If you play games outside, keep your butt warm. UTI is no fun!
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We're going places!

This spring and summer we are visiting Jutland, Jutland, and the British Isles:

This weekend it is time for Aarhus Brætspilsfestival, in Easter it is time for Fastaval, and the weekend after Pentecost we are going to UK Games Expo (we also have a trip event).
There is a pretty decent chance that you can find us. Look for people wearing Bastard merchandise - they are probably us, or they may know where we are.

SETUP is the Game of the Month for March

SET meets Rummikub meets Sequence!

The clever people at Bezzerwizzer Studio have done it again. SETUP lets you create sets of tiles to score points, and if your opponent(s) create the sets for you, you also get points, so you'll be looking at the board all the time.

Find SETUP on shelf 3.4 this month.

This month, our Game of the Month is sponsored by Asmodee Nordics.

Getting smart with board games!

Our school visit programme is live

If you are an educator and want to use board games in your work, you can bring your students/pupils to the cafe, or we can send Game Gurus to your school with a backpack of games. In either case, read more here (in Danish, because we don't really expect pilgrimages from faraway countries).

Board Game Launch: Hard To Get

[Danish text:]
Kom til release fest på det nye danske selskabsspil Hard to Get!
Hard to Get skal spillerne arbejde sammen for at finde frem til det rigtige ord. Én spiller påtager sig rollen som Vidnet og skal ved hjælp af en række skøre dilemmaer prøve at få sine Detektiv-medspillere til at gætte det hemmelige ord. Det lyder simpelt, men vil med garanti medføre en række livlige diskussioner omkring bordet.
Så tag dine venner med til en sjov aften på Bastard Café, hvor I også kan få en snak med designeren bag og vinde et eksemplar af spillet.

Fa'lawful Good Toast is here!

Our new seasonal toast has falafel, guacamole, red onion, rucola, and vegan cheese. It's super fresh and you should try it!

Events in March

1st: Let's Play Samurai Spirit
2nd: Monthly KLASK
6th: Monday Matchup
6th: Murderous Monday
7th: Testing Tuesday
8th: Let's Play SETUP
11th: Breakfast Bingo
12th: Serious Sunday Spirit Island
12th: Quiz
13th: Monday Matchup
15th: Let's Play Games while Practicing Danish
16th: Board Game Launch: Hard To Get
20th: Monday Matchup
20th: Murderous Monday
21st: Testing Tuesday
23rd: Formula D Championship
25th: Breakfast Bingo
26th: Quiz
27th: Monday Matchup

Events in March in Huset

(Tickets required)

5th: Starchaser: The Legend of Orin
7th: Knuffke / Cronholm / Andersson / Clausen
8th: Det Levende Rum (Spræng danseteater)
10th: Chopper + Tender Youth
15th: Andy Warhol's Flesh for Frankenstein (on 35mm!)
15th: Malibu (FR) + Supp.: Dentente (FR)
24th: Kalaha*
30th: Katrine Suwalski Group feat. Lamine Cissokho

*) Apparently it's a band, not a board game
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