
It’s time.

March is ‘Arts in our Schools’ month.

Those who work in arts education

know that art impacts our

students, schools, families, and communities

all year long.

Art is everywhere, all the time.

Celebrate. Advocate. Show us your art!

‘Is there anybody out there?’

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the release of Pink Floyd’s seminal art rock concept album, Dark Side of the Moon, which has probably inspired legions of young artists over the last five decades. I know, I know - the quote above is actually from The Wall, but those lyrics go through my mind every time I press “send” on a newsletter. I have no idea who is actually reading this. Here’s our chance to connect and to advocate for arts education at the same time!!

If you are a Maine-based arts educator or teaching artist;

If you are a classroom teacher or school administrator;

If you are related to a student artist;

If you represent a community-based arts organization,

art school, or summer camp;

Of if you are a student artist:

Show Us Your Art!

Let’s co-create a vibrant mosaic of the myriad of diverse processes, products, bodies, voices, students, teachers, and collaborators working at the intersection of arts and education in Maine. These ART-ifacts will be posted on the Maine Alliance for Arts Education Facebook page, included on our new, improved website (coming soon), and sprinkled throughout future newsletters.

Submit to:


  • Send an image of student artwork. Please include student’s first name, grade, school, and art teacher.

  • Send an image of students engaged in the process of art-making or rehearsing.

  • Send an image or link to a digital clip (:45 max) of student performance. Please include student’s first name or group name, grade, school, and teacher/director.

  • Write a testimonial to the impact arts education has had on your life, your classroom, or on your community.

  • Anything else you’d like to contribute to our mosaic of arts education in Maine!

Please ensure you have permission from the artists before submitting.

March has 31 days. I hope to receive at least 31 responses - a daily celebration of arts education all month long. If I receive 365 responses, we can go all year. More than that and I’ll make multiple posts per day!

Music educators, anyone include Pink Floyd in your repertoire? What songs?

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