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Endorphin Junky

Dear Reader

It is really busy this side right now, as we're packing in as many of my meetings as we possibly can before getting on the plane for our annual visit to South Africa end of next week. 

Monday morning I was exhausted, and I nearly didn't go for my morning run. On the run though, I remembered why I'm doing it. Before the run, I had lots of thoughts in my mind. I was kind of under the line, sort of unsettled, but as you run, and as the fresh air flows over your face and the oxygen and the blood circulate through your system, the endorphins start working on your brain. I started feeling better. By the time I was back, I felt like, Oh, brother, I've got some energy again. I've got some enthusiasm again. I'm ready for the day!”  

That reminded me how important it is that somewhere in our day, we have this period of sanity.  It may be different for different people. For me, it works as a run. For you it may be a walk, maybe to take the dog for a walk, or to go sit in the sunshine, or to go for a swim, or to do something else.

The point is that it's really important for us to constantly be in this place where we're opening ourselves up, where we're opening up our bodies, where we're letting the fresh air and the oxygen and the endorphins do their wonderful work. Because if we just sit down and we're just all the time, work, work, work, work or watching TV or solving problems the whole time, there’s no time for our brains to relax. There is no time for our subconscious to do its work. 

So, I highly recommend it. From tomorrow, think of how can you can have every day at least half an hour when you are taking in oxygen, when you're giving your brain some rest and you’re allowing your subconscious to work.  Maybe you can even get the endorphins to flow into your brain. I absolutely love it. 

I hope this is helpful. We'll speak again next week.
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Best wishes,
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