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Materials for this year's Poster Contest

Show us why Colorado Loves Clean Compost!
Students from all across Colorado are invited to illustrate why they love Clean Compost by participating in this year's Poster Contest. Visit our website to download the participant packet.

Please share contest materials through your networks. We would love for as many students as possible to have the opportunity to participate.

Artwork with submission information is due by April 7th this year! Winner's of this year's contest will win gift cards for themselves and their schools/organization/teachers. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to tour a composting facility in Colorado. 
We hope your students, school, organization, or business will participate and help us get the word out!
Poster Contest Materials
Nominate a Recycling or Composting Award Winner

Know someone who went above and beyond to help Colorado become a leader in the recycling and composting industry? Take a look at our award categories and nominate a winner. These prestigious awards recognize governmental entities, individuals, companies, media and organizations for their excellence in recycling and composting. Award winners are honored at our annual Summit for Recycling Awards Gala. 

Review the award categories and submit your nomination by April 14th.

Submit an Award Nomination
Apply for the Future Leader's Scholarship

Recycle Colorado is seeking candidates for its Conference Scholarship Program. The scholarship would provide funds for TWO college students to attend the 2023 Summit for Recycling conference. Review eligibility and apply on our website. 
Future Leaders Scholarship
Enjoy your lunch with the RC crew!
Companies from the food, beverage and consumer goods industries have formed a new, non-profit Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) in response to Colorado’s recently-enacted law establishing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for paper and packaging. 
Join us for a discussion with Olivia Barker and John Hite from Clear Strategy, Inc., consultants to the PRO, to learn more about the organization’s progress to date, next steps in the regulatory process, and the PRO’s vision for collaborating with stakeholders to help deliver a more circular economy for paper and packaging in Colorado.  
RSVP to the March Snack & Share!

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Recycle Colorado · 205 Ken Pratt Blvd ste 120, #73 · Longmont, Colorado 80501 · USA

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