CAF's Role in Archiving Animal Advocacy
 Between 1999 and 2004, CAF was involved in collecting oral history. Current CAF executive director, Martin Rowe, and board member Kim Stallwood were among the interviewers of 14 animal advocates, which included CAF co-founder Tom Regan. These archives were deposited at Columbia University's Oral History archives, and the audio recordings and transcripts are available online. The advocates are: Will Anderson || Theodora Capaldo || Robert Cummings || Ann Cottrell Free || Walter Kilroy || John F. Kullberg || Carter Luke || Sandra Rae Larson || Jim Mason || F. Barbara Orlans || Tom Regan || Margaret "Peggy" Moreland Stathos || Ethel Thurston || Peter Singer.
This month, NCSU's Animal Rights Archives, which house CAF and Tom Regan's archives, have made available audio and transcripts of interviews from the Animal Rights Network, conducted by current CAF board members Jill Howard Church and Kim Stallwood between 1999 and 2002. The interviewees are (from left to right above): Michael W. Fox, Roger Caras, John Hoyt, and Christine Stevens (on the linked page, click on "Digital Content" for transcripts).
As philosopher George Santayana said, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." CAF is working to put together a new oral history collection—especially of those who were, at this time, working among social movements, such as anti-racism, LGBTQ rights, and labor rights. We welcome those who want to collaborate with us on this endeavor.
Joshua Russell Writes on His Fellowship at NCSU
Application Period for Tom Regan Visiting Research Fellowship Now Open

Since 2019, in honor of CAF's co-founder Tom Regan, CAF has joined with the Animal Rights Archives at North Carolina State University Libraries to offer a research fellowship for scholars to access the archives of CAF, Tom, and, now, those of the Humane Society of the US, the ASPCA, World Animal Network, the Animal Rights Network, the Animal Welfare Institute, and other collections. Our first fellow, Rachel Robison-Greene (seen in picture), was followed by Kat Poje and Joshua Russell in 2022. Kat Poje reflected on her experience in the archives here. For the history of the fellowship, click here. For more on the nature of the stipend and other criteria, and to apply, click here.
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