
Como Lakeshore Restoration

We've been removing invasive and overgrown trees, like buckthorn, from Como’s lakeshore. The removal will allow us to reintroduce native species like oak trees, prairie grasses, and wildflowers. These native species all work to reduce soil erosion, provide diverse wildlife habitats, and improve lake water quality. This lakeshore restoration work was identified in the 2022 Como Lakeshore Management Plan and is a joint effort between CRWD and Saint Paul Parks and Recreation.

We will have the brush piles removed as the weather allows. Thank you for your patience as we improve Como’s lakeshore areas!

Learn more about Como Lake

Spring Cleaning

Spring rain brings all the gunk to the drains. Spend a few minutes clearing your nearby drains to keep the rainwater flowing, and remove leaves, trash, and other debris before it gets carried to our local lakes and the Mississippi River.  

Visit Adopt-a-Drain

Earth Day in 6 Languages

Saturday, April 22 from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Arlington Hill Community Center

From the organizers: Our intention is to gather folks from our many diverse communities and join in dialogue in the languages spoken in our communities. We want you and your loved ones to share your ideas, dreams and visions for the future of Payne-Phalen in the language that is most comfortable for you.
We will be offering free food, Evie carshare demonstrations, in language brainstorming sessions about environmental justice, games, and fun for all ages! This event will bring together our community as we work together to create a better future for the planet and in our neighborhoods!
Come to an environmental justice brainstorming session to share your ideas and hear what others have to say about the need for environmental justice in our neighborhoods and communities. Each session will be held in a different language: Hmong, Karen, Somali, Spanish, English or American Sign Language. Please let us know if a $25 incentive would help you to be able to attend.

Register here: Pre-registration is not required, but it is strongly encouraged.

Check out Saint Paul District 5 Planning Council at the link below.

Saint Paul District 5 Planning Council

CRWD Meetings and Events

COVID-19 UPDATE: CRWD follows the Center for Disease Control's Covid-19 Guidelines and requests visitors do as well when attending meetings, events, and tours at our building. We appreciate your cooperation in helping reduce the spread of Covid-19 and keep our staff and community healthy. Please check the event calendar to learn how you can attend each meeting or event.
See all CRWD Meetings and Events

Community Events

Check out upcoming community events from CRWD's partners. Please view event links for details. Some events require registration or admission fees.
*CRWD staff or volunteers will be at this event! 

Earth Day in 6 Languages*
Saturday, April 22
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Arlington Hill Community Center
Saint Paul Citywide Spring Cleanup
Saturday, April 22
9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. at various sites around the city
Copyright © 2023 Capitol Region Watershed District, All rights reserved.

Capitol Region Watershed District
595 Aldine Street
Saint Paul, MN 55104

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