For decades, the pharmaceutical industry has been investing and researching that magic drug that would help people to lose weight safely and effectively. We have seen products come and go and as yet, no one has discovered a perfect solution.
And that’s because there isn’t one and, to be honest, I doubt there ever will be. However, last week a weight-loss drug in the form of an injection containing semaglutide was approved for use in the UK by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (otherwise known as NICE). It is marketed under the brand name of Wegovy.
Mary and I felt it important to offer our point of view on a product that no doubt anyone who is overweight or obese is hoping might transform their weight and their life.
Delivered by injection, Wegovy works by making people feel fuller and more satisfied at mealtimes so they want to eat less. It is prescribed by a specialist but the patient will only be eligible if they have certain medical conditions and are seriously overweight or obese.
In trials, results have indicated that weight reduces by around 10% over the maximum two-year period that the drug may be prescribed to an individual. This equates to someone who weighed 15 stone (210lbs) losing around 1½ stone (21lbs) over a two-year period.
How does it work?
The drug works as an appetite suppressant by mimicking a hormone known as GLP-1 which works in our intestine and is released after eating and helps us to feel fuller. The hope is that patients will want to eat less and consequently will lose weight. This all sounds great but, of course, it isn’t quite as simple as that.
Who qualifies to receive it?
Firstly, you will only be prescribed the drug if you have an underlying weight-related medical condition such as being pre-diabetic, have Type 2 diabetes, or high blood pressure, heart disease or obstructive sleep apnoea. Also, you will have to be classed as ‘obese’ according to your BMI measurement (Body Mass Index).
Are there side effects?
As with most drugs, there can be side effects and apparently the main one with Wegovy is nausea. One user in America described how she felt when she started using it. ‘When you start taking this medication your body almost goes into shock – you get headaches, nausea, tiredness’ she explained. She did, however, persevere and went on to lose 30kg. She was eligible to take the drug as she suffered from PCOS and insulin resistance.
The list of side effects explained with the use of Wegovy is quite long: nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation, stomach pain, headache, tiredness, upset stomach, dizziness, feeling bloated, belching, gas, gastroenteritis and heartburn.
Do you have to change your lifestyle for it to work?
As with all weight-loss foods/pills/meal supplements, the user is told to eat healthily and to exercise alongside their treatment. In the case of Wegovy, this is particularly important as at the end of the two years, when the treatment ceases, if you haven’t learned new lifestyle habits, almost inevitably, the weight will return. On the other hand, if you do learn to change your lifestyle habits by eating healthily and exercising regularly, then hopefully the weight loss during the course of the medication can be maintained in the long term.
So, what’s the verdict?
For some people who really, really struggle to lose weight, perhaps being prescribed this drug may just be the helping hand they need to make some lifestyle changes. One of the biggest frustrations for anyone who is very overweight and embarking on a weight-reducing plan is the frustration that sometimes there appears to be a lack of progress on the scales. Hunger may also stretch their willpower, particularly if they are used to eating huge portions. If such folks are able to feel fuller quicker and even say at a mealtime ‘I’ve had enough – I feel full’, then this could be a breakthrough for them. It might help them to embrace the habit of eating less, actually enjoy seeing the enormous benefits of being able to move around more easily and begin to feel fitter and healthier.
The irony of learning about this new drug is that we can so easily help ourselves to feel fuller naturally - without resorting to medication. How many times have you heard (or read) Mary’s and my advice explaining the benefits of eating foods high in fibre and how they keep us feeling fuller for longer! This, combined with exercising regularly, are the key to long-term success - losing and maintaining a healthy weight and keeping fit and healthy for life.
This message was the premise of our writing The 28 Day Immunity Plan and our wonderful experience of working with Leicestershire Police since 2021 has unquestionably proven this philosophy. We have seen such stunning successes during our time working with these wonderful folks.
As always, there is no quick fix. If we are to enjoy a healthy weight and enjoy being active as part of our life, we have to be responsible for our own actions. No individual and no drug in the world will be able to do it for us.
Serves 4
Per serving: 173 kcal/10g fat (excl. accompaniments)
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
2 tbsps lemon juice
4 tsps light muscovado sugar
1 tsp finely chopped fresh ginger (or 'easy ginger')
4 tsps chopped fresh dill
4 tsps light soy sauce
4 salmon steaks
freshly ground black pepper
- Preheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, Gas Mark 6.
- In a mixing bowl, combine the lemon juice, sugar, ginger, dill and soy sauce to form a glaze, and season with black pepper.
- Place 1 salmon steak in the bowl and toss in the glaze. Repeat with the remaining 3 steaks. Transfer the salmon to an ovenproof dish and pour the marinade over.
- Bake in the oven for 8 - 10 minutes until just cooked. Serve with salad or seasonal vegetables.
The fish can also be cooked under a hot grill for 6 - 8 minutes, depending on the thickness of the pieces. Check the fish is cooked by carefully pulling the flesh apart, using 2 knives. The flesh inside should be light pink in colour and not wet in appearance. When cooked, the flesh will flake away from the skin easily.
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

When I heard on the news that there was yet another drug available to help reduce the levels of obesity I thought 'here we go again!' But I have to say I have a mixed response to it this time.
On the one hand, having been in the industry for over half a century, I think something radical has to be done to stem that rise and the serious ill-health that follows as a result of folks being an unhealthy weight. It is astonishing that 1 in 4 of the adult population is now classified as obese – the worst in Europe! On the other hand, I just think it is unlikely to work in the long term – yet again. But let's try to be optimistic this time.
So much more needs to be done to affect real change. I believe that our government needs to be more proactive in setting food standards both by getting food manufacturers to change how they prepare our food and also by getting the supermarkets to change how they sell it to us. But let's give this new approach a chance, I say. Rumour has it that all those on the drug will be supported in making the lifestyle changes necessary for them to carry on after the two years are up. I do hope so.
It is quite radical to inject yourself regularly in order to help you lose weight but many people have tried many things previously without success so it is not surprising that they are prepared to give anything a go.
To help you stop smoking you just stick a patch on your arm or pop in a tablet - and they appear to work well. The irony here, though, is that if we give up smoking our health drastically improves. With eating, we have to eat or we will die! Because we have to eat to be healthy, it is clear to see the complexity of trying to lose weight.
I have often had people sit before me saying they are 'desperate' to lose weight, but in a very short time it is clear to see that they are unable to make the lifestyle changes necessary to make it happen. It's just too hard! And without some lifestyle changes, Wegovy won’t work either. Hopefully, there will be many who enter the Wegovy programme who will make it work but I fear that, sadly, many will fall by the wayside – and that is always the case with these new pharmaceutical interventions, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t keep trying. In my opinion, it is the level of support they get during those two years that is the critical factor.
The work we have done with Leicestershire Police has been very successful primarily because their Wellness Programme involves a tremendous amount of support for each individual. We all know that when someone has our back, we work harder! There is regular weekly contact with everyone on the Wellness Programme. The brilliant and committed support team check and re-check on everyone regularly. They also greatly encourage the 'buddying up' principle.
That level of support is difficult for the NHS to supply, of course. It feels like we need a whole army of volunteers to help those who enrol with this new drug, so each has a mentor to support them. If they did, after the two years are up, they would be far more likely to be on the right course for permanent success.
There will be some of you reading this Newsletter who fall into the category for being eligible for this initiative, i.e. you are at the upper end of the obesity category with a BMI over 35 or, if you have an underlying health condition, you may be eligible if you are 30 - 34.9 BMI.
It is important for all of us to KNOW OUR BMI. We shouldn’t avoid it because we prefer not to know - our health depends upon it. Just go online to the NHS BMI Calculator. It is quick and easy to do. Then, if you choose to go on the Wegovy Programme if you are offered it, please commit to all the advice you are given and be determined to make it work.
You may have tried making lifestyle changes but simply can't sustain them and then you have ended up doing what you always do. Never beat yourself up but also never stop trying. The advice we give you here every single week really works, so why not see us as your ‘mentor’ who keeps reminding you of what you need to do? A weight loss of just one pound per week is massive when you think long term – in 3 months you will have lost a stone (14lbs)!
Exercise and moving more is what we encourage you to do every week but if you need to lose weight, it only works if you combine it with eating less food. Why not have another bash at doing it without having to resort to a drug to help you? Go Back to The 28-Day Immunity Plan. There are no hard and fast rules as to how often you are allowed to try. If at first you don't succeed...
To learn more about BMI watch our video in which we explain in simple terms the implications of our BMI and why being more active as we get older is beneficial to our weight and long-term happiness.
This Week's Fitness Challenge
- Use your daily 30+ minute walk to clear your head if you need to. It is such a useful time to talk to yourself (if you are on your own), or with a friend who listens to you. You will come back refreshed and with renewed determination to achieve what you need. Hippocrates said, 'If you come back from a walk in a bad mood...go for another walk!'
- Indoor workouts are great if the weather is bad at this time of year. Do cardio snacks (Try going up and down stairs x 5 consecutively or create your own 'kitchen disco' to a great piece of music). For Strength Snacks do 10 worktop press-ups or 10 sit-to-stands every day this week.
- Practise your Balance skills this week. As you wait for the kettle to boil stand on one leg without holding on. When there’s an ad break on TV, stand up and balance for the duration of one advert!
Did you know...
"Lose 30 pounds in 30 days!"
"Block the absorption of fat, carbs, and calories with this pill!"
"Wear this and watch the pounds melt away."
We've all seen the advertisments that promise weight loss with no effort. Strange how they always seem so expensive... From Sam Fox's Bai Lin Tea to Ayds diet chewies every one's a winner - for the people selling them!
Metabolism Boosters
At the top of the list of diet scams are pills based on herbal ingredients that promise to boost your metabolism and help you burn calories or fat faster. Herbal remedies are easy to manufacture and sell as they aren't controlled in the same way as drugs. Most of the time they are just ineffective; once in a while they can be dangerous.
Fat- and carb-blocking pills
Pills that claim to block your body's absorption of fat or more recently carbohydrates, are also commonly-sold diet scams. Even if these fat and carb blockers worked as they say they do, researchers say the effects can be dangerous if not just plain unpleasant.
Herbal Teas
Teas based on herbal ingredients are also touted as diet aids, but researchers say the main ingredient in many of these teas is caffeine, which is a diuretic and leads to water loss. Losing water isn't losing fat.
Diet patches and jewellery
Patches that deliver drugs through the skin have become popular for helping smokers quit and relieving menopausal symptoms but experts say no effective weight loss drugs have been designed to be delivered through the skin via patches or by wearing something in contact with the skin. Most of the time, these patches contain the same ineffective herbs found in dietary supplements or teas.
Body wraps or "slim suits"
The thick, layered sweat suits once popular decades ago have morphed into silver "slim suits" and fat-melting body wraps designed to lock body heat in and melt away the pounds. But researchers say the only type of weight loss caused by wearing these outfits is water loss caused by excessive sweating. As soon as you take a drink, you'll gain all that water weight back.
And finally...
As you will have gathered from reading this week’s Newsletter, there is no quick fix to losing weight. Whichever route you decide to follow it will require determination, dedication and a positive attitude. The great news is that if we do lose weight and become fitter, the rewards are immense!
Have a great week.
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL