
Lakshmi & the Full Moon
Bring Good Fortune and Love to you

Mare Horse's eye with reflection of another horse inside it
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Lakshmi & The Power of the Full Moon

It brings me great pride to share with you the Power of the Feminine and Full Moon with you now.

Happy Women’s Day!

"Every woman is an embodiment of you.

You exist as little girls in their childhood,

As young women in their youth

And as elderly women in their old age."

— Sri Kamala Stotram

Lakshmi is a goddess or deity celebrated in Hinduism and Buddhism. She has similarities to Venus/Aphrodite & Quan Yin. Lakshmi assists in an abundance of all types, especially fortune, and love. She has a story that weaves the scenes from Aphrodite with the sea, foam, shells, and love chants with the self-sacrificing maternal softness of Quan Yin. Lakshmi doesn’t care what religion, dogma, or practice you follow; she will aid you when you ask. As long as you surrender your burdens to her and the Full Moon. Like Quan Yin, she will accept your burdens to aid you, unlike Quan Yin, who likes to make sure you help her with the task. Such as showing gratitude to that which you owe it to, or making room for the positive abundance by surrendering the stuff you are struggling with. You must vow and keep your vow to work on yourself as much as you can. Otherwise, she will stop helping you. Lakshmi is a lovely being that wants all to prosper, she just wants those prospering with her help to know the worth of it all in the grand scheme of it all. Remember she is a goddess of Love and Fortune. Show love and Recieve it.

Lakshmi is usually seen with lotus flowers, coins, four arms, and an elephant companion on either side of her. The elephants are aspects of Ganesh, the god of beginnings and removal of obstructions.

  • Her four arms are symbolic of the four goals of humanity that are considered good in Hinduism: dharma (pursuit of ethical, moral life), artha (pursuit of wealth, means of life), kama (pursuit of love, emotional fulfillment), and moksha (pursuit of self-knowledge, liberation).

    The Full moon in March

has a few known names around the world. My favorites are these three: Worm Moon; meaning the awakening of the earthworms that feel the call of Spring Equinox to be near. Crow Moon for the crows returning to their adventures after winter.

Sap Moon; represents the slow flow of the Maple sap for maple syrup happening in late February through March. There are some names related to the weather in the north as well. Snow Crust, Storm, and Wind moon. Anyone in the Northern Hemisphere, north of the 30-degree latitude, will understand those three names and why.

The Full Moon may have occurred on Tue the 7th of March 2023 however, it is still beneficial to do the following meditation to Lakshmi and the Full Moon. Know that we are going into the Waning Gibbous moon, where we watch the giant moon slowly hide. The Waning moon is for cleansing releases, whereas the Full moon is for surrendering and bringing to you.

Full Moon & Lakshmi Meditation

Take time to sit or stand quietly, If you can allow the light of the moon to shine on you, or imagine it happening.

The silvery light and a soft breeze.

The smiles of Lakshmi as she listens to your heart and soul.

*State the struggles or imagine all of them in a container. These struggles are what has been slowing you down in bringing good fortunes and love into your life.

*Take all of the struggles and surrender them to Lakshmi and the moon. Allow that to stay with you a wee bit.

*Then visualize or state what it is that you do want if the struggles were not there. Be specific yet, do not state the names of a person or object. Let the Universe guide you to what and who is the best for your heart and soul.

You might run into a bump when surrendering the struggles fully and vowing to work on yourself in return, to be aware of the guidance given. This occurs usually when there is a block, or a soul healing ready to happen. Then you will be able to surrender and receive. You may need assistance in doing the healing, if this happens Please do not berate yourself. Instead, contact me, and let’s work together to get you to where you are free of the struggles and able to receive from Lakshmi and the Moon!

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