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Dear <<First Name>>,
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Diplomacy Reigned on Saturday!
Despite the car towing debacle (you had to be there...), the first Civitas Spring HSMUN went very well this past Saturday. Discussions were stellar on a wide variety of topics, including Reprimanding Iran for its Support of Russian Imperialism, Crime Across Latin America, Sex Trafficking in Jamaica, Education Issues in Chad, and the Disposal of Radioactive Medical Waste in Yemen. Delegates had thoughtful, informed questions as well as excellent amendment suggestions that strengthened resolution ideas. Sponsors accepted most amendments and worked out compromises on others, keeping the morning moving smoothly with great cooperation among nations. A few countries, as expected, voted against most of the plans presented to solve global problems, maintaining their nations' traditional stances of not cooperating. A few voted against passing some resolutions with valid concerns they shared with the General Assembly.  The role-playing and opinion-sharing demonstrated a General Assembly well-prepared for this session. Thanks to all who attended and a huge thank-you to those who completed the evaluation! The winners of the drawing were: Robyn Davies of MICDS, Elliott Schusky of Collinsville High School, and Iris Wang of John Burroughs.

Click here to see pictures from the session.
Resolutions for April 15 High School Model UN due April 12
(By noon!)
The next Spring High School Model UN session is Saturday, April 15!
Some very important reminders:
  • The session begins at 9:00 am and ends at noon. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early!
  • We will meet at Browning Auditorium at Webster University: 8274 Big Bend Blvd, Webster Groves, 63119.
  • Resolutions are due Wednesday, April 12, by noon. Email them to Stephanie:
  • Dress is business casual. Light refreshments will be available. Bring your own water bottle.
  • Click here to sign up
  • Students who attended the April 1 session and are also signed up for April 15 are on a waitlist. If we do not meet the maximum number for April 15, we will let you know and you can attend again.
  • As resolutions come in, you can read them in advance on our website to help plan your comments, questions, and votes for Saturday.
Now it's Middle Schoolers Time to Shine!
Students at Hixson prepare for their April 21, General Assembly in an obviously unstaged photo.

In the 2022-2023 school year, there have been 4 High School Model UN sessions so far. Now that April is upon us it’s time for middle school students to participate in their own General Assemblies. We have 7 in-person Model UN sessions on the calendar and a few virtual ones coming soon. This week we kick off with 2 sessions!

Today, students from Crossroads College Prep, John Burroughs, Ralls Co, and St. Raphael the Archangel will collaborate on solving world problems like government corruption in Southeast Asia, ensuring access to clean water for troops in Ukraine, housing homeless indigenous people in Canada, education in South Sudan, and rising sea levels in Bangladesh. (Click here to check out their resolutions)

Wednesday, students from Hoech Middle and Ritenour middle will tackle their own set of global issues like preventing climate change, stopping human trafficking in Vietnam, violence against women in El Salvador, poverty in Egypt, education in the DRC, and providing assistance to Ukraine. (Click here to check out their resolutions)

The next middle school session will be April 21. Before that happens, there are still a few last minute classroom visits on our calendar. Check back for more updates later!

We thank the Saigh Foundation for its continued strong support of our Middle School Model UN program.

Discuss a Book and Other Topics!
Excellent books are being written for young people today, some of which, unfortunately, are not readily available in area high schools. Civitas is planning a book discussion on April 22 from 10 AM until noon at the Oak Bend Library Branch, giving everyone plenty of time to get and read the selected young adult novel by a debut author, We Deserve Monuments written by Jas Hammonds. This is a compelling novel about 17-year old Avery, who is Black and gay, being uprooted from her urban Washington D.C. life and school to rural Georgia for her senior year. If you would like to be a part of the book discussion, please click here to sign up.
We will have time to discuss other topics of interest, too, that morning. IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO READ THE BOOK, you are still welcome for other conversations that morning!
Civitas can help students get a copy of the book, if needed. Just let us know when you sign up!
To listen to a short NPR interview with the author of We Deserve Monuments, click here.
High School Students,
If you are interested in being a part of a pilot group at the St. Louis Holocaust Museum, please email Dr. Warren Rosenblum:
Teacher resource alert!
Attend tomorrow's 1 hour webinar about great resources for teaching the Global Water Crises
Saturday, April 15, 2023, 9:00 am until noon, High School Model UN at Webster University
Sign up here!
Saturday, April 22, 2023, 10:00 am until noon, Oak Bend Library Branch
Book discussion of We Deserve Monuments by Jas Hammonds.

Sign up here!
Picture of the Week
A child cries on a bus leaving The Covenant School after a deadly shooting at the school in Nashville on Monday, March 27. -- Nicole Hester / The Tennessean/AP
This past week at the United Nations
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