

   24 March, 2023

今週も、世界のサステイナブルへのゲートウェイ「N Letter」をお届けします。
N Letter is your weekly gateway to worldwide sustainability headlines.
本週的N Letter, 告訴你世界上現在最受注目的永續課題頭條。

N Letter #28


"Farmers' Voice" Wins Big in Dutch Elections; 

Tension Rises Between Sustainability and Agriculture

荷蘭選舉 農民聲量勝選



オランダ全土で地方選が行われ、BBB(農家市民運動)が圧勝を収めました。近年サステイナビリティのために特に畜産業の縮小を積極的に進めている現オランダ政府に対し、「No Farmer No Food(農家なければ食物なし)!」と声を上げている農家の声を代表するのが同党。その圧勝を受けても農地縮小政策が揺るがない中央政府の担当大臣と同党党首の間で、信念を巡る戦いが火花を散らしています。また家畜を含む動物の愛護を主眼とする「動物党」もこの党首の宿敵です。


 "Farmers' Voice" Wins Big in Dutch Elections; Tension Rises Between Two Policies

Local elections were held throughout the Netherlands and the BBB (Farmer-Citizen Movement) won a resounding victory. The current Dutch government has been aggressively trying to downsize the livestock and farming industry for the sake of sustainability in recent years, and the party represents the voice of farmers against it. Tension has already risen between the leader of the party and the minister in charge of the central government, who doesn’t seem to take this victory as serious as it looks. The "Party for the Animals", which focuses on animal welfare, including livestock, is also a nemesis of this party leader by the way.


荷蘭選舉 農民聲量勝選

近期荷蘭進行地方選舉,BBB(農民市民運動)代表農民,對於近期荷蘭政府因為永續理由而進行的農業制裁,打出了「Fo Farmer No Food」的口號,贏得大選。即使如此,中央政府似乎也沒有要讓步的意思,擔任此務的政府官員和BBB黨的主席之間的對抗日漸白熱化,另外愛護動物的動物黨的主席,也和BBB黨的主席持反對立場。

Source :[…]8JiMp?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=06dac4ca440747fbbbd55ceb3ce64031&ei=23




オランダの財団が毎年、欧州の文化や社会にもっとも貢献した人物に授与している権威ある「エラスムス賞」が、今年は南アフリカ出身でアメリカで活躍するコメディアン・司会のTrevor Noah氏の手に渡りました。コメディアンの同賞受賞は、1965年のチャーリー・チャプリン氏に次いで58年ぶり2人目。アパルトヘイト、パンデミック、Black Lives Matter、トランプ政権といった重い話題に辛口で切れ味鋭いユーモアで切り込み、新鮮な空気を吹き込んだことが決め手になりました。

Trevor Noah Wins Erasmus Prize, Becomes the Second Comedian to Win the Prize Following Charlie Chaplin

The prestigious Erasmus Prize, which is awarded annually by a Dutch foundation to the person who has made the greatest contribution to European culture and society, this year went to Trevor Noah, a comedian/TV show host from South Africa who is active in the United States. He is the second comedian to receive this award, following Charlie Chaplin in 1965. The selection was backed up by Noah’s contribution which brought a breath of fresh air with his dry, sharp humor to heavy topics such as apartheid, the pandemic, BLM and the Trump administration.

Trevor Noah獲得荷蘭人文大獎Erasmus Prize 上一個獲獎的是卓别林

荷蘭的財團每年表揚對歐洲社會文化貢獻卓著的年度大獎「Erasmus Prize」,今年頒布給南非出身的喜劇演員Trevor Noah,此獎頒給喜劇演員的機率極少,上一個或此獎的是58年前的卓别林。Trevor在他的表演中放入了南非種族隔離議題、疫情、Black Live Matters運動,和川普政權問題,以風趣幽默的方式喚起觀眾對於沈重議題的省思。

 Source : 




Technologies Attract Attention to "Capture and Bury" CO2

As countries struggle to meet their carbon dioxide "emissions reduction" goals, technologies are being tried and tested to capture the CO2 in the atmosphere. A team from Lehigh University in the U.S. has announced a new system that is 2-3 times more effective than the conventional one. Other technologies are also being developed, such as Denmark's "Project Greensand," which stores CO2 underground after capture. Nevertheless, the reality is that the goal of "net zero emissions by 2050" is still far from being realized, even with everything we have at hand now.



在各國致力於減碳目標的壓力之下,從空氣中回收二氧化碳的技術一直在被挑戰中。美國理海大學(Lehigh University)發表了新系統,表示這個系統和以往的設備比起來有2至3倍的效果。另外在丹麥進行的「Project Grreensand」計畫裡,二氧化碳儲存在地下的技術也正在被測試中。即使如此,要達到2050年淨零的目標,還有很長的一段路。






By S.U.


Societies in crisis situations tend to be depressed, with a lot of tensions among people. It goes without saying that recent climate change, pandemics, and social divisions are putting our societies "in crisis", and it is also the background of the conflicts discussed in the news of the Dutch elections. Noah's art to fearlessly cut through these serious and sensitive issues and infuse them with laughter and new perspectives, I believe, was certainly worthy of the Erasmus Prize. Tension relief, equality and inclusion, cultural values, fresh ideas, improvement of wellbeing and health... the contribution that humor can make to the sustainability of people and society is immeasurable.

Thank you once again for reading N Letter. We wish you all a great weekend.

By S.U.


當社會情勢面臨危機時,人與人之間的關係也變得緊張而容易憂鬱。近年世界經歷許多挑戰,氣候變動、疫情、社會隔離與不平等,荷蘭的選舉的新聞其實也和這個社會背景有關。面對社會問題,獲得Erasmus獎的Trevor Noah選擇正面迎擊敏感議題,以風趣但令人省思的方式呼籲社會大眾關注,也是他獲獎的最大原因。幽默感對於紛亂的社會帶來的正面影響已經不證自明,有時候分明壁壘的意見對立只會讓抗爭更極端,反而是幽默感這樣的要素能夠讓更多人-不分敵我-重新省思,進而帶出更多更正面、有建設性的影響。


By S.U.

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