Welcome to the iGEM Community Newsletter. The Newsletter is home to synthetic biology news, events, opportunities and the latest advancements in synthetic biology research - from around the world. Not only that, here you'll also find out about updates & announcements from the world of iGEM. Let's Dive In!
Discover & join projects geared towards career-skill development, advancement of synthetic biology, tackling regional and global challenges, creating value on dedicated topics of SynBio and more.
Connect with the 2023 class of iGEM Ambassadors & Promoters
36 iGEMers from 19 countries have joined us this year as Ambassadors to represent iGEM and support iGEM teams. We are also welcoming Promoters this year! Together with Ambassadors, they will represent and promote synthetic biology all over the world!
Announcing our Partnership with Frontiers in Systems Biology for iGEM Special Collections
Applications are Open for the
iGEM Human Practices
Apply for the Mastering Science Communication Course
This course will equip you with the essential skills in writing, presentation, social media, illustration, and best practices needed to realize the full potential of your research. Grab this rare chance to learn from a broad range of experts in an interactive way! For more information, instructions and how to get a certificate after completing the course, visit our course webpage.
Events from the Community
Do you want to share your event with the global synthetic biology community? Send us an email at community@igem.org with the event information.
Most life on Earth is based on polymers of 20 amino acids. But is all that variety necessary? Could biology work just as well with fewer building blocks and simpler polymers?
Self-contained synthetic E. coli resistant to viral infection could prove invaluable to the biotechnology industry by increasing product consistency and reducing safety concerns.
This newsletter was made like any good PCR- the machine stopped midway through, and the team started over again, but those bands came out like a Picasso.
Waving from around the world,
The iGEM Community Newsletter Team on behalf of iGEM Community