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MAHC Member Events
Apr. 4, 9-10:30 am, Maine Housing, 26 Edison Drive, Augusta
Jun. 6, 9-10:30 am, Location TBD

The Gap in Housing Report from NLIHC - Just Released

Maine people with Extremely Low Incomes making less than about $20,000 per year are the most cost burdened and have the least number of affordable units available to them - just 49 units for every 100 person. This gap in supply and demand is impacting our state's health and economic well being. The report discusses the necessity of local zoning and land use reform to address the shortage of affordable rental housing. However, these efforts on their own, and without significant state and federal investments in housing assistance, are insufficient to correct the problem. The Legislature and our Congress must make sustained investments in deeply income-targeted programs such as the national Housing Trust Fund, Housing Choice Vouchers, and building public housing. The Maine Gap report:
Press Herald Coverage with MAHC comments here.

Request for Comments - Allow Transit Agencies to Use Property for Affordable Housing - Webinars 3/29 and 4/5
 FTA seeks comment on proposed guidance to implement a new provision that permits transit agencies to use their property to support affordable housing. The 2022 National Defense Authorization Act allows FTA to authorize the transfer of FTA-funded property no longer needed for its originally authorized purpose to a local governmental authority, nonprofit organization, or other eligible entity if, among other factors, it will be used for transit-oriented development and affordable housing. Notice of Proposed Asset Disposition Guidance and Request for Comments and has posted interim guidance in the form of FAQs. Webinars for more info: March 29, 2023, 1-2pm: Register Here or April 5 2023, 1-2pm: Register Here

Federal Policy Updates from Up For Growth

President Biden’s FY2023 HUD Budget and his Housing Supply Action Plan have a Housing Supply Fund proposal that allocates $35 billion to support states and local jurisdictions that remove barriers to affordable housing development and increase housing production. The plan cites the Housing Supply and Affordability Act (HSAA), as a critical legislative proposal for removing artificial exclusionary barriers and spurring supply. It explicitly links the lack of housing supply to state and local exclusionary zoning and land use laws and regulations. There is a mini-Housing Supply and Affordability Act (HSAA) in the FY23 Senate bill, providing $200 million within the existing Community Development Fund for grants to state and local governments to identify and remove barriers to housing production. 
Housing Justice Maine Policy Platform
Partnership of Maine advocates are sharing their policy agenda for community engagement here.

How To Put Together Affordable Housing Projects

The Genesis Fund's slides from their affordable housing technical assistance sessions are here. Contact John Egan email or by phone at 207.844.2035 x13 if you have questions or need assistance getting a housing project off the ground.

Advancing Trauma-Informed Practice in Housing: Lessons from the Field - May 16, 2 PM  

CORES: Certified Organization for Resident Engagement and Services. Join CORES for our upcoming webinar which will discuss how resident services and other affordable housing practitioners can further advance trauma-informed and resident-centered practices.

John T. Gorman Foundation 2023 Direct Services Grant Program 

Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Monday, April 3. The John T. Gorman Foundation opened its 2023 Direct Services Grant Program today, Wednesday, March 1. As in prior years, the DSGP will award grants of up to $25,000 to nonprofit organizations that are providing supports to address basic needs – including food, housing, transportation, access to physical and mental health services, English language classes, and case management – for people in Maine who are experiencing poverty. Go here for more information and to apply.

Find a New MAHC Member? Get a Gift. 
We are launching a new MAHC membership promotion. If you help MAHC recruit a new member in 2023, you can get a free MAHC water bottle, and the sincerest thanks from the MAHC Board, and the thousands of Maine people that need a home.
Check out our membership list here and reach out to let us know who is missing that might be interested in a MAHC membership.
You can invite them to try out membership by attending a MAHC member event with you. Simply let MAHC know who you will be bringing here.
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