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March 2023   |   Dalat International School   |   Penang, Malaysia
Spring break is coming up March 20-31, 2023. Students and teachers are ready for a break!
Does this bring back memories?

Dalat Alumni Helping Current Students Thrive
Following up from our February newsletter, our students and parents want to hear about YOU. They want to know details of where you went to school after Dalat, what field of study you pursued, what life experiences God has provided along the way, and what words of wisdom you might offer. Are you willing to share and connect with our current students?
We are launching Dalat Alumni Connect -- a way for you to let us know about your journey and your interest in connecting with our students.

Will you help us by clicking on the link below and answering a few short questions? This will help us to not only update our records, but also have information to share with current students about what our alumni have been doing since they departed or graduated from Dalat.
What's been happening in March
(Bring back memories?)
Alumni Visits are the Best!
This past month we were delighted to have Theresa (Mungillo) Manchester, Class of 1981, stop by Dalat. She and her husband Steve are currently serving in Kenya. While here, they took a tour of the campus and a walk down memory lane as she looked through Dalat's history book, Great Is His Faithfulness. She even found a picture of herself from 1980, showing her waiting in line for pizza along with John Cowley.
If you are coming through Penang, please stop by the campus to say hello. We would love to give you a Dalat Alumni t-shirt and a Great is His Faithfulness book.
A special opportunity for Dalat alumni to join together to make a difference in the lives of our current students in ways that resonate with your Dalat experience. 

Stay tuned for more information to come next month.
Brent Phillips, Penny Renshaw, Keith Leech, and Holly Douglas sing
"A Friend of a Wounded Heart" on a Sunday evening at the Rasa Hotel.
Copyright © 2023 Dalat International School - Alumni, All rights reserved.

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