
Why Five Moments?

Life is made up of moments and they come in many different forms. We don’t always recognize the significance or appreciate each one like we should. Every Thursday I share some of my favorite moments with you in hopes that we can all live in and appreciate the significance and impact that each moment offers.

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Made For This Moment

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Moments To Lead

Grateful is defined as appreciative of benefits received; affording pleasure or contentment. Couldn't we stand to be reminded to be grateful from time to time? Some days being grateful is really hard to do.

When I feel like I am in a rut or my mood gets a bit down I like to remind myself to be grateful. To see the world through a different lens. A lens of gratitude.

How do I like to do that?

My favorite thing to do is to go to the camera roll on my phone and scroll through my pictures and I am reminded of the moments, memories and good times.

I may even pair that with a gratitude walk to get a change of scenery and some fresh air. My mood changes and I am reminded that I have much to be grateful for.

I then mentally or physically write down at least three things I am grateful for as a reminder to live and lead with a thankful heart.

If you ever feel like you need to adjust your attitude or perspective I would encourage you take a gratitude break. It will help you live with appreciation, pleasure and contentment.

I'm cheering for you.

Moments To Be Better

This is the BOUND logo. BOUND is the software company that I am working for. This post retirement job has stretched me to be better.

I continue to learn about our software, customer service, and working in a new environment among other things. I am fortunate that BOUND believes in people and helping them to be better.

My key thought here is that as you continue to be better at whatever you need to, and I hope you are continuing to find things to better yourself in, I encourage you to make sure you focus on helping others to be better too.

Keep on becoming more and better.

Moments From Social Media

Kevin DeShazo (@kevindeshazo) is an author and leader that I read and follow. This past week he posted about how his gratitude journal.

I write every day as well and have added this to my morning routine using an app called the Day One Journal.

The video below should play even though it does not show any preview photo. It is a You Tube short video.

Moments From What I’ve Read

“You shouldn’t give circumstances the power to rouse anger, for they don’t care at all.” - Marcus Aurelius

Circumstances are incapable of considering your feelings, your anxiety, or your excitement. They do not care about your reaction. They are not people. Stop acting like getting worked up is having an impact on a given situation. Situations don’t care at all.

Circumstances = What you can’t control. Control what you can control…your atittude, attitude, and reaction.

Moments You Remember

Do you remember this?


I did a writing earlier this week (Wednesday) and used the graphic to tie in with the writing. You can find that on any of my pages if you missed it and would like to read about “Agony From Defeat”.

Wide World of Sports ran from 1961-1998 on ABC. It was must watch TV when I was a kid. I was introduced to the Harlem Globetrotters, Evil Knievel, Cliff Diving, High Diving, and a host of other popular and obscure sporting activities.

While thinking about this I actually watched some high diving. Here’s one from 172 feet. Those guys were crazy.

Brought back some good memories. TV has come a long way hasn’t it? Pretty simple back then, except having to get up and turn the channel.

Thank You for reading and supporting Five Moments.

I appreciate you all so much.

Be Blessed!

Contact Todd


Call: 712-579-6015

Let me know how I can help you, your group, team or organization.

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