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Say No . . Often

Dear Reader
We are steadily working our way through the 10 energy disciplines that are listed at the end of the book EOS Life by Gino Wickman. 

With the first five disciplines now firmly entrenched: we know our long term planning (our 10-year thinking), we know when to take time off, to  get to know ourselves, we know how to be still and we know what our 100% is.

If you combine all these things together, you're in the perfect position to, without guilt, be able to say no to people and situations that will not serve you. You can walk away from what you should be walking away from. 

You can say no to things that are taking your energy away, or things that you are simply doing out of obligation. 

With all of these things in place, you know exactly where you're going. You know how you want to get there, you've got the plan, and you also know what your capacity is. So, really, you'll serve yourself better and you'll serve the people who are asking you for this additional thing better, by saying no. It's simply not part of what you should be doing. You don't have the capacity for it and it's just time for you to walk away from it, without guilt. 

But it's not easy to say no. So I want to challenge you in this coming week, think of all those things in the past weeks you said yes to, but you should not have had, and then find at least one thing to say no to. 

You're going to practice to say no, politely, and move on. You’re going to do this more and more.

We'll speak again in a week's time, and remember, say no more often.
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Best wishes,
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