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Привет <<First Name>>, 
Каним ви на отворен клас за всеки интересуваш се от движенческа и композиционна импровизация и различни техники за използване на гласа с невероятния Питър Шишоли, който ще ни гостува от САЩ.

Voice as Movement с Питър Шишоли

5 март 2023 – 17:00 – 19:00 в стая 304 Национален Студентски Дом

Линк за записване:
Вход с дарение 15лв - 30лв или сума по желание.


🤸Тази сесия ще започне със загряване през движението. Като се настройваме към това как дишаме и как дъхът се движи през тялото и става изразителен инструмент и отправна точка за издаване на звук. Оттам ще ни преведа през практиката на преместване на вокална/физическа вибрация в различни части на телата ни, за да открием и отворим резонанса в някои от безбройните му форми. Оформяйки и извайвайки дъха и звука си с гърлото / езика / зъбите / устните, ние ще се стремим да имаме по-голяма лекота в говоренето с цялото си тяло.Също така ще подходим към пеенето, докато се движим, като начин за разширяване на резонанса.

🎶Стремежът ми е да разкрия ползите от тази практика сама по себе си и като потенциално мощен инструмент за по-пълно изразяване на себе си. "Гласът като движение" е информиран от години на обучение и ангажираност в гласа, музиката, движението и енергийната работа, рамкирани от ранното ми обучение в западноевропейската класическа цигулка и опера, спорта и американския музикален театър, а по-късно и в съвременния танц, световните театрални традиции, експерименталните вокални техники и Чи-гонг. Упражненията и подходите, събрани от работата с Meredith Monk & Vocal Ensemble (разширени вокални техники), Jane Comfort (текст и движение) и Daria Faïn (Qi-gong и намиране на звук в тялото), също ще бъдат споменати и включени.

🗣️Работен език е Английски с превод на Български при нужда.
***БодиМелд, в партньорство с творческа студиа “Студентина“ и Национален студентски дом, представят серии от ателиета фокусирани към движенческата и вокална импровизация с преподаватели от САЩ, Италия и Северна Ирландия.
Всяко ателие е подходящо за както за професионалисти в сценичните изкуства така и за любители и всеки интересуващ се от движение, работа с глас, текст, движенческа импровизация и инстантна композиция.

Проекта се осъществява паралелно с BodyMeld Performance Research Academy, интернационална академия за професионалисти в сценичните изкуства, която се случва с финансовата подкрепа на Национален Фонд "Култура".


Peter Sciscioli teaching at Trinity College

Voice as Movement with Peter Sciscioli (USA)

March 5th, 2023
17:00 – 19:00 at National Student House in room 304, Sofia Bulgaria. 

Link to sign up:
Class is suggested donation between 15lv. - 30lv. and no one is turned back for lack of funds.

🗣️Working language is English with translation to Bulgarian if needed. 

🤸 This session will begin with a movement warm-up, tuning in to how we breathe and how breath can move through the body as an opener, an expressive tool, and as a starting point for making any sound. From there, I’ll guide us through a practice of moving vocal/physical vibration into different parts of our bodies to discover and open resonance in some of its myriad forms. Shaping and sculpting our breath and sound with the throat/tongue/teeth/lips, we’ll look to access greater ease in speaking with our whole bodies. We’ll also approach singing while moving as a way to expand resonance.

🎶My aspiration is to uncover the benefits of this practice in and of itself, and as a potentially potent tool for expressing ourselves more fully in the world. Voice as Movement is informed by years of study and engagement in voice, music, movement, and energy work, framed by my early training in Western European classical violin and opera, sports and American Musical Theater, and later in contemporary dance, global theater traditions, Experimental Vocal Techniques, and Qi-gong. Exercises and approaches gleaned from working with Meredith Monk & Vocal Ensemble (extended vocal techniques), Jane Comfort (text and movement), and Daria Faïn (Qi-gong and locating sound within the body) will also be referenced and incorporated.
Peter Sciscioli (pronounced sh-SHOL-ee, he/him/his) is a Brooklyn-based interdisciplinary performer, creator, educator, and producer whose work encompasses dance, music, theater, and film. Since 1997 he has been creating performance works through a choreographic lens with a wide variety of collaborators for concert, site-specific, and theater venues around the world. In 2008, he created Peter Sciscioli Performance Projects, and in 2012 founded the International Interdisciplinary Artists Consortium, a network of artists and producers working across disciplines and cultures.
Peter has worked extensively with composer/singer/director Meredith Monk since 2003 in a variety of capacities including performer, rehearsal assistant, workshop coordinator, and producer. He is a co-founder of The M6: Meredith Monk Music Third Generation, helping to preserve Ms. Monk’s extraordinary musical legacy. He has also performed in work by such luminaries as Matthew Barney and Jonathan Bepler, Ping Chong, DD Dorvillier, Daria Faïn, Philip Glass and Mary Zimmerman, Susan Marshall, Fiona Templeton, and as a member of Jane Comfort and Company (2004-2010) in U.S. and European venues including BAM, Barbican Centre, City Center, Goodman Theatre and The Joyce Theater. From 1996-2002, Peter was also a performer and choreographer with the Chicago Moving Company and Hedwig Dances in Chicago, Illinois.
Peter’s interdisciplinary works and collaborations have been presented throughout New York City and Chicago; in Alaska, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Mexico, North Carolina, Utah, and Vermont; and in Brazil, Honduras, Croatia, North Macedonia, and Mexico. He has been a resident choreographer at The Yard, White Oak Plantation, Earthdance, the National School of Dance in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and the Zagreb Student Center-Culture of Change in Croatia. Peter has also received support from the U.S. Embassy Tegucigalpa, BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange, Dance Theater Workshop/New York Live Arts, Movement Research, and the Trust for Mutual Understanding for his work and projects.
As a teacher, Peter has offered his Voice as Movement ​classes and workshops since 2009 at Duke University, MIT, National Center for Arts in Mexico City, Oberlin College (his alma mater), Pratt Institute, Stanford University, Trinity College, University of Maryland and University of Utah, as well as in the capacity of LEIMAY LUDUS Guest Teacher (2016-2017) at CAVE in Williamsburg, and as the voice teacher for the Trinity/La MaMa Performing Arts Semester program (2011-2016) in New York. In 2017 he co-initiated The Sounding Body series at Movement Research. Peter has also given vocal coaching to company members of such choreographers as Jane Comfort, ECHOensemble, Milka Djordjevich, Maré Hieronimus, LEIMAY, Thea Little, Juliana F. May/MAYDANCE, Elisabeth Motley, Edisa Weeks/Delirious Dances and Yackez (Larissa and Jon Velez-Jackson).
Since Summer 2012, Peter has served as curator and facilitator of the International Interdisciplinary Artists Consortium residency and Moving Arts Lab at Earthdance in Western Massachusetts. In 2020 the first online version of the residency and lab took place over zoom. In 2022, the residency will shift to Tremper in upstate New York, and the newly minted Interdisciplinary Arts Lab will take place at Movement Research in New York.

With love and gratitude,

Zornitsa Stoyanova  
Director of BodyMeld

AND... as you know even with funding we barely make all these programs running. There is always at least 20% and sometimes even 100% of each program that gets supported by individual donations.  Please, consider donating to BodyMeld and all our awesome programs. We are presently fundraising for GWYN residency and the BodyMeld Academy, so every tiny bit helps. Thank you. 
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