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Registration for the 2023 Summit for Recycling is now open!
May 21st-23rd | The Steamboat Grand, Steamboat Springs, CO

Join us for three exciting days focused on providing you opportunities to network, learn from, and celebrate with other recycling, composting, reuse, and zero waste professionals. Early bird pricing will be available until April 21st.
Recycle Colorado Members
You should receive an email soon with your member discount codes. If you don't remember how many registrations you receive with membership, you can check below or on our website. Please note that if you haven’t paid your 2023 membership dues, then you cannot use the discount code to purchase tickets until you have renewed. Email us if you have any questions.
Government, Municipality, & Nonprofit Discount Code
If you are apart of a government or nonprofit organization, we are happy to provide a discount code for your Summit registration. Email us ( for more information.
Join us for this Year's Summit FUN!
Thank you to everyone who sent us speaker & presentation ideas. We will be putting together a more comprehensive agenda within the next few weeks. 
Sunday, May 21, 2023
Policy Retreat | The Steamboat Grand
An afternoon focused on policy work. 

Welcome Reception | The Steamboat Grand
Food & Drinks, Live Music & Dancing!
Monday, May 22, 2023
Day 1 of the Summit | The Steamboat Grand
Keynote speakers & breakout sessions on the topics you want to hear about, workshops, and tours. Topics include Circular Economy Development Center, Organics diversion and processing, construction & deconstruction diversion and reuse, CDPHE resources and more!

Awards Gala | Restaurant in Downtown Steamboat Springs
An evening to relax, network, and celebrate the amazing recyclers,
composters, and zero waste advocates in our state.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Day 2 of the Summit | The Steamboat Grand
Keynote speaker, breakout sessions, workshops, and tours. Topics include the Producer Responsibility Organization, Zero Waste, Contamination education, Organic legislative updates, C&D end markets, MRF technologies and more!
Support the 2023 Summit for Recycling!
Sponsorship options are now available. Learn how you can position yourself as an innovative leader in Colorado and empower your team. 
Need a place to stay for the Summit? The Steamboat Grand has got you covered.
Book your room at the Steamboat Grand so you can be closer to action. Rooms are available for $115 a night for all three nights of the conference, and there is the option to stay a day before and after the event. 
Book Your Summit Stay!
Additional lodging options are available for attendees such as Airbnb's, VRBO's, and camping options if campsites are able to open up in late May. Please note that Steamboat has received record snowfall this winter and it may delay campsite openings.
  • Masters student, Sarah Vaira is conducting research to determine common terms jurisdictions use in their organics recycling communications. Read more bout her research and take the survey.
  • US Composting Council launches industry-focused career center. Learn More!
  • Rocky Mountain NAHMMA Conference. Register today!
  • Aspen City Council approves new Organics Waste Diversion ordinance. Read more!
  • Now Available: RREO Program FY24 Mini-Grant Request for Applications. Apply!

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Recycle Colorado · 205 Ken Pratt Blvd ste 120, #73 · Longmont, Colorado 80501 · USA

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