Spring Model UN sessions are filling up!
Sign up now!
Delegates raising placards to speak at last spring's High School Model UN session.
Important Information about the Spring Model UN Sessions:
- Both of the Saturday sessions on April 1 and April 15 will be in the morning, 9:00 am until noon.
- Both will be held at Browning Auditorium at Webster University (same location as fall).
- Students can attend either session on their own; no need to be a part of a school group.
- Sign up to represent the same country you had in the fall; if there are duplicates, we'll notify you of options.
- If you did not participate in the fall, you are welcome to attend a spring session. Contact Stephanie at gavinstephanie89@gmail.com for a list of available countries.
- Priority will be given to seniors for resolution order of discussion.
- Click here to sign up.
A Summer Opportunity for High School Students
(Sign up now, deadline is soon)

Civitas, together with the Missouri Historical Society and United Nations Association of Saint Louis, is creating an exciting two-week program for high school students in June. The FREE experience will include several field trips, guest speakers, MO History Museum and Forest Park exploration, and more.
CLICK HERE to apply to the STL Changemakers. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2023. This opportunity is open to all high school students, not just Civitas Game Changers.
Students who are accepted will be notified by the end of the day on Friday, April 14.
A Summer Opportunity for Middle and High School Students
Explore the UN and/or the National Security Council

Dr. Robert Barnidge, Chaminade College Preparatory teacher, is offering a summer Model United Nations Camp at Chaminade (425 South Lindbergh Blvd., 63131), June 12-15 where students will prepare for a Model UN General Assembly on the last day. A Model National Security Council Camp will be offered June 19-22. Students will learn about international challenges facing the United States and participate in a simulation on the last day related to those challenges. Both weeks are open to ALL students from ALL schools, male and female, entering grades 6-12.
Click here for more information.
A Summer Opportunity for Teachers, too!
Enhance your tools for teaching Climate Change.

This July, educators from across North America are coming together virtually to gain new skills for teaching climate change. Consider joining the crusade!
Triple Bottom Line Institute is leading a local cohort of 10+ educators to the Summer Institute for Climate Change Education, hosted by Climate Generation in partnership with NOAA’s Climate Program. This July 17–19, you will gain the skills, tools, and resources to teach climate change concepts and empower students in all subject areas, and receive on-going support throughout the year.
When: July 17–18, 2023 – with one additional regional cohort day on July 19
Where: Online! Register here: climategen.org/summer-institute/
Scholarships Available
Graduate Credits Available
Who: Triple Bottom Line Institute, Climate Generation, NOAA’s Climate Office, and educators across the nation!
This three-day experience is full of powerful and engaging keynote speakers, meaningful discussion about the intersection of social justice and climate change, and collaborative conservations between a national network of climate change education leaders. Leave feeling reinvigorated for the new school year and prepared to educate your students to be global citizens.
Discuss a Book and Other Topics!

Excellent books are being written for young people today, some of which, unfortunately, are not readily available in area high schools. Civitas is planning a book discussion on April 22 from 10 AM until noon at the Oak Bend Library Branch, giving everyone plenty of time to get and read the selected young adult novel by a debut author, We Deserve Monuments written by Jas Hammonds. This is a compelling novel about 17-year old Avery, who is Black and gay, being uprooted from her urban Washington D.C. life and school to rural Georgia for her senior year. If you would like to be a part of the book discussion, please click here to sign up.
We will have time to discuss other topics of interest, too, that morning. IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO READ THE BOOK, you are still welcome for other conversations that morning!
Civitas can help students get a copy of the book, if needed. Just let us know when you sign up!
To listen to a short NPR interview with the author of We Deserve Monuments, click here.
Friday, March 31, 2023, Deadline to apply for STL Changemakers at MO History Museum.
The program is scheduled for June 12-June 22, 2023.
Sign up here!
Saturday, April 1, 2023, 9:00 am until noon, High School Model UN at Webster University
Sign up here!
Saturday, April 15, 2023, 9:00 am until noon, High School Model UN at Webster University
Sign up here!
Saturday, April 22, 2023, 10:00 am until noon, Oak Bend Library Branch
Book discussion of We Deserve Monuments by Jas Hammonds.
Sign up here!
Pamela Cerruti carries a trash bag filled with clothing while wading through floodwaters at a laundromat in Monterey County, California, on Tuesday, March 14. The state faced severe flooding after an onslaught of dangerous storms. -- Noah Berger/AP
This past week at the United Nations