
We are SO excited for tomorrow's Easter Eggstravaganza!  The weather hasn't cooperated and so, for everyone's comfort and safety, we are moving the event indoors.  We are excited to welcome you starting at 10:00am and doors will be open until noon.  Come and go as your schedule allows.  Don't worry...we plan on having just as much fun--just in a different location!  There will be:

* Egg Hunting
* Face Painting
* Balloon Animals
* Glitter Tattoos
* Carnival Games
* Nine Square
* Gaga Ball
* Crafts
* Music
* Petting Zoo (yep – we are even bringing that indoors)
* Food Trucks (Ohana, Greek’s Pizza, Pendleton Nutrition, and Twisters Soda Bar)
* Photos with Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny!

We're looking forward to enjoying the morning with you! 

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