
Missionary Emma Geswein

Updates from Ethiopia

Or maybe I should say...updates from America! In this newsletter I'm sharing a recent miracle that God did in our lives and updating you all on my mission work!
It was an emotional moment as my family greeted me when I arrived at the airport, WITH my husband! This trip home was very sudden and unexpected, as well as a huge blessing and a miracle done by God. 
When we found out I was pregnant, we had applied for my husband Abenezer to temporarily come to the US with me so we could deliver our baby here. I would be with family and would have proper medical care, which made us feel safer. After awhile it became evident that this wouldn't work out, so we planned the delivery to be in Ethiopia. 
Just a few weeks ago, God put my husband and I in the right place at the right time for us to be made aware of another step we could take for getting Abenezer a visa. We had also learned about some health issues I was having that were worsening as the pregnancy progressed. This led to getting an expedited appointment (which is extremely rare to have approved), an approved visa appointment, and a visitor visa for my husband. All of the odds were against us, but God said YES! We had given up on these plans, but God made a way unexpectedly. 
It may be hard for some to understand the magnitude of this if you aren't aware of the strict processes that are required to enter the United States. But it is truly a miracle, and now I am able to spend the last month of my pregnancy and the birth of our baby with my family, and have access to better medical care. This also solved some holdups we were going to have getting our baby into the US! It's a lot to explain, but if you have questions, I would love to talk to you in more detail about it all. We will be in the US for 4.5 months, and after our son receives his passport we will return to Ethiopia. 
My family and I are overjoyed to be together again, and for many family members and friends to meet my husband for the first time! 
Although I am in a different place, I am still doing mission work with Be There Ministries! My role has changed for the next few months while I'm in the US, and my regular work in Ethiopia is being taken care of by other coworkers. 
My new responsibilities will be assisting the ministry and staff on the state side. This means managing our ministry social media to advocate for our waiting families in need of sponsorship, working on new projects and updating our website, and administration work such as organizing family profiles in our system. I have worked closely with our sponsored families for so long and can use my knowledge and experience with them to support the ministry on this side of the world as well! 
Although my responsibilities look different temporarily, I'm happy to be able to continue serving with Be There Ministries! I'm so grateful for my faithful partners who have and continue to support me in this mission work. You are a tremendous blessing in my life.

If you are around my area in Ohio and want to know more about my work in Ethiopia or on the state side, I would love to meet with you! Just reply to this email. I'd be happy to answer any questions about this current transition. God bless!
As my new term has started, I am searching monthly partners. If you have any questions about this mission work or monthly partnership, please feel free to reach out to me! If you feel led to become a monthly partner, click on the button below and under "Purpose" choose "Missionary Emma Geswein". Thank you for your support! 
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