The Weekly Update for Loreto Convent School
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Loreto Highlights Update - 12th March 2023
St Patrick's Fund Raising Event
Join us for our St Patrick’s Eve get together at The Lounge, Queensway Quay on Thursday 16th March from 7pm. 
The event, organised by the Friends of Loreto, will mark the first big gathering of Loreto parents since Covid, and offers the chance to meet other parents and members of school in an informal setting.
Teachers and pupils have been preparing a class ‘Piece of Art’ to auction on the evening and photos of the artwork are available via our website also shown below, you may place a bid for this online or when you join us at The Lounge on 16th , where all will be displayed.
There will also be an auction for some interesting and valuable prizes for which you may also make bids online or on the night.  In addition, raffle tickets will be available to purchase from Class Reps and on the evening.
As part of their science topic 'Materials', Year 5 pupils investigated the effectiveness of different materials at keeping water warm.  Children are developing their team working skills, as well as practical skills such as measuring temperatures using thermometers, recording results in a table and analysing these results.
Elmer and Washday
As part of their Literacy work on Elmer by David Mckee, the year 1 pupils have enjoyed creating 3D Elmers using cardboard and recycled milk bottles.
The pupils have also been working on their history skills by comparing past and present.  The pupils have learned about washing clothes in the past through the exploration of historical artefacts and pictures.  They were amazed at how long it took to wash, scrub, rinse, squeeze, dry and iron just one piece of clothing and how tiring it was!

Sports Stars for February
These pupils have excelled in P.E during their February lessons, not only for participation but teamwork, being responsible and showing leadership skills are key factors. 

Class 2P have looked at 3D shapes this week. The pupils looked at faces, corners and edges.
Lenten Reflections 
During Lent pupils in Years 5 & 6 have given up part of their lunchtime to gather in chapel with Ms Pitto and Ms Lombard, where they engage in silent prayer and reflection. This practice provides a quiet and reflective space for students to deepen their spiritual journey during Lent.
Ms Pitto emphasizes that Lent is a time for reflection. ‘In the busy world we live in it is always important to make time to think and reflect on our experiences. Our Friday lunchtime sessions allow us to pause and share reflective time together, thoughts and ideas and really think about Easter, its meaning, and the crucifixion of Jesus.’
Ms Lombard states that Lenten reflections at lunchtime are not just about giving up free time. Instead, it's about giving up distractions and focusing on what truly matters. "In our busy lives, we can get so caught up in the noise and distractions that we forget to spend time with God, by taking time to reflect, we can refocus and set our minds on Christ.’
For the students, Lenten reflections at lunchtime have become a special time for them to connect with God and with each other. Many pupils report feeling a sense of peace and calmness during the reflection period.
Year 3 have been using adjectives, similes and adventurous vocabulary to describe the appearance, personality and actions of the main characters in the BFG. The children love the life size posters of the Big Friendly Giant that forms part of their classroom display. Mrs MacGregor is a very talented artist!
The Music Department would like to thank the Lang family for their kind and generous donation, providing a new bass guitar cover case.  Pictured is Oliver in Year 6 with the donated case.
Library Awards
Our Mr Reader awards scheme continues, and pupils have been reading their library books at home and during lunchtimes.  Our Library Prefects Cecilia and Nicolas presented the certificates and awards to the pupils.
Staff Inservice
Our teachers and teaching assistants had an excellent day of professional development on Friday.  Delivered by Graham Mills, a consultant on leadership and management, the sessions allowed staff to reflect on their practice.  Strategies were developed for both individuals and the whole school.  We thank Graham for his time, and we are looking forward to working with him again.
Faith Diary
This Sunday’s Gospel tells the beautiful story of the Samaritan woman whom Jesus meets at Jacob’s well. The Samaritan, a woman of the world, who carries not just an empty jug, but a sad and empty heart - comes to the well for some water. There she finds Jesus – the very fountain of life-giving water – who asks her for a drink, and they fall into what will be for her, a life-changing conversation.  As she talks to him, she comes to understand that he is no ordinary man, but one that knows all she ‘ever did’ and who is offering her a ‘living water’ that he promises will cure her thirst for ever.  Her troubled heart recognises that the ‘water’ Jesus is offering her will cure not only her physical thirst, but her even deeper thirst for the spiritual water of unconditional love and acceptance.  That is a thirst we all share, and it is a thirst that, like hers, can be slaked forever if we are only willing to respond as she does: ‘Sir, give me some of that water, that I may never thirst again.’
Nursery 1
Nursery 1 had a fantastic World Book Day last week as they had sensory play to recreate the story "We're Going on a Bear Hunt".
The adventure was...
1) Uh-uh! Grass. Long wavy grass. We used Astro turf to create grass for the children to walk through. This taught them about textures and feelings, such as soft, hard and ticklish.
2) Uh-Uh! A River! A deep cold river. The river was created by mixing blue food colouring into water. This helped their sensory exploration by feeling and splashing the water between their feet.
3) Uh-uh! Mud! Thick oozy mud! In a tray, we used soil mixed with water. This was great for standing in and squelching!
4) Uh-uh! A Forest! A big dark forest! To create a forest environment, we covered a small table with big leaves. This gave the children the sensation of going through a forest. It also worked great to develop their gross motor skills, as they had to crawl through the forest!
5) Uh-uh! A snowstorm! A swirling whirling snowstorm! By using shaving foam, the children felt the sensation of walking in the foam and feeling the foam between their toes.
6) Uh-uh! A cave! A narrow gloomy cave! The cave was set up by covering a play area with big, massive leaves and placing a cosy light at the top. This created a dark cave for the bear. This made the children curious and they loved going inside the cave to search for the bear.
7) Uh-uh! A bear! The children found the bear - hooray! 
Parent's Section
You can find our online school calendar on our website.
We have our letter bank on our website containing letters sent home.
Our Calendar in a printable format on our website.
Reminder - FS2 to Year 6 online Parent Teacher meetings now available to book for 20th-23rd March.
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