March 10, 2023

Snapshot persists on with sapphic rage and Lesbian solidarity into 2023! Sinister Snapshot is Sinister Wisdom’s biweekly newsletter with a featurette and lots of links. If you have suggestions for future editions of Sinister Snapshot, send them to

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Summer intern season is approaching quickly! If you are interested in interning at Sinister Wisdom, email Julie today! Email her at

Julie is reading The Green Scamander by Maude Meagher and loving it - a retelling of the story of the Trojan War from the perspective of the Amazons. She is watching Harlem on Amazon Prime after discovering a gift box tied to the show contained copies of Sister Love: The Letters of Audre Lorde and Pat Parker.

Sara is reading She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan — a wonderful historical fantasy novel about a young girl who becomes the Hongwu emperor. She's watching The Last of Us on HBO Max, which in some episodes shows queer love amidst the backdrop of an apocalyptic United States.

Yeva just finished reading this unlikely soil, a collection of short stories by Andrea Routley, in preparation for Sinister Wisdom's Lesbian Book Club and enjoyed them very much.  It was tough to get a copy of this book, so Yeva has not had time to watch anything recently, but the vivid images from this book were like motion picture films in her mind.

Roberta recently finished reading Roses in the Mouth of the Lion, by Bushra Reman, loving the smooth gorgeous prose. Now reading R. J. Samuel's medical crime thriller and lesbian romance novel, Heart-Stopper, a fun indulgence. She watched the movie, Tár, mesmerized by Cate Blanchett's performance, but finding the "power corrupts" thematic falling short of the mark--e.g., falling on her face? Looked more like a self-sabotaging act to her.

Honoring Phyllis Lyon Documentary
by Deborah Svoboda
Valentine’s Day was Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin’s 70 year anniversary, a date that forever changed the lives of us in the queer community!
That week also marks the 19-year anniversary of their first wedding, by Gavin Newsom, which was later overturned.
In her final years, Phyllis Lyon had advanced Alzheimer’s, yet she remained steadfast in her fierceness to live independent and with dignity. Her family and the community found a way to make that happen! A team was created of younger queer folks to be her “friends.” Every challenge is met with stealth and humor. Each pursues their goal: Phyllis of living independently, the caregivers of providing her with that illusion by entering into Phyllis’ reality.
One of her caregivers is an award-winning filmmaker and was invited by Phyllis and Del’s family to make a film sharing this story with the world.  This is a unique, humorous, and deeply touching story of true love that knows no bounds.
The Day the Curtains Came Down is a story that Phyllis told the caregivers on a daily basis. It is a monumental moment in herstory that you can learn about on our site and in the film — a moment that should never be forgotten by our community!
We’ve done a majority of the filming, and now we need your help getting us to the next stage. We welcome you to explore our website! 
Come, enter into Phyllis's herstorical home. Let us share profound memories of our time with her. Help the world see the importance of culturally competent care and keep alive the memory of these two who paved the way for all of us, with their strength, courage, commitment, vulnerability, and mostly their HUGE LOVE. Let us not forget!    

Follow us on Instagram: @the_day_the_curtains_came_down
Matchmaking in the Archive / 19 Conversations with the Dead and 3 Encounters with Ghosts by E. G. Crichton pairs 19 LGBTQ+ authors with a deceased person whose artifacts are in the archive of the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco. The book is a part of a series called Q+Public that “elevat[es] the challenges of thinking about gender, sex, and sexuality across complex and diverse identities to offer a forum for public dialogue.” On March 24, the GLBT Historical Society is hosting a launch for the book.
Join Sinister Wisdom and the Lesbian Herstory Archives for a zoom panel, "Still in Love: Multicultural Lesbian Publishing in the 80s, 90s, and Beyond!" On March 28, at 7 P.M. E.T., the founders and authors of Aunt Lute Books and Firebrand Books will explore this exciting period in lesbian-feminist literary communities. Register here.
Sinister Wisdom continues to grow its archive and its commitment to giving things away for free! Issues 81 to 86 are now available as PDFs on the Sinister Wisdom website.
Jaclyn Booton, the executive director of the Stella Prize, which platforms women writers in Australia, cites Joan Nestle as one of her favorite authors and gives a shout out to A Sturdy Yes of a People in a recent interview published in The Age.
A South Carolina woman was arrested for taking abortion pills.
Images on which to build, 1970s-1990s, an exhibit curated by Ariel Goldberg, will be on display at the Leslie-Lohman Museum until July 30. The exhibit is organized into six sections: Joan E. Biren’s (JEB) The Dyke Show, Lola Flash’s In and Alongside ART+ Positive, Diana Solís’s Intimacies in Resistance, Lesbian Herstory Archives’s Keepin’ On: Images of African American Lesbians, Electric Blanket’s AIDs Projection Project, and Little Gem’s Trans Image Network.
The Curve Foundation is accepting applications for their Award for Excellence in Lesbian Coverage until March 17. "The award and its criteria are inspired by notable journalists that have dedicated themselves to covering lesbian social justice issues and communities." Apply or nominate someone here.
In conversation with the work of Diana Solís, whose work documented the lives of Chicana Lesbians, Nicole Marroquin’s exhibition at the University of Michigan, With Care, "is largely rooted in her passion for discovering lesser-known archives or pockets of the community with which she feels solidarity or fascination." She also draws from the Chicana por mi Raza digital archive. Read more.
Princeton University Library owns the Toni Morrison Papers and has put together an exhibit called Toni Morrison: Sites of Memory to honor her work. This exhibition is a part of a series of events exploring her creative process.
Odessa Madre was an educated Black Lesbian gangster that ran the most lucrative gambling ring in D.C. in the 1950s.Odessa's Reign tells the story of this out and proud Lesbian. The film also tackles colorism. Watch the 15-minute abridged version here. The full film is sadly not available to stream. Read more about the film.
Read about the first Women Playwrights International Conference held in 1988.
Karen Poppy's first full-length poetry collection, Diving at the Lip of the Water, is now available for pre-order! The collection aims to “confront family systems and societal gender expectations, to reclaim what makes us powerful and whole.”

In an article in Feral Feminisms, Leanne Dawson writes about "Playing Femme and Not Playing It Straight: Passing, Performance, and Queering Time and Place." 
Trulee Hall’s first feature-length film, Ladies Lair Lake, is “an eccentric mix of highbrow and lowbrow.” Ladies Lair Lake is a tale of Lesbian forest nymphs whose paradise is ruptured when the first man, their baby, is delivered by a trio of goddesses.
Read about how "Anita Cornwell Wrote About Black Queer Women with Heart, Rage, and Brilliant Honesty."

Speaking of Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin, listen to the newest episode of the Making Gay History podcast about the duo and the Daughters of Bilitis.  

If you would like to support Sinister Wisdom's thriving Lesbian community, please consider donating or subscribing. Your support is vital to our mission of profiling, supporting, and nurturing Lesbian culture as well as providing educational resources to women and Lesbians. Thank you to our sustainers for supporting the advancement of Lesbian art and culture!


Curated with community, history, and an understanding that every present moment is a nexus of many pasts. May these stories of Queer culture inspire, enthuse, and rouse you to Lesbian actions. We hope you've enjoyed this installment of Sinister Snapshot! Have a lovely weekend.

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Sinister Wisdom, Inc. · 2333 McIntosh Road · Dover, FL 33527 · US

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