Application Period for Tom Regan Visiting Research Fellowship Now Open

Since 2019, in honor of CAF's co-founder Tom Regan, CAF has joined with the Animal Rights Archives at North Carolina State University Libraries to offer a research fellowship for scholars to access the archives of CAF, Tom, and, now, those of the Humane Society of the US, the ASPCA, World Animal Network, the Animal Rights Network, the Animal Welfare Institute, and other collections. Our first fellow, Rachel Robison-Greene (seen in picture), was followed by Kat Poje and Joshua Russell in 2022. Kat Poje reflected on her experience in the archives here. For the history of the fellowship, click here. For more on the nature of the stipend and other criteria, and to apply, click here.
Celebrating Advocates from Around the World
Each year, CAF is privileged to receive applications from animal activists all over the world. Many work in difficult situations. Some are trying to get folks to notice animal suffering, let alone alleviate or end it. Others are scholars in a new discipline, or in a region unfamiliar with the concept of animal rights. Still others seek to show how animals and the arts matter. While we're unable (at current resources—hint, hint) to fund most of the applicants, we're always humbled and inspired by them and their efforts. Applicants and grantees will be notified in the last week of March.
Meet CAF Grantees Linda Ncube and Alfred Sihwa
 In 2022, CAF grantee Jo-Anne McArthur, animal photojournalist and founder of We Animals Media, met with CAF grantees Linda Ncube (2020) and Alfred Sihwa (2022) in their native Zimbabwe. Jo-Anne saw Linda and Alfred's efforts to educate local communities about animal care and animal rights. You can discover more about their work by watching this short video and visiting their pages on our website.
The Case for Animal Rights at 40
 Forty years ago this year, the University of California Press published The Case for Animal Rights, which the academic journal Choice called, "Unquestionably the best work yet to appear in its field, surpassing even Peter Singer's famous Animal Liberation in originality, thoroughness, and rigor."
To celebrate this milestone, CAF will be initiating a number of events that reflect on Case's fortieth anniversary, and examining how animal rights philosophy and, more particularly, animal rights itself have developed in the decades since Case's original publication. To keep abreast on all that's happening, subscribe to this newsletter, follow us on social media, and visit our website for more details.
Please consider contributing to the Culture & Animals Foundation to help us enable other artists, scholars, and advocates to raise awareness about animal rights.