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The second hurdle is over

So what happens next

Mahalo to all of those who have volunteered their time to be delegates. 
Congratulations to the elected and appointed District Chairs as well as all of the elected and appointed Precinct Presidents.

Now that the appointment time has closed as of March 15th at 6pm, the submissions will be vetted and the final lists will be prepared for our credentials committee to organize the approved members of whom are eligible to vote at the Maui Convention on March 25th at 2pm at the Oskie Rice Arena. 

Final results of the candidates will be sent out on March 20th after the submission deadline at 6pm.
(as a reminder executive nominations of members in good standing will be accepted until March 20th at 6pm,  and open positions at the time of the convention, nomination will be accepted from the floor. What does that mean? Well, for example, if no one submits a nomination for the Vice chair of communications by the deadline date and time, it will be an open position and nominations will be accepted from the floor on March 25th.)

At the convention, it is also a time that the Bylaws maybe voted on as well.  We had our Rules meeting last night, and it was very productive.  As the Rules representative from Dist 13, Robin Vanderpool expressed, "it was very productive and some good energy".  
Our final meeting will be next Wednesday March 22nd. We hope that all that have volunteered to be on the rules committee will attend. Please reach out to your District Chairs if you have any questions. 

There have been questions on the relationship between the Counties and the State.
Across the Country, you will find that the Counties are independent of the State. However, the bodies work together for particular areas such as elections, training etc.  The State does not impose on the Counties. That is why there are bylaws and processes implemented in each county to govern each body to protect them from over reach.  Just as the RNC, does not impose on the States.   We encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the bylaws, and understand they are there to protect the counties..  If there isn't a time where people can come to the table to face the issues, and judgement and slander occurs without due process...then we ourselves are no better than the Democrats or socialistic organizations. We have situations that are being brought forth, but those who are making claims are refusing to coming to the table for mediation of any sorts. Is that democracy or a Republic?   We have a lot of concerns to address in the party that we should be working on together, such as election integrity, annual audits, inconsistencies, Republicans donating to democrats,  and more.  

As a community in each county, we need to work on our local issues and motivate the grassroots. We should be a party of the people. We need to address issues that are being ignored or swept under the rug, such as Human trafficking, cost of living, children allowed to have abortions, improved school systems, the fact that there are more Hawaiians living in Nevada than the entire state of Hawaii. Are we as representatives in the Republican Party, the party of Prince Kuhio, doing our part to speak for and protect Hawaiian Communities?  Or, are there those who only worry about themselves and how many votes they can get...and for the right reason?  If you want to see true intention, start looking at the CSC reports and look at how candidates spend their money and who they accept money from. Are Candidates getting their hands dirty and helping the community or are they just talking heads to get media attention?  There are so many things to consider if we are going to be true Republicans of the Party of Hawaii, of Maui County. 

With that being said, Maui has two candidates that have been nominated to fill State level Vice Chair positions that need our support, who will stand for what is right.  Please encourage District Chairs and voting members of the State Body to vote for Joe Akana for the First Vice Chair position, and our own D-11 P1 President, Gil Logan for State Vice Chair of Communication. These two gentlemen are patriots, educated, and will have a voice for all people. They will also ensure their vote is cast for the right reason and aid in driving the party forward. 

Sunday March 19th at 5pm, is the State Meeting with the State Body. We will be voting on filling the long time vacant Vice Chair seats. We will also be addressing issues that could impact the future of the Counties.  

Just remember, it is Democratic behavior to cause chaos and to misrepresent those who are the true Republicans. Look at what has been done to Donald Trump and those who continue to be contained and falsely accused for January 6th.  Start asking questions, and start reaching out to those who are being accused. There are two things to remember...there are two sides to every story, and... those who have nothing to hide will come to the table for discussion.


“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

-Winston Churchill

Let's also end on a good note and celebrate  that HB 132 did not pass. 

There is always hope, and there is always an avenue to come together if we build a path to unite.

Much Aloha, 
The Maui County GOP

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