

The light turns green, but you are still looking at your phone. As you begin to move your foot off the brake a speeding truck blows through the red light just a few feet in front of you. Did you just experience a miracle? The doctor walks in with the CT scan results. Only months before, she suggested that you “get your affairs in order.” Now she sits across from you and says, “the scans are clear, your cancer is gone.” Did you just experience a miracle? After all, you did undergo chemotherapy.

On Sunday morning we'll take up questions about the miraculous. Are miracles still possible? Spoiler alert: yes, they are! But, as we will discuss Sunday, miracles are just one part of God’s sovereign providential care that we experience every moment of our lives. 

This Sunday evening at 5 PM we resume our Christian Sexuality video series. This week the focus will be on Pornography & Masturbation. This topic isn't very common in church, but it’s an important subject we need to address. I’m hoping this video will equip our church community to approach this subject with grace and truth.

Hope to see you Sunday,

Pastor Scott


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Caledonia CRC · 9957 Cherry Valley Ave. · Grand Rapids, MI 49316 · USA