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The Present Crisis of the Holy See

By Cardinal Manning - 72 Pages - Small book Originally published in 1861

No, this book is not about current events. The book was written in 1861 by Cardinal Manning and dedicated to his good friend John Henry Newman. It is a study of the prophecies in scripture and the comments and explanations given by the Fathers and Doctors about the Great Apostacy and the preparation for the coming of the Antichrist. The great Cardinal then comments on the prophecies relative to the circumstances of his times. This short but powerful treatise is very much applicable to the 21st century as well as the mid-nineteenth.

“In the following pages I have endeavored, but for so great a subject most insufficiently, to show that what is passing in our times is the prelude of the anti-Christian period of the final dethronement of Christendom, and of the restoration of society without God in the world.”

With these words the great Cardinal Manning presents his study of the prophecies of scripture and the writings of the Fathers on the coming of the Great Apostasy and the advent of the Anti-Christ. No, this treatise was not written recently, but rather in 1861. Yet, it is about our times as well as his.


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The Present Crisis of the Holy See

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