July 2023 - Issue No 57
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July 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the summer editionof our quarterly newsletter.

In this  jam packed edition, we take a look at ways to stay safe and healthy in the warmer climate, both physically and mentally, whether it's here or abroad.

 We're also looking at elbows this quarter - useful for tennis or golf swings! Read this month's article on general postural advice relating to protecting elbows and preventing repetitive strains.

We meet new members to our Studio team, plus find out more in our interview section and say a sad farewell to a long standing member of Durham House.

In our mind health article we look at the potential for feeling summer time anxiety.

We have details on a summer offer in The Studio and where you can come and meet us at events over the summer.

We have articles on healthy movement tips, ways to get the children active over the holidays and information on cycling whether you're just getting started or if you're very experienced.

We also bring you a strawberry jam recipe - a fantastic way to use up those summer fruits! 

Message from Galin

I can’t believe it's July and we are more than halfway through this year already. Life is always busy at this time of year it seems, with children off school soon and the holidays fast approaching. Plus the Durham House team is attending plenty of fun events around Surrey and Hampshire - there is always something going on!
 We said farewell to Camilla last month, who is taking a new career path. Camilla has been a mainstay in the business for many years and instrumental in the growth of both clinics, as well as her class in The Studio. It's sad to see her leave but I feel proud that Durham House was part of her professional journey and I want to thank her for all the support she has given me and the Durham House team and wish her well for her new ventures.

We continue to do what we do best, which is to provide our local communities with supportive and professional treatment plans from our high quality staff.  

We continue to grow, so if you're a therapist or know of someone who might be interested in working in our clinic, please send your details to

Each member of staff brings so much in terms of knowledge and the clinic benefits from the diversity of skills and experience within the teams. We continue to broaden our skills with personal development and opportunities to attend training courses.

We are always increasing our  knowledge with regular CPD training. For some of the team this has recently included assessment and treatment for pregnancy, specific knee assessment / analysis and instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, with plans to do more training later in the year.

The team is out and about at local events so do take the chance to come along and meet them and have an informal chat, plus find out about offers we may have running in the clinics.

As always none of what we do would be possible without the loyalty and support of our patients.

So thank you and we hope to see you soon.
What's on at Durham House

The Clinics
Chiropractic and massage therapy treatments continue in both clinics with the additional beauty and holistic treatments available from Sue Masters in Farnham.

You can book online through our website or speak to one of the reception team.

Massage Therapy
Our online booking system is open and you are able to book directly with the therapists. We have a number of practitioners qualified to work with pregnancy, deep oscillation therapy and MLD, as well as Scarwork, deep tissue work and gentle massage. Whatever your needs, we have a practitioner for you.

The Studio
Class numbers will stay at 10, allowing you plenty of room to practice your class - it is advisable to bring your own mat if possible but we can provide one if necessary.


In June we sadly said goodbye and farewell to Camilla from our Studio team as well as the clinics as she explores new ventures. Camilla worked at Durham House not only as a Studio instructor but also one of our chiropractic team for a number of years - she will be missed.

Camilla's class will stay on the timetable and will continue to be taught by Sarah Ayers - find out more about Sarah in our quarterly interview.

In June we also brought another of the chiropractic team onto the Studio schedule. James teaches Monday lunch time Flexicore 12:00 - 13:00.

Meet Our Studio Instructors

If you have never been to a class before, they are a welcoming group of highly trained individuals who will take the utmost care of you. Flexicore classes are taught by our chiropractic team and we also offer Yoga, Barre, Pilates and Physio Pilates.

Why not make the most of our offer and buy a 5, 10 or 20 class pass during June or July and get a 10% discount on them?

Please email our Studio Coordinator Sarah Spear at if you have queries about your account.

The Studio and clinics will be closed on Monday 29th August for the bank holiday.

Summer / Autumn Events

We can't wait to come out to see you at events happening in Surrey and Hampshire over the summer. We have already attended the Farnborough Donkey Derby and the Hartley Wintney Festival this year.

Why not join us at a forthcoming event, find out about offers and prizes and say hello to the chiropractic and massage teams!

Fleet Carnival – Saturday 1st July

Big Heat - Devil's Punchbowl - Surrey Hills - Sunday 23rd July

Farnham Food Festival – Sunday 24th September

Massage services will be available at Big Heat this year [ a 16 mile run and marathon trail run, starting in Haslemere, Surrey] with Katie and Samantha  who are offering sports massage  pre and post event, plus taping services. Just £10 for a 15 minute sports massage if you are taking part on the day. [ Vouchers will be available for follow up treatment ]

If you are attending or organising a running or cycling event which would benefit from having our massage team offer their services, please contact the clinics today.


Click Here for more about Big Heat and how to enter

Did you know we have a specific massage therapy web page? There you can find information on the different therapies we offer. 

Why not treat yourself to a treatment or even buy as a gift - gift vouchers are available to purchase in both clinics.

For more information call:
Farnham: 01252 725 669
Fleet: 01252 622 050

 or email

or you can click on the link below to go straight to the site.

Click Here for our Massage Website
Beauty and Holistic

July to September Offer
Click Here to Read More on Maternity Reflexology
Click Here for Sue Masters' Website
Interview with Sarah Ayers

 Meet Sarah. Sarah joined the Studio team in June 2023 and teaches Beginners Flexicore.

Sarah has always had an interest in sports, having played many at school, hockey at university, then taking up rowing when she lived in London. The opportunity to become a fitness instructor arose whilst she was on a career break to have her family and she hasn't looked back.

Read more on Sarah in her interview and come and try her Flexicore class in the Studio every Thursday 09:30 - 10:30.
Click Here to Read Sarah's Interview
Mental Health and Well-Being

Is summer anxiety a real thing?

The effects of winter weather on mental health have been researched and it's widely accepted that winter can cause seasonal affective disorder or seasonal depression. But how about the summer? Can the sunny, cheery season negatively impact mental health and anxiety? Countless online conversations indicate that summer anxiety is, indeed, real and can be disruptive to well-being.

Sometimes people who don't experience much anxiety during most of the year will notice a vague unsettled feeling during the summer months. Others who do deal with anxiety during other times of the year may also notice an increase in their anxiety during the hottest season of the year.

There are several factors which play a role in summer anxiety. Knowing what they are can help you take action to change what you can in order to reduce flare ups.

Click on the link below to read more about summer time anxiety.

Click Here for Article on Summer Anxiety
With summer very  much here, we get to enjoy some of our outdoor favourites, such as golf and tennis. However, after doing too little for too long over the colder months, we then start to do too much too quickly and this puts us at risk of injury.

Two common injuries we see at Durham House are golfer's and tennis elbow.
The elbow is a joint made up of 3 bones; the humerus, radius and ulnar. It's a complex joint that allows us the range of motion to do things such as throwing, climbing and swinging. It also has tendons, nerves and blood vessels that start or pass through the joint.

Golfer's and tennis elbow affect the tendons which attach either side of the elbow joint, which then go on to form the muscles of our forearm and hands.

Details on how these injuries are caused and what you can do to treat or prevent them can be found in the attached article and video.

[Subtitles are available on You Tube by hitting the CC option]
Click Here for Article on Understanding the Elbow
Click Here for Video on Kinesiology Taping for Golfer's Elbow
Giving Pain the Elbow

It’s pretty easy to go your whole life without ever thinking about your elbows! Until one day you can barely bend your arm! Then suddenly your training (or whatever activities you’re in to) gets excruciating.

Elbow pain is actually more common than you might think, especially if you’re a pretty active person.

When you think about it, pretty much every upper body movement you do has to be translated through these two little hinges in your arms. The more power and repetition, the more risk of over use injuries.

Whether you’re currently experiencing pain in your elbows or you want to protect them from future discomfort, these top tips will help you stretch and strengthen your elbows and prepare them for unusual movements.

Click Here for Exercise Tips for Golfer's Elbow
Click Here for Exercise Tips for Tennis Elbow
Studio News

Did you know The Studio is available to hire? By the hour, half day or full day for classes, workshops and teacher training.

Sharry continues to teach Barre fitness and Pilates:

Shani teaches an adult ballet class:

Sue Woodd continues to teach her Seasonal Yoga Teacher Trainees and hopes to be bringing more workshops and classes to The Studio throughout the year.

For More information and to book please contact Sue:

Please contact private hirers directly through their website or Facebook page for more information.
Click Here for The Studio Timetable
 Movement Tips

Schools are one of the main environments where children and young people can be really active so during the holidays we need a renewed effort to take up opportunities for them to move more.

It’s not just about being active for activity’s sake though, as we know that creating positive experiences for children and young people at an early stage makes them much more likely to continue being active into adulthood.

Over the summer holidays sport and physical activity providers can play a vital role in welcoming children and young people, via their parents and carers, to take part.

Straighten Up UK  is a programme from the British Chiropractic Association (BCA), designed to improve posture and help prevent back pain by promoting balance, strength and flexibility in the spine.

These straight forward exercises are designed to be done on a daily basis to become part of the daily routine, just like brushing our teeth.  As chiropractors, we want to encourage adults and children alike to start using this set of simple, three minute straighten up exercises.

Follow our link below for healthy movement tips for children.

Click Here for Healthy Movement Tips

When we are thinking of pleasant summer weather and the time or freedom for children to race about playing outdoors more,  we assume there will likely be cuts and scrapes, with the inevitable scars on knees and elbows.

Scars are a natural part of the body's healing process. A scar results from the biologic process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues. Most wounds, except for very minor ones, result in some degree of scarring.
Have you had a traumatic accident, injury or surgery that has left you with a scar? You may have assumed that once the scar is healed on the surface that you need to put up with ongoing irritation, discomfort, pulling or nerve numbness? You may be distressed by the look of your scar and wish it was less prominent? Maybe you can’t touch your scar?

Addressing scars, wherever they are on your body, however they have formed and regardless of how old they are, can be an important part of returning to normal movement and getting back to enjoying your life to the full.

To find out more about how the body heals wounds, click on the link below.
Click Here for Article on Scars
Movement Tips

Some great reasons to cycle
Like many other people, we at Durham House have been feeling the call of the 0utdoors and the nice weather and jumping on our bikes for that getaway feeling. Whether you're a leisurely pedaller or a Tour de France wannabe, cycling can be a wonderful way to enjoy the weather and see the beautiful countryside around us.

There are a lots of ways cycling is good for you, from feeling younger to saving money. Here are some of the many benefits which cycling can bring.
- It’s good for you. Cycling is a good way to improve your fitness and heart health. Two short trips to the shops and back each day, about 30 minutes of daily cycling, will begin to benefit your cardiovascular system.

- Discover your surroundings. 
The National Cycle Network  now covers 14,700 miles across the UK. The system of safe, traffic-free lanes and quiet, on road routes connects every major city and passes within a mile of 55% of UK homes, making it a great way to explore your locality or further afield.


- Feel young again. Getting on a bike can make you feel young again, as you speed along with the wind in your hair. Cycling releases invigorating bursts of endorphins, our feel good neurotransmitters.

 - Cycling can be a sociable activity too. There are groups throughout the UK for cyclists of all abilities. Cycling UK caters for all skill levels, so if you’re new to cycling, this is a good place to start. Visit the Cycling UK website

- It’s suitable for all fitness levels. It doesn't matter what shape you’re in, you can go at your own pace. The bike saddle holds 70% of your body weight, so pressure on your joints is very low too. If you’re new to cycling, recovering from an injury, or put off because you live in a hilly area, an electric bike may be an option.


- Cycling can save you money. Apart from the initial cost of the bike (and there are plenty of inexpensive options ) and its minimal running costs, cycling is free. Plus you’re getting fit while going from A to B, saving money you may have spent on a gym membership, as well as cutting travel costs.
- Cycling makes you stronger. Every muscle is used while cycling. Leg muscles are worked the most for pedalling, abdomen and back muscles stabilise the body, while the shoulder / arm muscular system supports you at the handlebars. Cycling builds strength all over the body and as your core muscles improve, so does your balance.
- It’s planet friendly. Cycling produces zero carbon pollution, making it an environmentally sustainable form of transport. A bike can replace your car or the bus, especially for shorter journeys and more cyclists means fewer congestion related emissions. Add ons like trailers and seats mean children can go green too.
- It’s for everyone. Cycling for those with disabilities is becoming increasingly popular. Tricycles that offer more stable support and hand cycles for wheelchair users or those with severe weakness are available. Many organisations now also provide companions for blind and visually impaired cyclists.

Click Here for Bike Position Tips
Top Tips for Beginners and Improvers

Every person you see on a bike was a beginner cyclist once, whether that was when they were 3 years old and astride a balance bike or well over 40 and venturing out on a borrowed hybrid.

If you're  coming to cycling for the first time or perhaps returning after a long break, we’re here to help provide you with all the information you need, courtesy of cycling weekly.

For our Top Tips for a beginner cyclist, check out the link below.  Make sure you have spoken to your health professional for their guidance before you embark on any new exercise programme or activity.

Click Here for Top Tips for Beginner Cyclists
Summer Recipe 
Download Our Strawberry Jam Recipe Here
Have Fun This Summer!

Summer holidays are approaching fast and while all your focus may be on planning trips away, possibly your first in a while, it’s important to remember about your health and safety. 

1. Stay hydrated
Despite the fact we don’t always get the warmest of summers, it's still very easy to get dehydrated in the summer months. Before heading outdoors, drink a full glass of water. Always remember to take water breaks every 20 minutes when you're active outside. Even if you're not very active and just lounging by the pool sunbathing or pottering in the garden, you still need frequent drinks. Aside from hydrating, water also helps cool down body temperature. Signs of dehydration include lack of energy, headache and dizziness.

2. Keep cool
So many people, especially those not used to the heat, get sun stroke every year! It can be very serious for a small child to get it. Don't stay out in direct sunlight for more than an hour at a time to avoid sunstroke. Also, avoid intense exercise on hot days. If you or your kids ever become lightheaded, dizzy, tired and weak in the sun, move to a shaded area and get help immediately.

3. Sunscreen
Have a bottle of sunscreen in your handbag at all times! It's so important. Even if it's not particularly warm out, any bit of sun can put you and your kids at risk of sunburn. Apply sunscreen every two hours when outdoors and if you’re in the water at any time, always re-apply. For extra protection, use sunglasses and a sun hat.

4. Keep the alcohol to a minimum
It’s always nice to enjoy a cold, alcoholic drink on warm summer days. But combining alcohol with the heat, you will be sure to get dehydrated. Try making mocktails instead! They taste just as nice and will save you getting dehydrated. If you’re not a fan of mocktails, alternate each alcoholic drink with a refreshing glass of water.

5. Have some 'me time'
We often spend a lot of time each summer surrounded by others, our family, our friends, or just simply strangers at the same place we are. Summer is the time for people everywhere! It’s important for self-care and to also take some alone time as well.

Have a fantastic summer!

The Durham House Team

Don't forget to follow us on our social media pages.

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60 Reading Road South - Fleet - Hampshire - GU52 7SD

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