Energy Practices, Climate Crisis, and the Social Death of the Environment in Nigeria
March 03, 2023
The African Studies Center is sponsoring a lecture by Prof. Omolade Adunbi titled “They Just Want Us to Die a Slow Death”: Energy Practices, Climate Crisis, and the Social Death of the Environment in Nigeria on March 3rd, 2023 at 2pm EST. Register for the event or learn more about the talk by reading the event flyer.
Claffey Meyer International Travel Grant
Deadline: March 01, 2023
This award provides financial assistance to domestic students who intend to travel to developing countries for the purpose of providing technical assistance, participate in research, or engage in service. The intent is for students to work towards discovering and implementing solutions in response to urgent human needs (for example: food security, environmental quality, health and nutrition, education, and other areas) and, thereby, to encourage careers in international development teaching, research and practice. Grants are intended to support travel, related living expenses, and projects costs—not to be used as a tuition scholarship. Open to upper-level undergraduate and graduate students; Multiple scholarships will be given in 2023; Award amounts will vary, but will be no less than $2,000. More Information
Dr. Charles and Marjorie Gliozzo Dissertation Research Scholarship
Deadline: March 01, 2023
This scholarship is available to MSU doctoral students with dissertation research objectives who have defended, or are in the process of defending, a dissertation proposal. The scholarship supports field research abroad in support of the student's dissertation. More Information
Walker Hill Scholarship
Deadline: March 01, 2023
The Walker Hill International Award is available to MSU doctoral students to be used for pre-dissertation visits to a doctoral research site in a country outside the United States (for international students, research in one's own country does not qualify). The student must have completed adequate credits and be able to submit a description, appropriateness and feasibility of pre-dissertation research objectives to be accomplished during the period spent abroad. More Information
OISS Coffee Hour
Every Friday, 4-6pm EST
Spartan Rooms B&C International Center
Join the Office for International Students and Scholars for Coffee Hour, a free event where students, staff, faculty, and community members gather to connect over coffee each week. Different hosts offer educational programs, information on how to get involved on campus, and fun activities that change throughout the year.