
EBCC Newsletter

Spring 2023

Photo by Jan Pavlíček

Dear reader

It’s not quite spring in Northern England – a late snowfall has extended the grip of winter – but after what has seemed like a long dark winter, the few signs of oncoming spring are very welcome. While our Afro-Palearctic migrants are yet to return, they can’t be far away... Indeed, EuroBirdPortal maps show that hirundine numbers are building up around the Mediterranean. It won’t be too long before I can head to my Breeding Bird Survey transects to make my annual contribution to our UK scheme and to PECBMS.

I hope that wherever you are reading this, you are able to get out to contribute to one of the EBCC’s projects in the coming breeding season. And please join us on the 27th of April at our online AGM to hear the latest news on all our activities.

Until then, best wishes

Best wishes


EFSA's Bird Flu Radar, a new tool to support Avian Influenza surveillance in Europe

EFSA's Bird Flu Radar is a prototype Early Warning System for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreaks in wild birds developed for the European Food and Safety Authority through a collaboration between EURING, EuroBirdPortal and Ausvet Europe.

The system, launched in early March, combines models of distribution and movement based on the EBP and EURING data shown in the new Migration Mapping Tool and the information on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreaks available from EMPRES-i to estimate the spatiotemporal risk pattern of HPAI introduction in Europe.

Currently, the EFSA's Bird Flu Radar tool is provided through an R Shiny App developed by Ausvet, but this functionality will be fully incorporated within the Migration Mapping Tool later in the year.

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UK's Rare Breeding Birds Panel 50th birthday

The UK's Rare Breeding Birds Panel – an independent organisation with the remit for collating and archiving data on rare breeding birds in the UK and reporting upon their status – is celebrating its 50th birthday in 2023. To mark the occasion, there will be new papers giving overviews of the Panel's work and what its monitoring has shown over 50 years, website developments, and an online conference to be held on the evenings of 15th & 16th March – this week! The conference programme includes a wide range of presentations on the Panel's work and the species it studies. Attendance is free, but registration is required – details at

State of the Netherlands' Birds 2022 and SOVON's 50th anniversary

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