Dear <<First Name>>,
For the interest of our members please find details below for Humelink webinars being held next week in conjunction with the series of Community Forums previously communicated to you.

Any queries please don't hesitate to reach out.

Yours sincerely,

Phil Clements
Executive Officer


Join us online for HumeLink's landscape character, visual amenity, land use and property webinar

If you’re interested in learning more about the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), specifically the landscape character, visual amenity, land use and property technical studies then these webinars are for you.

The upcoming webinars are an opportunity to hear from key members of the HumeLink community engagement and EIS teams and ask questions.

Thank you to those who attended the recent in-person community information sessions. If you attended these events we still encourage you to join a webinar. Unlike our drop-in style events, the webinars will include a presentation and additional information about the EIS planning and approval process.

The sessions will be held online using Zoom. You can join via phone, mobile, tablet or computer.

The same presentation will be given at each session, so please only register to one event. To RSVP, simply click on the date and time below:

Tuesday 21 March, 5:30pm to 7:00pm (AEST)

Friday 24 March, 12:00pm to 1:30pm (AEST)

You can also register on the HumeLink webpage or call 1800 317 367.

We have capped the number of attendees that can register for each webinar to ensure a fair opportunity to ask questions and participate, so make sure to RSVP to your preferred date/time.

If you do not receive the zoom details within 48 hours, contact the team via

The project team also encourage you to call 1800 317 367 if you would like technical support with Zoom prior to the webinar events.

RSVP on the HumeLink webpage

Kind regards,

The HumeLink Project Team 

Should you have any queries regarding the content of our Newsletter please
do not hesitate to contact us at

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 519
Lavington NSW 2641

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