

  • 3/5/23 - Sunday Services | 8:00AM, 9:30AM, & 11:00AM

  • 3/8/23 - Wednesday - Morning Prayer with Mary Kay | 9:00AM

"Study for Nicodemus Visiting Jesus" by Henry Ossawa Tanner



This past weekend, I returned to my hometown for a broadcast production reunion. Loyola University New Orleans graduates from around the country met to celebrate the tradition of storytelling. Some of the alumni tell stories on broadcast media. Others on streaming services. Some work, producing for the big screen. Others help us enter the reality of daily events through news packages and print journalism. One in their midst tries to connect our everyday lives to God’s story through gospel and scripture.

Stories are important. They help us claim, examine, and sometimes even laugh about our current reality. God speaks to us through stories. Much of our scripture is about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. During Lent, we examine our own desert stories, triumphant moments, celebrations with friends, and moments of death and despair. Ultimately, we move from the cross to the tomb, emerging in new life.

I invite you take some time two reflect on your sacred story. Recall times when you felt as if you were:

  • lost in the desert

  • caught up in exhilaration

  • seduced by the sacred

  • in the presence of God

  • lost in despair

  • redeemed after feeling dead

Perhaps you might want to journal these slices of life and consider how God was present for you during these moments in time.

Joy was overjoyed to be in your midst last Sunday. Thank you for welcoming her to St. Christopher’s once again. I look forward to worshipping with you Sunday.


Burning of the palms.


NEW SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE! Sunday School will begin immediately after the 9:30 AM service. Parents will be invited to get a cup of coffee and join in adult formation or engage in fellowship in Parish Hall. A simple snack will be available to the kids after Sunday school. Nursery care will be available during the 11 a.m. service.

CONFIRMATION FOR SEEKERS Sunday at 11 a.m. in the Youth Room. This is an opportunity to explore and deepen your faith. We will also have sessions at the retreat March 17-19 and in person sessions during Holy Week. Confirmation is currently scheduled May 20 at St. James Cathedral. Please fill out this form if you or your teen are interested.

MINISTRY SCHEDULER PRO is our new method for scheduling youth service and Sunday school ministers. Please bear with us as we adjust to this new system.

SAFE CHURCH TRAINING is required of all youth service and Sunday school ministers. Everyone should have gotten the link in your email. Please reach out to Jen

HARRY POTTER RETREAT March 17-19, 2023 . Youth, families and adults are invited to gather at Stronghold Castle in Oregon, IL. We will explore aspects of our faith using imagery and concepts from the Harry Potter series. Yes, there will be Quidditch!!

Adults and family registration form is here. Youth registration form is here. Questions, please email Jen Enriquez

"A fruitful connection for teaching faith can be made between J.K. Rowling's baptism and receiving a Hogwarts letter. The letter doesn't make one magical, nor does baptism make a person into the image of God. Our sacraments do not create our identity, but they name and feed our identity and direct us toward our destiny to be one with God as Christ is one with God." -The Rev. Dr. Patricia Lyons, Teaching Faith with Harry Potter

PEACE CAMP REGISTRATION IS OPEN and spots for kids 4-14 are filling up. This year’s camp will be July 31-August 4, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. CLICK HERE to register. Youth counselors and adult lunch volunteers also needed.

LINK HERE to register your kids for Sunday school. Same info we’ve asked for in the past, fewer trees killed!

SIGN UP HERE to help out with formation and service projects. We need folks to help out so that we can keep our kids safe and lay a foundation for families to grow in faith, together and at church. We are all ministers! What might your role be? Youth who wish to help out with formation should also sign up! Contact Jen with questions.

Preparing to bury the “A” word.


Fellowship and Crafting!

All are welcome to join a “Knitting” Fellowship group that meets during the noon coffee hour on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month to socialize and perhaps craft! Many of us knit, some crochet, and anyone not doing crafts can help keep the conversation going when we get distracted by dropped stitches!

Caring for Each Other - Name Tags

As a way of increasing our sense of community, we are encouraging people to use name tags on Sunday. Look for paper name tags and markers by the kitchen in the parish hall, or in the back of the church when you enter. This is a great way for newcomers to get to know people, and also a way for long-time church members to finally remember the name of that person they have seen for years but have never greeted by name.

Building A Pastoral Care Team

Training for a Pastoral Care Team is being offered by Bishop Anderson House. Parishioners feeling called to being a spiritual companion, home eucharistic minister, or prayer leaders should speak to Mary Kay Tobin for more information. She will be mentoring people who sign up for Bishop Anderson House’s program outlined below.

Remember you are dust.

With help downloading, accessing, or logging in to the 2 apps that power St. Christopher’s - Breeze and Ministry Scheduler Pro - contact Uziel, our parish administrator. You must be a verified member and regular worship attendee to receive codes for access.


Hebrew Scripture: Genesis 12:1-4a
Psalm 121
Christian Scripture: Romans 4:1-5, 13-17
Gospel: John 3:1-17

Service Minister: Jack Cosbey
Preacher/Presider: Kevin M Goodman

Service Minister Rite III+: Jane Pearson
Sunday School Youth Assistant: Joey Egan & Leah Curtin

Acolyte: Bria Urso
Hebrew Scripture: Mark Plante
Christian Scripture: Kurt Amolsch
Prayers of the People: Rich Nied
Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Trish Joy & Peter Walters
Healing Ministers: Becky Dunlavey & Chloe White
Ushers: Paul Clark & Don Gillies
Preacher/Presider: Kevin M Goodman
Altar Guild: Deb Maue & Jen Urso
Lockup: Jen Ursoo


Kevin M. Goodman, interim rector

Uziel Hernandez Martinez, parish administrator

Jennifer Enriquez, director of children and youth formation

Richard Sobak, organist/choirmaster

Christa Creps, musician for children and families

Emily Culbertson, Marilyn Huebel
search committee co-chairs

Bob Wyatt

Announcements for the weekly “Messenger” and Sunday bulletin must be received by the office by 12noon, Wednesday. Email complete written announcement to: