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Recruitment: CalHOPE Support Program (CHSP) Support Specialist

Job Title: CalHOPE Support Program (CHSP) Support Specialist

Hours: 40 hours/week full-time; part-time also available

Salary: $26/hour

Application Deadline: Open until filled

The CHSP Support Specialist is responsible for providing mental health services for the CalHOPE Support Program which includes 1-on-1 counseling, group counseling, and outreach. This is a fixed-length position for the CalHOPE program, ending December 31, 2023.


Essential Duties and Responsibilities: include the following. Other duties may be assigned.

  • Provide non-clinical emotional support in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, natural and human-caused disasters, and other life stressors

  • Assist individuals, families, and communities in recovering from the effects of the pandemic and other life stressors

  • Assist individuals in understanding their current situation and reactions, mitigating stress, developing coping strategies, providing emotional support, and encouraging linkages with resources and longer-term supportive services

  • Facilitate group counseling sessions focused on developing coping skills

  • Provide culturally proficient emotional and crisis support sessions 

  • Engage in community outreach to raise awareness of resources and services 

  • Adhere to data reporting requirements specified by CalMHSA

  • Communicate with Supervisor regularly on activities, plans, and challenges

  • Collaborate with other Support Specialists in pod (consisting of 4 Support Specialists and 1 Supervisor)

  • Coordinate logistics for meetings, groups, training, events related to program activities

  • Complete mandatory trainings consistent with the core competencies required under the Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialists program

  • Complete other trainings required by the state of California, and/or CalMHSA

Education and/or Experience:  

  • High school diploma or general education degree (GED)

  • Prior peer counseling experience preferred

Other Qualifications:     

  • Commitment to demonstrating the mission, vision, and values of MHACC and CalHOPE. 

  • Experience working with the AAPI Community. 

  • Exceptional interpersonal and group facilitation skills. 

  • Commitment to empathy, confidentiality, and discretion. 

  • Demonstrated ability to work successfully with diverse teams and individuals. 

  • Demonstrated ability to take initiative, work independently, and meet project deadlines and expectations. 

  • Fluency in one of the following languages Mandarin, Cantonese is preferred.

Please send a resume to Carole Wang at to start the application process.


職位名稱:CalHOPE 加州希望支持計劃(CHSP)心理健康支持專員

工作時間:全職,每週 40 小時,兼職也可。

薪水:每小時 26 美元 


CHSP的支持專員負責為加州希望(CalHOPE )支持計劃提供心理健康服務。包括一對一諮詢、團體諮詢和外展服務。這是加州希望(CalHOPE) 計劃的限時性職位,職務將於 2023 年 12 月 31 日結束。



  • 提供非臨床情感支持,應對持續性的 COVID-19 大流行,自然和人為災難,以及其他事件所造成的生活壓力

  • 幫助個人、家庭和社區從大流行和其他生活壓力的影響中恢復。

  • 幫助個人了解當前的危機情況和應對方式,幫助緩解壓力,制定應對策略,提供情感支持,並鼓勵與提供長期支持的服務的取得聯繫。

  • 開展以發展應對技能為重點的團體資訊會議。

  • 提供相同文化背景的情感和危機支持機會。

  • 參與社區外展,提高心理健康資源和服務的社區知曉度。

  • 遵守 CalMHSA 規定的數據報告要求。

  • 定期與主管對各項活動、計劃和挑戰進行溝通。

  • 與小組中的其他支持專員合作(每個小組由 4 名支持專員和 1 名主管組成)。

  • 協調與計劃相關的會議、團隊、培訓、和活動的後勤工作

  • 完成 Medi-Cal 同伴支持專家項目要求的核心能力而進行的必要培訓

  • 完成加州和/或 CalMHSA 要求的其他培訓


  • 高中文憑或普通教育學位(GED)

  • 有精神健康同伴諮詢經驗者優先考慮 


  • 承諾代表 MHACC 和加州希望(CalHOPE)的使命、願景和價值觀。

  • 具有與 AAPI 社區合作的經驗。

  • 出色的人際關係和團隊協調能力。

  • 承諾同理心、保密性和慎重處理權。

  • 具有與不同團隊和個人成功合作的能力。

  • 表現出採取主動、獨立工作,並能保證時效和質量完成項目的能力。

  • 能流利使用普通話或粵語其中一種語言者優先。


請發送簡歷到: (Carole Wang)開始申請流程。

Apply Now 現在申請
華工與美西三文魚罐頭工業講座 🍣
Community Event:History of Chinese and Salmon Canning Industry 


如果你想了解更多,3 月 25 日周六上午 10am - 12pm,华人特殊儿童之友(FCSN)的社区讲座将在湾区东元文化中心举行,演讲者是一对双胞胎兄弟:乔立 Jim Chiao 和乔成 Philip Chiao。他们将会带你穿越时空,领略华人在美西三文鱼罐头工业中的历史与辉煌。

这不仅仅是一次关于历史的演讲,更是一个感性与理性相结合的学习机会。你将听到乔立和乔成这两位退休华人工程师亲身经历的感人故事,了解 19 世纪末到 20 世纪初华人在三文鱼罐头行业的历史,华工如何涉足这个行业,他们从事哪些工作,以及华工和华人包商如何在罐头行业的这部分劳动力市场中占据主导地位。

在当时,每年的三文鱼季节有超过 5,000 名华工在俄勒冈州到阿拉斯加的太平洋沿岸的罐头厂工作,其中许多来自旧金山。这股势力的的成长和消落是一篇美国华人的奋斗史。

活动由华人特殊儿童之友 (FCSN) 组织,这是一家位于加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特的非营利组织,由10个美国华人家庭于1996年创立。FCSN的使命是帮助有特殊需要的儿童和成人,在湾区拥有1000多个家庭成员、200多名员工、和三个社区中心。访问网站www.fcsn1996.org了解更多。



🍣 🍣 🍣 🍣 🍣


  • 美国华裔精神健康联盟 MHACC

  • 美华妇女会矽谷分会 Organization of Chinese American Women

  • 北加台大校友会 National Taiwan University Alumni Association of Northern CA

  • 金山湾区妈妈教室 Women’s Workshop

时间:周六 Sat,03/25/2023,10am-12pm

地点:Culture Center of TECO,100 S. Milpitas Blvd, Milpitas

记得提前报名哦! 期待您的到来!

點擊報名/Register Here

When one thinks of early Chinese immigrants in America, railroad workers are often the first image that comes to mind. But did you know that Chinese workers also played an extremely important role in the Pacific Northwest salmon canning industry? They have a seventy-year history within this industry, with a large number of workers that is rare in other industries.

If you want to learn more, the Friends of Children with Special Needs (FCSN) will host a community lecture at the Dong Yin Cultural Center in the Bay Area. The date the event will be held is Saturday, March 25th from 10 am to 12 pm. The speakers will be a pair of twin brothers: Jim Chiao and Philip Chiao. They will take you on a journey through time and space, exploring the history of Chinese people working in the salmon canning industry.

This will not only be a lesson about history, but also a learning opportunity that combines emotion and reason. You will hear the touching stories of Jim and Philip, two retired Chinese engineers who have spent their lives within this industry. You will learn about how they entered the industry, what work they did, and how Chinese workers and merchants dominated this part of the labor market.

At that time, more than 5,000 Chinese workers worked in canneries along the Pacific coast from Oregon to Alaska during the annual salmon season, many of whom came from San Francisco. The rise and fall of this force is a history of struggle for Chinese Americans.

The Friends of Children with Special Needs (FCSN) is a non-profit organization based in Fremont, California, founded by ten Chinese American families in 1996. FCSN's mission is to help children and adults with special needs. It has over 1,000 family members, 200 employees, and three community centers in the Bay Area. Visit to learn more.

Let's participate in this educational event together. In the current climate of anti-Asian hate,we must also think about how to find a sense of belonging as we explore Chinese history, and showcase our pride.

Let's work together to create a society full of tolerance and love!

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❤️ 美國華裔精神健康聯盟是聯邦認可的全國性501(c)(3)非營利公益機構,致力為華人社區的心理/精神健康提供服務,我們的點滴成長離不開您的支持。我們的Tax ID是82-4322450。
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MHACC is a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit public welfare organization dedicated to providing services related to mental health issues within the Chinese community. Our growth can only be possible with your support. Click the button below to make a donation

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 ❤️ 當您在 Amazon 購物時,請用amazon smile 😊選擇美國華裔精神健康聯盟MHACC為被捐助的慈善機構,購物的同時做善事
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❤️ 美國華裔精神健康聯盟致力於建設更美好的生活品質!堅定不移地提高大眾對精神健康的認知,共創一個大家所希望的美好家園!

💐 美國華裔精神健康聯盟敬啟 💐

The Chinese American Mental Health Alliance is dedicated to improving the quality of life by raising public awareness of mental health and building a home that everyone feels a sense of belonging to.

Mental health Association for Chinese Communities 1800-881-8502

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