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This week Mary and I are focussing on the biggest organ we all have - our skin!

It was sometime in the late ‘90s that I received a sample of an anti-ageing facial exercising gadget. To be honest, I didn’t feel I had quite reached that stage in my life so it stayed in a drawer in our bathroom. However, as soon as I started seeing the visible, unwanted, signs of ageing in my face, I gave it a go.

The gadget came with good credentials as it had been clinically tested with impressive results so I decided to delve further into its history.

It all started with an American plastic surgeon who was treating patients who had suffered facial burns. His task was to reconstruct their facial tissue and skin to be as close to how they looked before they were tragically injured in a fire. Having reconstructed their face, he realised that the damage they had suffered had also affected their facial muscles as well as their skin and that he needed to find something to help them exercise those muscles. If he could, this would increase the blood flow and gently help to rebuild their facial structure.

The surgeon set about designing a device to do the job and he created a contraption with two sliding parts with a small rubber band in the centre and specially designed ‘butts’ at either end that would fit neatly into the corners of the user’s mouth. The patient would squeeze the device with their mouth as the little latex band in the centre expanded to exert gentle pressure with each contraction before letting it relax again. And it worked brilliantly as it gave their muscles something to push against. But what happened next was a real surprise!

The patients not only found their faces were able to move more easily but in addition, the muscles around their jowls, chin, neck and chest all tightened up too! They started looking younger! It didn’t take long before the surgeon realised that he had discovered a very effective anti-ageing device but before taking it to market, he wanted to undertake a clinical trial to test its effectiveness.

Under clinical conditions volunteers were asked to use the gadget with a single band attached to the centre of the device for two minutes twice a day. With the device placed in the corners of their mouth, and after flexing and relaxing their face as they exercised, the results were measured. In the 15 weeks of the trial their facial muscle strength had increased by 75%! Soon the device went into production for the open market.

A year later, another trial was held but this time the volunteers were told to change the band in the centre of the device every week – and not to wait until it broke. This, of course, meant that the full strength of the resistance band was maintained so the face worked harder as it exercised. The results were astonishing. Their facial muscle strength had increased by a remarkable 250% in just 8 weeks – almost half the duration of the initial trial!

Soon Facial-Flex® was launched as a clinically proven anti-ageing facial exercise device and it wasn’t long before I was approached by the European distributor to ask if we would be interested in marketing the product in the UK. Having used it myself I acknowledged that the science stood up I agreed.

We exercise our body to keep our muscles strong and here was a device that safely and effectively worked 30 facial muscles, helping to prevent sagging and effectively toning up the face and neck area. As I am a trained fitness instructor, it didn’t take long for me to realise that the stronger the band in the centre of the device, the harder my muscles would work – so I doubled up the bands for even greater effect. The bands come in three weights - No. 1 = 6oz, No. 2 = 8oz and No. 3 = 16oz. Soon I progressed to doubling up the strongest of the bands with excellent results. I have used it every day since. After all, we exercise the rest of our body, so why not exercise the part that is most visible to everybody?

So, 20 years on I still use and sell the device. I hesitated to talk about it in our Newsletter as I don't want you to think I would use it just to try and sell you "stuff" - but it really is a great product. I am still using the original device I was sent all those years ago so it has stood the test of time.

Recipe of the Week

Here’s a firm favourite from my archive of diet books. This one is from my Flat Stomach Plan, published in 1994. So easy to make and made without adding any fat. Ripe bananas can often be purchased cheaply and it is a great way to use up bananas that are getting a bit too ripe.  Freezes well.

Serves 10 slices
Per slice 210 Calories, 1.5g Fat
Prep time 10 minutes
Cook time 60 - 90 minutes

475g ripe bananas (5 large), peeled
2 eggs, beaten
150g demerara sugar
100g sultanas
200g self-raising flour

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C or 350°F or Gas Mark 4.
  2. Mash the bananas in a mixing bowl. Stir in the eggs, sugar and sultanas then mix in the flour.
  3. Place in a lined 2lb/800g loaf tin or cake tin and bake for 1 - 1½ hours. (Check it in 1 hour to see if it is cooked by inserting a skewer in the centre of the cake. If it comes out clean the cake is cooked.)
  4. For best results, store for 24 hours before serving.
For more recipes click here to visit the website

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

It is true to say that we are always on the lookout for ways of reducing any signs of ageing, and when we were younger we never gave a thought to preserving one of the most important organs of the body... our skin. 

Our skin is the largest of all our organs and plays an enormous role in protecting us from harm as you will find out later. It's only when we begin to see signs of 'change' that we begin to invest in it as Rosemary discovered with the Facial Flex, a simple and very effective way to reduce the inevitable emergence of wrinkles and sagging skin.

Skin changes are related to our genetic makeup (my grandmother had the most beautiful skin even at 85!) and other factors such as the environment and our nutrition.  But by far the greatest single factor for skin damage is exposure to the sun.

I have to say I don't have many regrets but one I do have is I wish I had not spent so much time in the sun. I know quite definitely that my skin has suffered for it. My grandmother always wore a hat with a BIG brim and knew the sun was damaging even then!

We are the first generation that has booked holidays abroad on a regular basis and my first-ever trip abroad was my honeymoon to Spain in the early ‘70s. I had never experienced that kind of intense heat in my life so became very badly burnt and, in those days, we didn't deal with it well at all. If anything, many people used Sun Tan Oils with absolutely no sun factor protection at all! Today I wear factor 30 on my face every single day, even in the winter. Thankfully, many face creams and cosmetics contain sunscreens within them now which helps on an everyday basis.

Age-related Skin Changes

In our 40s we see major changes in the firmness of our skin and we begin to see the first signs of wrinkles. This is due to the loss of volume and elasticity of the skin. The level of change is very much related to how much our skin has been exposed to the sun. Both my daughters are in their mid-40s and they were taken on holidays abroad from a very young age. Thankfully, we did use high-factor sun creams. These days my grandchildren on holiday abroad look like they are hidden in a sack with just their eyes peeping out!

In our 50s the menopause plays a big part due to the declining levels of oestrogen, so now the skin naturally becomes thinner and drier.  Also, because of these hormonal changes, some may even see the signs of spots just as we had as a teenager. The first signs of sun damage may also be seen with brown spots emerging. We gradually produce less oil making it harder to keep the skin moist. It is always a good idea to look for products that suit our individual skin type.

In our 60s and beyond it is hard to hide the signs of ageing. The skin looks thinner and paler with more age spots or 'liver spots' appearing in sun-exposed areas. The connective tissue containing collagen fibres, which give our skin support and strength, now reduces so the skin’s elasticity is far less. (Collagen is the protein that gives skin its youthful appearance). Finally, the blood vessels become more fragile leading to bruising and bleeding under the skin.

Now before you lose the will to live there needs to be a certain level of acceptance at some point that we are getting older. Start to look at yourself with 'kind eyes' and please, please celebrate your best features. Ageing is an inevitable fact of life and needs to be accepted so we live our life to the full.  Rosemary and I follow that as a golden rule - and will continue to do so. Wear sunscreen, as has been suggested, but also remember that Vitamin D (which comes from the sunlight and aids our bone health) is also important so leave some small parts of your body without sunscreen (perhaps your arms), for short periods.

The Skin Microbiome

You have heard us mention the gut microbiome on more than one occasion and how it impacts on our overall health. What you possibly may not know is that our skin is teeming with trillions of micro-organisms too. These invisible life-forms are known as the skin microbiome. This is a very new field in scientific research and there is still a lot we don't yet know.

The message coming out so far, though, is that basically if our gut is happy then our skin microbiome will be happy too!  It is called the 'gut-skin axis'

  • They help to fight infection and act like natural antibiotics.
  • They also help to keep our skin acidic, which many germs don't like - perhaps preventing spots.
  • They heal wounds and control inflammation.
  • They help our immune system to work by acting as a ‘warning flare’ telling our immune system of harmful bacteria and viruses – a rash might be a warning sign of illness.

Fascinating stuff!  So, let's all be ‘gut (and skin) happy’ by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting out into nature with those daily walks... which is exactly what you hear from us every single week without fail.  Long may it continue!

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Up your steps this week.  For example: if your average is 6000 per day try adding another 1000 every day.  If you don't monitor your steps then add a further 10 minutes or so to your Daily 30+ minute walk.  That'll do it!
  2. We are constantly being told that those who move more have the best of health.  Whilst writing this newsletter I got up every 30 minutes to move for at least 3 minutes.  (I waited for a track with a great beat to come on the radio and then danced around with considerable gusto!)  Try that for yourself this week if you find yourself sitting for too long. It will help you lose weight if you do!
  3. Do 3 strength workouts this week. Whether you follow one of our videos on our website or one of Rosemary’s DVDs which I choreographed (they all included a strength section) you will be able to work your whole body.
Did you know... 

Mary Schmich's column "Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young" was published in the Chicago Tribune newspaper in 1997. In the column's introduction, Schmich presents the essay as the speech she would give to graduating students if she was ever asked to give one. 

In the speech she insistently recommends the wearing of sunscreen, and dispenses other advice and warnings which are intended to help people live a happier life and avoid common frustrations. She later explained that the inspiration came from seeing a young woman sunbathing, and hoping that she was wearing sunscreen, as Schmich wishes she had done, with the benefit of hindsight.

The essay became the basis for a successful spoken word song by Baz Luhrmann. The song reached number one in the United Kingdom and inspired numerous parodies.

Ladies and gentlemen of the class of '99 Wear sunscreen
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable Than my own meandering experience, I will dispense this advice now......

Click here to hear 
The Sunscreen Song (Class of '99) by Baz Luhrmann.

And finally...

Even if we are getting older (thankfully) and we see signs of ageing, it doesn’t mean that we have to stop making the most of ourselves, but we should do it internally and externally. It’s good to take a pride in our appearance but most importantly, we must care for ourselves as a priority by eating healthily and exercising regularly. If we feel good and feel fit, we will live longer, healthier and happier.

Have a great week

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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