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St. Patty's Mingle!
Why not have some fun. The mingle on Thursday, March 16, is basically St. Patrick's Day. We'll have corned-beef sliders, Irish soda bread, soft pretzels and pub cheese, and shamrock cake. A monitor will also have NCAA tournament games for you die-hards. It's at the Harvey County Now office, 706 N Main, Newton. Oh! And there will be beer, because St. Patrick's Day! Wear green if you're feeling it.

What's happening at the Statehouse
The event happens Thursday, March 30, at 7 p.m. at Bethel College's Krehbiel Auditorium and will be held in conjunction with the college. Staff from the Kansas Reflector will be invited, and Adam Strunk will host the forum and question-and-answer session about the state of politics in Kansas. We think it will be a neat event and encourage you to attend. 
We're bringing back Talk20 Newton. It was one of our more popular events. If you have a good idea for a great speaker, drop Lindsey a line at
If you haven't signed up to join yet and don't want to miss out, sign up from your couch while covered in crumbs by just clicking this word. Or skip the computer junk and do it at the next mingle.
Why join Press Club?

1. It represents an additional way to support Harvey County Now. 
2. It provides a pile of opportunities for people to have fun for the hell of it. 

3. It's awesome. Monthly mingles? Boom. Regional outings and trips? Boom. Forums aimed at discussing hot-button issues? Boom, as well. 
If that doesn't move the needle, there's also a cool shirt and discounts on all the other public events we host. 

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