
"My soul is from elsewhere, I am sure of that, and I intend to end up there."

Dear Reader,
I pray you are well. This week I published a new blog post called “Art Can Hold This”. In it I express some ideas about my winding path in the arts and the ways in which I feel art to be expansive and how I feel held by it, bi ithniAllah. Here's an excerpt from the post:


Read the new blog post and peruse my site overall to see some new studio pics and documentation. My studio looks different every week as things happen, creativity emerges, and things get made. 

Lastly, if you are an educator, curator, and/ or community organizer, we’ve created a short and easy form for you to request my participation in your exhibitions, events or to inquire about particular artworks here. 

With Peace,

Nsenga Knight

Caption: A self-portrait of artist Nsenga Knight in her Queens Museum studio where she is an Artist in Residence and 2022-2024 In Situ Fellow. Artworks on her studio wall include (l-r_ Tawaf/ Sa'y: MankindSquare One, Tawaf/ Sa'y: Only, Plateau #1, and her Fitra: Amber series


P.S. If you are new to my artwork or want to dig deeper, visit my website or blog here to read and see more.





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