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2023 Covid Policy

Before the conference:
NFO requires that participants are fully vaccinated for COVID-19, as defined by the CDC, and have received at least one booster, to attend in-person events. We will require proof of vaccination for all attendees, a signed agreement, and will also be
collecting your information for contact tracing. These will be handled by the Registrar once you have registered.
During the conference: 
NFO requires effectively-worn masks for indoor venues with a few exceptions. 
The Colonial Inn

xxDownload and print the Schedule pdf! Share with your friends!

NFO Conference Hotel information 

 The deadline to join our room block  at the Colonial Inn in Concord has passed. Please reply to this email ASAP if you want to try to join the NFO group. Otherwise call the hotel directly at 800-370-9200 to check on rooms available outside of the block.

Conference Schedule, Registration, & Details
Thanks for reading this far! keep going!

A Special Addition to the Saturday Dance Party!

Boston's very own KUKERI (early spring Bulgarian style ritual performers) will be appearing along with the All Girl Band, Balkan Fields, and a Balkan Brass set with Michael Ginsburg, Belle Birchfield and friends.
Copyright © 2023 National Folk Organization, All rights reserved.

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