Special Programming Grants (amount varies): to bring a guest speaker; host a panel discussion; plan a social event etc.

Strategic Partnership Grants (amount varies): to strengthen strategic partnerships with universities and other institutions of higher education and research in Africa. (a 20% matching funds from applicants' deans or department chairpersons is required).

For more information about Center Funding: 
Contact Dr. Awa Sarr at

Global IDEAS: Global Innovations in Development, Engagement, and Scholarship curates external funding opportunities for international research from a comprehensive suite of sources, along with our knowledge of the donor landscape. These opportunities are compiled in one weekly email newsletter, available only to MSU faculty, staff and students.

Stay in touch:

How to subscribe:
Please email us at

Our mailing address:
African Studies Center
Michigan State University
International Studies and Programs
427 N. Shaw Lane, Room 100
East Lansing MI 48824-1035

Suggestions for newsletter:
Email us at

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Michigan State University African Studies Center · 427 N Shaw Ln Rm 100 · East Lansing, MI 48824-4402 · USA