
AMA's Funders

US Dept of Justice
St. Paul Cultural Star
St. Paul STAR Program
Minnesota Lynx
National Endowment for the Arts
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Dept of Health
Wells Fargo
Minnesota Dept of Employment & Economic Development
City of Minneapolis

AMA Announcements 

1) Vaccination Pop-up Clinics in April

Walk-ins welcomed. $50 incentives for anyone 6 months and older for their 1st, 2nd or boosters. For More Info:

DATE/TIME: Sunday, April 16, 2023, 11:00am-2:00pm
PLACE: Chinese American Chamber of Commerce – MN, 7901 12th Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55425 USA  - as 3rd Sunday Wellness Day at Chamber
DATE/TIME: Sunday, April 23, 2023, 11:00am-2:00pm
PLACE: Vietnamese Community Center, 8568 Edinburgh Center Dr, Brooklyn Park.MN 55443

Walk-ins welcomed. $50 incentives for anyone 6 months and older for their 1st, 2nd or boosters. For More Info:

2) Asian Media Access' Youth Violence Prevention Week activities in Minneapolis

DATE: April 1-9,2023

Asian Media Access' Youth Violence Prevention Week activities in Minneapolis

3) Summer Youth Delegation to Asia

Asian Media Access will lead two youth delegations to two international festivals, to better support the cross-cultural exchanges:

A) 22nd Korean Gangneung International Junior Art Festival from July 25 ~ July 30, 2023.  
This Festival showcases young performance teams from all over the world, and communicate through their own cultures and arts, and engaging with local Korean cultures and communities
B) Taiwan Yilan International Children’s Folklore & Folk Game Festival from August 4th - August 13th, 2023  
Situated in beautiful Dong-Shang Water Park, this Festival encourages children to experience different cultures and games throughout the world, and to build personal relationship with friends from all over the globe. 

For More Info:

4) Join AMA with a "Between Water and Cloud (水雲間)” 

DATE/TIME: Thursday, June 1, 2023, 8:00pm-10:00pm
PLACE: Outdoor Dance Drama "Between Water and Clouds," at Peavey Plaza, 1111 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55403

A multidisciplinary arts showcase strives to share Asian cultures and arts with an environmental theme, and is designed to integrate in an outdoor  setting, to promote cross-cultural understanding and urge audiences to consider a greener/simpler post-COVID lifestyle.

Supported by: Green Minneapolis, Asian Media Access, Pan Asian Arts Alliance, Phoenix Dance Academy, and Chinese American Chamber of Commerce – MN

For More Info:

5) Pandemic Food Relief Effort, supported by the City of Minneapolis

Hot Asian meals pick up at Asian Media Access' office for Minneapolis families in need. Started in August 2022 and is on-going. Must be a Minneapolis resident to qualify.

Pick up on Wednesdays only from 5:00pm - 6:00pm. Limited to 13 families each week with 3 meal boxes per family, regardless of family size. Each family is supported for weekly pick-up for up to 4 weeks. 

Weekly registration link for hot meals:

Program Updates

Asian American communities in MN present the "Asian Extravaganza" Series during the May Asian Pacific Heritage Month

Local Asian cultural groups are organizing a series of events around Asian arts, cultures and foods, under the banner of "Asian Extravaganza" to share the cultural pride, to support mental wellness for all, and to combat the anti-Asian hate.
We will open the series with Traditional acts and end with Traditions as well, and calling it the 傳奇風雅頌慶傳 series. It very roughly translates to "Acclaimed legend of traditional fables and classic elegance."
Read More on Asian Media Access

Successful "Cultural Communities Symposium on Mental Health and Problem Gambling" on March 25

In honoring the March Problem Gambling Awareness Month, Asian Media Access collaborated with the Lao Assistance Center, MN Alliance on Problem Gambling, MN Dept of Human Services, Neighborhood Youth Academy, Progressive Individual Resources, and Russell Herder to host the "Cultural Communities Symposium on Mental Health and Gambling" on March 25, at the Wilder Center.

The keynote address was delivered by the Wilder Foundation's Treatment Director, Sam Vitiello.  Sam has specialized in co-occurring and SPMI disorders among LGBTQ population, and Couples/Family Therapy.
Read More on Asian Media Access

Community News

Photo Courtesy: Cultural Society of Filipino Americans - Minnesota (CSFA) 

SEWA-AIFW health clinic is back

DATE/TIME: Every Sunday, 11:00am-2:00pm
PLACE:Sikh Society of Minnesota, 9000 W Bloomington Fwy, Bloomington, MN 55431

DATE/TIME: Every Monday, 1:00pm-5:00pm
PLACE:Sewa-Aifw, 6645 James Ave N, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430

DATE/TIME: Every fourth Sunday, 11:00am-2:00pm
PLACE: Hindu Temple of Minnesota, 10530 Troy Ln N, Maple Grove, MN 55311

Scholarship for LGBTQ+ Students

The application window for the 2023 round of PFund Scholarships is NOW OPEN!

PFund’s scholarship fund is used to provide scholarships to LGBTQ+ learners from the upper Midwest at all stages of their educations. In 2022, PFund Foundation distributed a record $125,000 to 50 queer students from across the upper Midwest.

To apply for a PFund scholarship, individuals must:
Be 17 years of age or older by June 1, 2023.
Be a United States citizen either from or currently attending school in Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, or the Dakotas.
Identify as LGBTQ+.
Be currently enrolled in or admitted to a GED program, community college, four-year college, university, graduate school, trade school, professional certificate program, or apprenticeship program for the 2023 - 2024 academic year.

There is one application window per year for PFund Foundation scholarships, typically opening on January 15 and running for 8 - 10 weeks.

Eternal Offerings: Chinese Ritual Bronzes

DATE/TIME: March 4, 2023 - May 21, 2023
PLACE: Minneapolis Institute of Art 2400 3rd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55404, Target Gallery
General Admission $20; Contributor Member+ Free (additional tickets $16); Youth 17 and under Free

Bronze vessels held great ritual significance in ancient China. Used to make offerings to heavenly and ancestral spirits, these exquisite objects were also symbols of power. Mia’s Chinese art curator Liu Yang and world-renowned art director and film designer Tim Yip (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) will create an experiential exhibition that engages the senses. Featuring some 150 Chinese bronze objects from Mia’s collection, “Eternal Offerings” offers an immersive experience designed to evoke the mystery of heavenly and ancestral worship. Each gallery will embody a facet of the rituals enacted to honor the divinities, from the solemnity of the temple, to the intoxication of lavish banquets


DATE/TIME: March 29 - April 16, 2023
PLACE: Mixed Blood Theatre, 1501 S 4th St, Minneapolis, MN 55454

Hmong memoirist and cancer survivor Mai See meets a young filmmaker named Quest, who is inspired to document Mai See’s story despite suffering from chronic cancer herself. When Mai See relapses, their unlikely friendship helps her understand the things in life that are worth keeping and the things worth letting go.

“As a cancer survivor and now finding my way as a thriver, I want to tell a story that highlights nuances most folks wouldn't normally see when dealing with cancer, as well as show as many varied cancering characters as I can. Also the question, ‘What does one need to move forward?’ has been pivotal in shaping this work,” Katie Ka Vang says.

Event Website

One Family Sports Fair

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 1, 2023· 11:00am-3:00pm
PLACE: Prairie Seeds Academy 6200 West Broadway Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55428, Register
One Family- Ib Tsev Neeg will be hosting our first ever One Family Sports Fair! We have ways to connect you with football teams within the Hmong Flag Football community as well as organizations that host volleyball, basketball, cornhole, and pickleball! The main question is, what sport do you want to learn and play? So, please come out and join us for a day of sports, information gathering, and family time!

Curing Diabetes: The Human Trial

DATE/TIME: Screening, March 28-April 28, 2023
Panel Discussion, Tuesday, April 4, 2023 from 4:00pm-5:00pm ET/3:00pm-4:00pm CT
PLACE: Online, Register Enter invitation code THT-NNLM to register 

Join the All of Us Research Program, Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) All of Us Program Center, community-based organizations, and libraries across the US for a screening of the 2022 documentary film, The Human Trial.  

Explore the passion and sacrifice behind medical breakthroughs. 

This documentary tells the story of patients with type 1 diabetes and the clinical journey to find a cure.

Minhwa Korean Paintings of the People, by the People, and for the People

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, April 5, 2023, 6:30pm EDT/5:30pm CDT
PLACE: Register for online viewing,
The Korea Society, 350 Madison Avenue, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10017, Register for in person

In this lecture, Professor Sunglim Kim explores Korean folk painting, minhwa, and examines its origin and development, the different genres within it, and their meanings and functions. She will also illustrate how minhwa paintings were consumed by Koreans in the past and the present

Wonder Women Defined

DATE/TIME: Friday, April 7, 2023, 8:30am-5:30pm and Saturday, April 8, 2023, 9:00am-1:00pm
PLACE: Brooklyn Park Police Department 5400 85th Ave. N. Register Here
Join women police officers from the Brooklyn Park and Crystal Police Department to learn about women in law enforcement

Wonder Women defined is a 2-day event designed for young women ages 14-18 to learn more about what it's like to work in a non-traditional career field.

Participants will spend a day at Brooklyn Park Police Department and Hennepin Technical College working with female officers, learning about what it takes to work as a first responder.!

Hennepin County's Fix-it Clinics

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 8, 2023, 12:00pm-4:00pm
PLACE: Community Activity Center, 5600 85th Avenue N Brooklyn Park, MN, 55443
Get help with your broken stuff and learn valuable repair skills!
Does your clock tik, but not tok? Fix-It Clinics offer free, guided assistance from volunteers with repair skills to disassemble, troubleshoot, and (hopefully) fix small household appliances, clothing, electronics, mobile devices and more.

Fix-It Clinics teach valuable troubleshooting and basic repair skills, build community connections and reduce the number of repairable items that are thrown in the trash.

Just show up! No need to make an appointment.

A Letter to A'ma - Free MN Screening

DATE/TIME: Sunday, April 9, 2023,1:30pm-6:00pm
PLACE: Coffman Union Theater - University of Minnesota 300 Washington Avenue Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55455, Free Tickets
History is something that happens every day. It is not unusual to have more, or less, history in a certain period of time, but it is by no means to be blank. French-based director Huiling Chen spent ten years making a documentary film to record a little-known history in Taiwan during and after the World War II. To pass down the historical and cultural heritage of ours, the TAAMN joins more than a dozen cities across the United States to launch the "A Letter to A'ma" Film Festival event. Director Huiling Chen will visit us in person on April 9 to have a Q & A session with the audience after the film is shown.

This event is co-hosted by the Taiwanese Student Association of UMN. Tickets are free and can be booked online, and the movie is English subtitled. All event details, including the introduction to the movie and ticket reservation are available onlin

API Day at the Capitol 2023

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 10:00am
PLACE: Minnesota State Capitol, 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard., St Paul, MN 55155
Rally to begin at 10:00 am in the State Capitol Rotunda

Preservation Next Colorado Academy: Organizational Stability and Business Planning

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 11:00am MT/12:00pm CST
PLACE: Online Zoom, register

This session will provide participants with the tools and resources to develop a preservation business plan and strategy for their organization. The session will introduce potential business models and present guidance for organizations to start or sustainably continue small to medium acquisition, rehabilitation, and operations.

Hennepin Healthcare Business Owner Listening Sessions

Session 3: Wednesday, April 11, 2023, 12:00pm-1:00pm (Professional Services and Goods) -Register at:

Session 4: Thursday, April 25, 2023, 9:30am-10:30am (Open to All Business Owners) -Register at:

Hennepin Healthcare is working to improve its business inclusion efforts and spends with small businesses and diverse businesses by developing a Supplier Diversity Program. We would like to engage business owners while we are in the process of creating this program rather than at the end. To do this we are holding listening engagement sessions on the dates below for business owners to share input and ideas.

10th Annual Community Forum on Race

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, April 11, 2023, 5:30pm-8:00pm
PLACE: Hennepin Technical College 9000 Brooklyn Boulevard Brooklyn Park, MN 55445, Register

This year's theme is the legacy of racism in housing. Learn about discriminatory racial covenants and their impact on our northwest suburban communities yesterday, today and going forward. Be part of disrupting these effects by being part of the conversation.

2023 Talent Symposium: Strengthening Partnerships to Build the Future Talent Pipeline

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 8:99am-11:30am
PLACE: North Hennepin Community College: Center for Business & Technology Building, Grand Hall (Door #12) Register
Registration fee: $50 per person
A hot breakfast will be served and a FranklinCovey book will be provided to all attendees.

This region’s continued economic growth is dependent on its future workforce. Stakeholders across the ecosystem need to work creatively, collaboratively and in partnership to ensure those workers are prepared for current and future job opportunities.

FranklinCovey Education’s Betsy Wierda’s keynote promises to be an interactive session including the best practices to assess and reframe workforce development priorities, implementation of the change continuum model and the “Four Disciplines of Execution”.

The keynote session will be followed by a moderated panel conversation focused on successful local collaborations.

Speed Mentorship & Networking Events with Comcast & Target

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, April 12 and April 26, 2023, 3:15pm-5:15pm
PLACE: Prairie Seeds Academy, 6200 W Broadway Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55428
Learn about the professionals experiences, background, education, and career pathways

Finding Her Beat

DATE/TIME: Thursday, April 13, 2023, 5:30pm-9:00pm
PLACE: Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel, The Depot, 225 3rd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Taiko, the Japanese drumming art, has been off-limits to women for centuries. Until now. Ann Bancroft Foundation annual celebration on April 13 will feature a Taiko performance by the Japanese drumming ensemble Ensō Daiko. The group is known for its loud, energetic performances that combine music, dance, culture, and pure athleticism. You won’t want to miss it!

Pacita Abad

DATE/TIME: April 15–September 3, 2023
PLACE: Walker Art Center,725 Vineland Pl, Minneapolis, MN 55403

The exuberant and wide-ranging works of Pacita Abad (US, b. Philippines, 1946–2004) are the subject of the first-ever retrospective spanning the artist’s 32-year career. Abad is best known for her trapuntos, a form of quilted painting made by stitching and stuffing her canvases as opposed to stretching them over a wood frame. During her lifetime, the prolific artist made a vast number of artworks that traverse a diversity of subjects, from colorful masks to intricately constructed underwater scenes to abstract compositions

IAM 50th Anniversary Gala

DATE/TIME: Friday, April 15, 2023, 6:00pm-10:00pm
PLACE:  Double Tree Hilton, 7800 Normandale Blvd Minneapolis MN 55439

IAM Annual Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes Individuals or Organizations for achieving excellence in their field, promoting the interests of the Asian Indian community in Minnesota, and advancing understanding between the Asian Indian community and the Minnesota community at large.
IAM Person of the Year Award recognizes individuals of Indian American origin for their achievements during the course of the year - excellence in their field, an inspirational role model for the community and significant contribution to the society at large.

Saving a life is possible! Come swab your cheek

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, April 16, 2023, 10:00am-2:00pm
PLACE: 125 Elton Hills Dr NW Room 112, Rochester, MN 55901

Thousands of patients with blood cancers could be cured with a blood stem cell donation from a genetically
matched donor. The most common form of donation is now non-surgical. Come hear how you can be the cure.

Researching Radical Politics in Japan: The Personal in the Political and the Past in the Present

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 6:00pm-7:30pm
PLACE: Zoom, Register

Please join the College of Liberal Arts and History Soirée for a talk by Dr. Chelsea Szendi Schieder, Professor in the Faculty of Economics at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo, Japan. This talk will discuss Dr. Schieder’s research journey studying and writing about the student movement, radical politics, and gender theory in Japan to open up a larger conversation on the role of personal experience in political movements and knowledge creation. Dr. Schieder will use examples from her research on gender and social movements to explore ways that we in the present can look to the past for clues about future possibilities. In particular, she will share what she learned from examining the political meanings created by female participation in leftist campus-based protest in the 1960s in Japan, which illuminate gendered dynamics that help us understand postwar Japanese politics and the complicated legacies of radical protest in Japan. This historical research has also shaped how she understands the role of scholarship and scholars in demanding reform, and how she understands the importance of empathy and solidarity in politics and scholarship.

24th Annual SADBOC Government Procurement Fair

DATE/TIME: Thursday, April 20, 2023, 9:00am-3:00pm
PLACE: Earle Brown Heritage Center 6155 Earle Brown Drive Brooklyn Center, MN, Register
Small businesses interested in doing business with government agencies and prime contractors are encouraged to attend this Trade Fair.

Coupling education with marketing strategies, this event will provide small businesses an opportunity to meet with representatives from more than 60 Federal, State and local agencies, commercial/prime contractors, and nonprofit organizations; access available technical assistance; and learn about upcoming contracts.

The 24th Annual SADBOC Government Procurement Fair is sponsored by the Federal Executive Board’s Small and Disadvantaged Business Opportunities Council, incooperation with the State of Minnesota's Procurement Technical Assistance Center.

Community Environmental Justice Expo

DATE/TIME: Friday, April 21, 2023, 12:00pm-3:00pm
PLACE: Mondale Commons at Humphrey School of Public Affairs- UMN Twin Cities
Network, learn, and co-create for a greener future while sharing your experiences working on environmental justice in the community with undergrad students!

The intent of this event is to introduce and connect university students to community members and organizations within the greater Twin Cities area focused on environmental justice and climate action. 

Returning to Haifa

DATE/TIME: Friday, April 21-Saturday, April 22, 2023, 7:30pm
Sunday, April 23, 2023, 2:30pm
Wednesday, May 3-Friday, May 5, 2023, 7:30pm
Saturday, May 6, 2023, 2:30pm
PLACE: Mixed Blood Theater,1501 S 4th St, Minneapolis, MN 55454, purchase tickets
We are honored to present the Regional Premiere of Returning to Haifa, a compelling story of two families — one Palestinian, one Israeli — forced by history into an intimacy they didn't choose. The “utterly unsentimental exploration of the complexities of home, history and parenthood”

The touching story centers on Palestinian couple Said and Safiyya who were forced to flee their home in 1948 Now, in the aftermath of the 1967 Six Day War, the borders are open for the first time in 20 years and the couple dare to return to their house in Haifa. They are prepared to find someone else living where they once did. Yet nothing can prepare Said and Safiyya for the encounter they both desire and dread.

Drug Take Back Day

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 22, 2023, 10:00am-2:00pm
PLACE: Cub Foods Midway, 1440 University Ave W, St Paul, MN
Drive-through drop-off for safe, easy disposal of unused and unwanted prescription medications and needles.

Eliminate drug overdose 1 bottle at a time

Can’t make it on April 22? See all permanent drop-off locations:

Networking Connections - Speed Networking

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 5:00pm-7:00pm
PLACE: Unison Restaurant & Banquet 1800 White Bear Avenue Maplewood, MN 55109, Register
This is an event for anyone who is looking to connect with other businesses, professionals, curate new relationships, share their business knowledge, learn from others, and be part of our vibrant business community! Whether you are a small business owner, employee of a company, nonprofit organizers, or government staff - all are welcome! We will be speed networking so make sure to bring your business cards and prepare your elevator pitch! Stick around and we'll enjoy the night Karaoke

Coalesce Voices: Inspired by stories of our lived experiences

DATE/TIME: Friday, April 28, 2023 6:00pm-9:00pm
PLACE: Mosaic Venue 817 South 5th Avenue #300 Minneapolis, MN 55404, Register
Inspired by stories of our lived experiences Coalesce hits the runway for its second year with Fashion Week Minnesota, an AAPI organization focused on celebrating AAPI + BIPOC voices. This season, our team will bring a biopic experience to our guests by creating collections inspired by our team's stories and the lived experiences that influence our work.

Call to Remember, Black Dance Improvisation Festival

DATE/TIME: Friday, April 28, 2023 6:30pm and Saturday, April 29, 2023, 6:30pm
PLACE: Pillsbury House + Theatre, 3501 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55407

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 29, 2023, 6:30pm
PLACE: Pangea World Theater, 711 W Lake St # 101, Minneapolis, MN 55408
“As someone interested in how Black people care and heal as a response to and beyond violence, terror, and harm, I am drawn to how Black people craft alternative ways of being and living. 

And that is the work of Call to Remember. The Black improvisation of CTR brings forth attention to how Black people construct possibilities that allow for new worlds to emerge.”
– AK Wright

StoryFest 2023: Shared Stories, Shared World

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 29, 2023, 9:30am-9:00pm
PLACE: Bloomington Center for the Arts, 1800 W. Old Shakopee Rd. Bloomington, MN,
There will be spoken word artist Guante with COMPAS to traditional storytelling from local favorites Nothando Zulu and Sue Searing. Tellers will explore the theme of Shared Stories, Shared World with personal stories and documentary film capturing the trauma in the aftermath of the George Floyd murder. Story Swaps will be happening all day. Food trucks will nourish our bodies and the stories will fill our hearts. Youth and Family track  workshops will allow younger storytellers to sample origami storytelling, write tall tales and just learn the basics of telling a good story. The day ends with a concert for youth and families and an adult concert. This is all for free, except the early morning workshops.

Activities will begin with paid workshops from 9:30am-11am. From 11am-9pm all
workshops, showcases, story swaps, and story concerts are open and free to the public.

Event Website:

Art and Book Expo

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 29, 2023
PLACE: SEWA-AIFW,  6645 James Ave N, Brooklyn Center, MN

Hmong Thai Fashion Show

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, April 29, 2023, 6:00pm
PLACE: Union Depot, 240 East Kellogg Boulevard ##70 Saint Paul, MN 55101, Register
Center for Hmong Arts and Talent brings 6 Hmong designers from Thailand to share their ultra-unique clothing designs.

This show take place at the Union Depot, a historic and beautiful venue that will guarantee a magical night.

All VIP and table seats will get a special package of gifts from Thailand as SWAG bags like never seen before!

The show has arts and craft vendors along with unique food vendors - so come early to buy some unique gifts. Arts and craft galleria runs from 2 PM to 9:30 PM and is free to the public. Fashion show will require a paid ticket.

7th Annual South Asian Mental Health Conference

DATE/TIME: April 29, 2023, 8:00am-April 30, 2023, 5:00pm 
PLACE: California State University, East Bay (4/29/2023) & Virtual( 4/30/2023) 25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard Hayward, CA 94542, Register

We are so excited to bring the South Asian Mental Health Conference back to a in person event but also understand that it may not be feasible for all you to join us in person. So we are bringing to you a hybrid conference this year! We will have a in-person only conference on Saturday April 29, 2023 hosted by the California State University East Bay's Department of Public Health in Hayward, CA. Our virtual only conference will follow on Sunday April 30, 2023 through Zoom. Those who purchase register with General Admission tickets will have access to the in-person only and the virtual conference. You may also choose to only attend the virtual conference.

Acquisition, Property Identification, and Evaluation of Small to Medium Multifamily Properties

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 11:00am MT/ 12:00pm CST
PLACE: Online Zoom, Register
This session will highlight strategies and tools to effectively identify, evaluate, and acquire SMMF properties based on property and market-based considerations. During this session, we will use an evaluation framework to assess potential acquisition deals and hear from a local developer or nonprofit organization about successful SMMF acquisition.

Nepali New Year 2080 Dinner & Concert

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, May 6, 2023, 5:00pm-9:00pm
PLACE: 100 E Boston St 100 East Boston Street Chandler, AZ 85225

Please celebrate Nepali New Year 2080 B.S. hosted by Nepalis and Friends Association (NAFA) in association with Nepalese Student Association at Arizona State University

Lao Culture Dance Fashion Minnesota

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, May 6, 2023, 5:00pm-12:00am
PLACE: 4851 W 123rd Street, Savage MN 55378

10th Annual celebration

Come and join celebrate Lao New Year together, also to support our Youth keeping our Culture & Traditional alive

Contact Executive Director Birdy 612-472-3973


DATE/TIME: Tuesday, May 9, 2023,· 5:00pm-7:00pm
PLACE: Children's Museum 1201 12th Street Southwest #Suite 632 Rochester, MN 55902
Are you the parent or guardian of a child whose mom or dad is or has been incarcerated in jail and/or prison? Parents of Incarcerated Sons & Daughters - POISD has partnered with SPARK Children's Museum in Rochester, MN for an evening of fun and exploration! This event is FREE, but space is limited to get your tickets today! Kids will also leave with a surprise gift!

"SPARK's Mission is to enrich the lives of young learners by creating shared, interactive experiences that engage people of all ages in the joy of play, the power of learning, and a sense of community."

39th Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival (LAAPFF) 

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, May 4-13, 2023, 5:00pm-12:00am
This year marks the 20th anniversary of Linda Mabalot’s (former VC Executive Director) passing. We are thrilled to rededicate our renewed work and upcoming Festival to Linda and her everlasting values. We continue to uplift Linda’s regenerative impact and cultural abundance to VC and our communities. The Festival’s Renewal towards joy and wellness reflect Linda's vision of creating community with Artists and Allies. 

Event website:

Asian Street Food Night Market

DATE/TIME: Friday, May 19, 2023, 9:00am-11:00pm and Saturday, May 20, 2023, 9:00am-9:00pm
PLACE: 1850 Whitebear Ave, Maplewood, MN 55109

Did you know our Asian Street Food Night Market 2022 brought in 8,000+ people? This year, we are expecting 16,000+ people to attend our event due to twice the amount of vendors on both days and our big night concert!

Welcome to our 3rd Asian Street Food Night Market! We are excited to feature a wide range of local foods, artists, organizations and to create one of the best Night Market environment for everyone.

SEWA-AIFW annual Health Fair

DATE/TIME: Saturday, May 20, 2023, 10:00am-3:00pm
PLACE: 6645 James Ave North, Minneapolis, MN 55430

Free yearly event, Individuals, families, and children welcomed

Minnesota Korean American Day

DATE/TIME: Sunday, May 21, 2023
PLACE: American Veterans Memorial Park, 000 Hwy 57, Cannon Falls, MN 55042

The Minnesota Korean Association will host the Minnesota Korean Day event on May 21 at American Veterans Memorial Park, the largest Memorial Park in the United States. K-pop, K- Traditional Dance, K-Taekwondo, K-foods, etc. various performances are on the way. We ask for your interest and participation, compatriots

Financing Small to Medium Multifamily Preservation

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 11:00am MT/ 12:00pm CST
PLACE: Online Zoom, Register
This session will provide an overview of local and state financing resources to support a preservation project, guide partners through a financial modeling exercise to evaluate a project’s financial feasibility and highlight strategies to meet financing gaps and preserve affordability.  

Songkran Festival

DATE/TIME: Saturday, May 27, 2023,10:00am - 9:00pm and Sunday, May 28, 2023, 10:00am - 6:00pm
PLACE:  St. Paul State Capitol, 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard., St Paul, MN 55155

In celebration of Thai and Southeast Asian culture

Happy Songkran สุขสันต์วันสงกรานต์. Thai New Year is one of the most important holidays in Thailand and is celebrated through appreciation for the community, elders, and the concept of unity with food and music. The festival is celebrated across Southeast Asia and is especially important to the Thai community as people return to their hometowns to celebrate their elders, parents, and communities.

Minnesota Qeej Festival

DATE/TIME: Sunday, June 4, 2023, 12:00pm-5:00pm
PLACE: The Landmark Center located at 75 W 5th St, St Paul, MN 55102

Hosted by: Hmong Cultural Center
Our festival is a celebration of Hmong arts and culture that brings together Hmong artists, musicians, and community members from across the region. This year’s event promises to be even bigger and better than ever before, with an expected attendance of over 1,000 visitors.

Community Connections Conference

DATE/TIME: Saturday June 10, 2023, 8:00am-3:00pm
PLACE: Minneapolis Convention Center, lower level, Hall A, 1301 2nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55404

This year's theme, "Minneapolis in motion," welcomes all communities to explore the ways Minneapolis is growing, moving and changing, including through the City’s 2023-2024 priorities

We host this conference so that:

  • Residents, community groups, neighborhood organizations, City of Minneapolis departments and decision-makers can connect.
  • All communities feel welcome to get involved in local decision-making.
  • Residents learn about programs and policies that affect them.

Schools for the Planet Toward Universal Climate Literacy

DATE/TIME: June 20-22, 2023, 9:00am-1:30pm 
PLACE: University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 3 Morrill Hall, 100 Church St. S.E., Minneapolis MN, Register here

In this three-day summer school, literacy educators Drs. Nick Kleese, Jana Lo Bello Miller, and Stephanie Rollag Yoon will help you bring climate literacy education into your classroom. Educators at all grade levels and all content areas are welcome.

You will learn why traditional climate change education (CCE), focused on scientific and environmental facts, is inadequate to address the social, racial, and political dimensions of climate change. You will explore climate literacy as a broader competence that focuses primarily on developing attitudes and values aligned with how we should live to respect our planetary home. You will come away with teaching materials for your specific classroom.

We As One: Chinese Immersion Language Camp

DATE/TIME: June 26-30, 2023 or July 21-August 4, 2023, 9:30am-3:00pm with extended day options
PLACE: Visitation School, 2455 Visitation Dr, Mendota Heights, MN Register

AGE GROUPS: Current Kindergarten to Grade 8 students
CAMP FEE: $238/child, 20 discount for each additional sibling, $50/child for Extended Day, financial aid available for G3-G8 students in free/reduced lunch program
FULL Tuition, including transportation and meals

Event website:

China-Africa Contemporary Relations a Summer Institute for Educators

DATE/TIME: June 26-29, 2023, 9:00am-1:30pm 
PLACE: University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 3 Morrill Hall, 100 Church St. S.E., Minneapolis MN 55455, Register here

Cost institute only FREE (includes lunches, parking and resources)
Institute and lodging: With single room East Bank dorm lodging June 18-22, 2023 $275

China’s ascendancy as a dominant economic and political global power has been the subject of much scholarly and political debate. More specifically, China’s renewed interest in Africa continues to beg the question, what is China’s Africa strategy or Africa – China Strategy? Some scholars suggest that China’s strategic interests in Africa are purely economic, resource extraction, and exploitation, which has led to renewed concerns about neo-colonialism. Other questions raised include how this arrangement will benefit African countries engaged with China.

This course seeks to examine these issues and better understand how China’s engagement in Africa may have a consequential impact on the continent. 

Hmong Community Explore Your Parks

DATE/TIME: Saturday July 15, 2023, 1:00pm-4:00pm
PLACE: Centennial Park, 6301 Shingle Creek Pkwy, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430

 As in the past two years the 2023 event, "Hmong Community Explore Your Parks," will focus on reducing health disparities in the Hmong community by encouraging the community to get outside and be active for lifelong health. Like last year, the event is focused on engaging the Hmong community, and also welcomes friends, family, and community allies.

 Planned events:
  • Sports, games, and recreation activities
  • Traditional Hmong games
  • Story strolls and Teen Tech Squad activities
  • Arts and cultural performances
  • Food trucks, farmers market/healthy eating
  • Health supporting activities (2022 featured a COVID-19 vaccinations, Mammogram, lots of health info!)
  • Local organizations tabling

Global Perspectives in Civics, a Fellowship for Minnesota and Wisconsin Teachers

DATE/TIME: July 17-19, 2023, 9:00am-1:30pm 
PLACE: University of Minnesota Twin Cities, and virtual meetings 2023-2024, with a final summer institute 3 days summer 2024 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Register here

More than ever before, it is imperative that we educate young people both about and for participation in a thriving, pluralistic democracy. We invite applications for this selective 14-month teacher professional development fellowship: Global Perspectives in Civics. Six middle or high school educators from Minnesota and six middle or high school educators from Wisconsin will be chosen to explore civic education, democracy (including threats to democratic processes), and human rights through a global lens while being introduced to change makers from around the world.  Open to educators from any discipline!
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