MAHC Events
Apr. 4, 9-10:30 am, Maine Housing, 26 Edison Drive, Augusta
Jun. 6, 9-10:30 am, Location TBD
Survey - What's Your Construction Capacity?
As MAHC testifies and advocates to support funding to build affordable housing for those who need it most, we need to understand your capacity to build housing. Please respond to this very short survey. All information is anonymous and will only be shared in aggregate. Thank you. TAKE SURVEY.
The Joint Select Committee on Housing voted in all of the LD 258 Governor's proposed budget related to Housing. They will also be sending a memo to the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee that seeks additional funding incorporating the following items:
- Rep. Blier would like to see as much funding as possible for housing and is requesting the committee pursue various programs to fund. Potentially tax credits and manufactured units as a focus for programs.
- Sen. Pouliot would like to add language calling for additional staffing and funding for housing needs.
- Rep. Grayson highlighted a need for long-term sustained funding and policy to address the housing crisis. He would like to see a diverse set of tools for low-to-middle incomes.
- Rep. Campbell would like to see funds dedicated to repurposing and reusing existing buildings.
- Rep. Gattine indicated his support for an increase in funding to $80 million ($40 million each year for two years).
The vote was unanimous in supporting a memo that included all of these changes. So the committee is requesting more funding than what was submitted in the budget, and is continuing to show an interest in creative policies to address our housing crisis. See MAHC's bill update list here.
It Can Take the Typical Worker About 11 Years to Save for a Median-Priced Home. Full study here.
Potential Changes to Eligible Area Maps for USDA Rural Development Housing Programs in Maine
USDA Rural Development is conducting a review of all areas under its jurisdiction to identify areas that no longer qualify as rural for housing programs. The last rural area reviews were performed in 2017-2018 using 2015 American Community Survey (ACS) data. Rural area designations are reviewed every five years. This review will utilize the 2020 United States decennial census data. Based on the 2020 US census data and rural area guidance located in Handbook HB-1-3550, Chapter 5, the rural eligibility designation is under review for the following areas in MAINE. Currently eligible communities under review (rural in character): Penobscot County – Town of Orono. Ineligible communities under review (reconsideration of eligibility): Cumberland County – City of Westbrook & City of S. Portland. Comments should be sent to SFHMAINE@USDA.GOV. For details, or questions about specific changes, please contact the Maine Rural Development Housing Program staff at (207) 990–9110. |
Community Project Funding for Housing - Due March 16, 6 pm
Will fund the following types of projects and other similar projects: Public or non-profit housing rehabilitation, housing development financing, residential conversions, and neighborhood revitalization projects, which would increase housing supply and/or improve housing affordability in the local community;” More information here: Community Project Funding. Additional background and eligibility criteria can be found on the House Appropriations Fiscal Year 2024 Member Request Guidance web page. |
Affordable Housing in S. Maine to see $1.2M Influx from Feds
Affordable housing in southern Maine will get a $1.2 million boost from federal funds appropriated to Brunswick-based Coastal Enterprises Inc.; Avesta Housing, based in Portland; and Kennebec Valley Community Action, which serves the Waterville area. Read more.
QAP Ideas to Share for 2024 Application?
If you have ideas for potential revisions to the QAP application for LIHTC funding, please reach out to MAHC to discuss. Maine Housing has shared some areas for potential revision and we will be advocating and encouraging conversations on the following as well:
- Housing needs analysis
- Owner performance scoring
- Management points
- Opportunities for external financial support
Maine ranks 2nd Among States with Lowest Rental Vacancies |
New research found Maine coming out in the top three states with the lowest rental vacancy rates. The study conducted by examined housing data from the U.S. Census for renter properties across the country to see which states had the lowest rates of vacant homes. Massachusetts had the lowest rates in the U.S., with just 2.8% of rentals being vacant. Maine had an average vacancy rate for rental properties at just 2.9%. Utah takes third place on the list, with a vacancy rate of 3%. Taking fourth place on the list is Kentucky, which has an average vacancy rate of 3.1%. Rounding out the top five is the state of Montana, with a rental vacancy rate sitting at 3.3%. |
How To Put Together Affordable Housing Projects
The Genesis Fund is holding workshops explain the project development process, various steps to present a project for approvals and financing, and how to assemble a project team. Presque Isle: 1-2:30 pm, Mar 16, Sargent Family Conference Room in Presque Isle City Hall, 12 Second Street and Waldoboro: 1-2:30 pm, Mar 22, Waldoboro Town Office - Public Safety building, 1600 Atlantic Highway. Contact John Egan email or by phone at 207.844.2035 x13
Maine Organizations Advocating for Five Areas of Housing Need. You Can Sign On To Support
A collaboration of organizations across Maine interested in creating more stability for Maine renters is looking for organization to add their name in support of this letter to policy makers here. It seeks to impress on policymakers how important a multi-faceted approach will be to increase stability for renters by focusing on: (1) housing availability; (2) housing affordability; (3) eviction prevention; (4) discrimination and enforcement of existing laws; and (5) support services this year. All five of these areas are critically important and interconnected when it comes to increasing housing stability for renters. While this sign on letter references a list to various bills that strive to address these five areas, signing on to this letter would not signify support for particular bills – but instead would urge policymakers to take a multi-faceted approach that addresses these 5 areas. Sign on by Mon, Mar 13. For more information contact Robyn Merrill at Maine Equal Justice or Kara Hay at Penquis.
Advocates’ Guide 2023: Now Available
NLIHC released today Advocates’ Guide 2023: A Primer on Federal Affordable Housing & Community Development Programs & Policies. Released annually, the Advocates’ Guide is a comprehensive resource for advocates and others involved in affordable housing and community development advocacy. The Advocates’ Guide comprises hundreds of pages of useful resources and practical know-how, written by leading experts in the affordable housing and community development field with a common purpose: to educate advocates and affordable housing providers of all kinds about the programs and policies that make housing affordable to low-income people across America.
Find a New MAHC Member? Get a Gift.
We are launching a new MAHC membership promotion. If you help MAHC recruit a new member in 2023, you can get a free MAHC water bottle, and the sincerest thanks from the MAHC Board, and the thousands of Maine people that need a home.
Check out our membership list here and reach out to let us know who is missing that might be interested in a MAHC membership.
You can invite them to try out membership by attending a MAHC member event with you. Simply let MAHC know who you will be bringing here.