
ECORD Summer Schools: apply now

The Australian and New Zealand IODP Consortium (ANZIC) is now seeking applications from students to attend the upcoming ECORD Summer Schools, with ANZIC covering travel, accommodation, food, and course participation costs for successful applicants.

ECORD Summer Schools aim to connect early career researchers with the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) at an ear­ly sta­ge in their ca­re­er, enabling them to explore the ex­cit­ing re­se­arch wi­t­hin IODP and prepa­ring them for future participation in expeditions. While open to applicants from all career stages and geoscience backgrounds, courses are tailored to individuals who are early in their career (PhD or post-doctorate studies). Read on for more details and information on how to apply for these exciting opportunities.

ECORD Summer School:
Downhole Logging for IODP Science
22-28 July 2023

Applications are now open for the 2023 ECORD Summer School: Downhole Logging for IODP Science, which will take place in person from 22-28 July 2023 at the University of Leicester, United Kingdom.

The course introduces the interpretation and applications of downhole logs and physical property data primarily from IODP. It explores the relevance and unique insights of these data for a range of fields, including paleoclimatology, sedimentology, hydrogeology, and broader geological and ecological processes such as sediment provenance and water column productivity.

At the heart of the course are introductory sessions on petrophysics, the study of the physical (and chemical) properties of rocks and their interactions with fluids. These core principles are then used for insight into broader marine geoscience questions and environments through practical exercises and presentations that provide experience of interpreting downhole logging data and integrating them with other datasets based on real world science applications. Participants will gain insight into data quality assessment, basic data processing using commercial software, scientific log interpretation, stratigraphic correlation using downhole log data, and offshore logging planning and operations.

ANZIC will cover the travel cost, accommodation, food and course participation fee for ECORD Summer School: Downhole Logging for IODP Science for one accepted Australian participant and one accepted New Zealand participant from an ANZIC member institution. 
Learn more and apply

ECORD Summer School: 
From Green­hou­se to Ice­hou­se – The Ce­no­zoic Arc­tic
Oce­an and (Glo­bal) Cli­ma­te His­to­ry
4-15 September 2023

Applications are now open for the 2023 ECORD Summer School: From Green­hou­se to Ice­hou­se – The Ce­no­zoic Arc­tic Oce­an and (glo­bal) Cli­ma­te His­to­ry, taking place from 4-13 September 2023 at the at the MARUM Cen­ter for Ma­ri­ne En­vi­ron­men­tal Sci­en­ces and the IODP Bre­men Core Re­po­si­to­ry, Uni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men, Ger­ma­ny.

The Arc­tic Oce­an – cha­rac­te­ri­sed by strong sea­so­nal for­cing and va­ria­bi­li­ty in ru­n­off, sea-ice for­ma­ti­on, sun­light, and re­la­ted bio­lo­gi­cal pro­duc­tivi­ty – is (in real time) and was (over his­to­ric and geo­lo­gic time sca­les) sub­ject to ra­pid and dra­ma­tic chan­ge. Due to com­plex feed­back pro­ces­ses collec­tive­ly known as ‘po­lar am­pli­fi­ca­ti­on’, the Arc­tic is both a cont­ri­bu­tor of cli­ma­te chan­ge and a re­gi­on that will be most af­fec­ted by glo­bal war­ming. Geo­lo­gi­cal re­cor­ds from the Arc­tic Oce­an do­cu­ment past cli­ma­tic con­di­ti­ons, ra­tes of chan­ge, and va­ria­bi­li­ty pri­or to an­thro­po­ge­nic in­flu­ence that might re­pre­sent ana­lo­gues of our fu­ture cli­ma­te. Such re­cor­ds may al­low us to as­sess the sen­si­ti­vi­ty of the Ear­t­h’s cli­ma­te sys­tem to chan­ges of dif­fe­rent for­cing pa­ra­me­ters and boun­da­ry con­di­ti­ons and to test the re­lia­bi­li­ty of cli­ma­te mo­dels by eva­lua­ting their si­mu­la­ti­ons for con­di­ti­ons very dif­fe­rent from the mo­dern cli­ma­te. In this con­text, un­der­stan­ding the long-term Arc­tic cli­ma­te his­to­ry with its chan­ge from Green­hou­se to Ice­hou­se con­di­ti­ons du­ring the Ce­no­zoic (last 66 mil­li­on ye­ars) – they focus of this sum­mer school, is of over­all si­gni­fi­can­ce.

ANZIC will cover the travel cost, accommodation, food and course participation fee for ECORD Summer School: From Icehouse to Greenhouse for one accepted Australian participant from an ANZIC member institution. 
Learn more and apply

Deadline extended: apply by 15 March to join the JOIDES Resolution's final expedition

Full details and information webinar replay
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