Better Bus Dispatch nameplate

March 2023

Welcome to the Better Bus Dispatch—your up-to-date news source for Metro's Better Bus initiative!

Springing into Action

It is officially spring! With spring comes new life, new growth, and new opportunities. And that’s exactly what’s happening with Better Bus!

During our first round of engagement in October and November, Metro heard that reliable service and shorter wait times were your highest priorities for improving service. In just a few weeks, we will share our draft Visionary Network with you, and we want your feedback. This network will include changes to routes, how often the bus arrives, and times of service.

To celebrate 50 years of Metrobus and to gather your valuable input on the Visionary Network’s proposed routes, we’re conducting 50 events in 50 days. We hope that you’ll be able to attend one of our in-person or virtual events!

Follow our social media pages and your
Better Bus Dispatch for details on our free events!

Save the Date: Better Bus Experience LIVE! Launch Party

Better Bus Experience Live! event logo with the subtitle “Visit, Discover, Share”

Engaging our Future!

Photo showing local youth during a Metrobus 50th anniversary celebration.

Behind the Scenes:
Preparations and Previews

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to prepare materials and maps for you to review this April when you weigh in on the draft Visionary Network. We held focus groups in February and March to provide us insight on the types of web tools, maps, and language that worked best.

We also have been hosting parties for our bus operations teams so they can preview the new draft network before the public does. We have already received valuable feedback that we are starting to incorporate into the network we plan to share with you.

Talking Trade-offs

Professional jugglers could learn something from transit planners. They juggle different moving parts when developing a bus network—all while trying to make the system work for the entire region. Trade-offs are an important part of this "juggling act," and Metro’s Allison Davis, Vice President of Planning, explains how we consider them to provide the right balance of benefits for everyone. Click below to watch.

Preview of the behind-the-scenes video that discusses trade-offs.

Better Together: New Fareboxes

The new fareboxes will operate similarly to the current ones, but will be slimmer with larger, brighter, and full-color displays. There also will be a separate SmarTrip card reader for faster repair and maintenance. To limit impacts to customers, new fareboxes will be installed during scheduled maintenance over the next 12 months.

Large green button that says Learn More

Tell a Friend about Better Bus!

We’re glad to keep you informed through our Better Bus Dispatch, and we invite you to help others get involved, too, with our Forward to a Friend campaign.

This month, spring into action by forwarding the newsletter to three friends! The more people who receive this newsletter, the more people who can stay informed, share their feedback, and make the bus better for everyone.

Click here to forward!

Test Your Knowledge!

How well do you know the region’s bus network? For bragging rights only… 😉

How did you do on our last quiz?

Metro made history in 1973 when it launched Metrobus. What other history-making events happened that year? The correct answer was the passage of the DC Home Rule Act, which allowed Washington, DC, to exist as a self-governing City.

Kudos to all of you who guessed correctly, and good luck on this next quiz! Check back in the April edition to see how you did.