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March 28, 2023
Welcome to Shifting Gears, a timely news source for manufacturers and industry professionals brought to you by your Regional Manufacturing Partners Alliance.

We welcome feedback and referrals of important news and events relevant to our local manufacturing community.


Commercial Trucking Job Fair 

March 29 at Allandale Recreation Centre

We recognize the manufacturing industry relies on commercial trucking and there are considerable driver shortages.  The City of Barrie and the County of Simcoe will be hosting a Commercial Trucking Job Fair at Allandale Recreation Centre (190 Bayview Drive, Barrie) on Wednesday March 29, 4:30pm - 7:30pm, to try and attract more people to the industry to take advantage of the many employment opportunities. There will be a truck cab on sight along with a trucking simulator job seekers can try out their driving technique.   
If you are looking to hire drivers and would like to participate in the upcoming job fair please let us know or if you know of someone that would be interested in finding out more about driving careers this is an event they shouldn’t miss! 

Georgian College’s RISE Symposium &
Invitation to exclusive 
"RISE for Industry" Tour and Lunch

April 5 at Georgian College Barrie Campus

The Georgian community opens its doors on Wednesday, April 5 to share and celebrate research, innovation, scholarship and entrepreneurship at the annual RISE Symposium. This year’s theme is how we #InnovateTogether to prosper while protecting the planet. 

You are invited to our exclusive RISE for Industry tour and lunch. Join us for a brief tour of areas of the college, followed by lunch in the Georgian Dining Room.  Explore the RISE exhibitions, learn about student projects, meet student talent, and discover how Georgian College Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship can help support your business. This ticket is for the exclusive tour and lunch, as well as the full day of RISE activities. Reserve your RISE for Industry ticket today – space is very limited.

The RISE morning keynote speaker is Mark Abbott, P.Eng., MBA, Ashoka Fellow, Director of the Engineering Change Lab and Director of Tech Stewardship at MaRS Discovery District.  Join us for his 9:30am presentation: Building Better Technology for All: How Stewardship is transforming the Landscape of Technology. In this session, Mark will speak about tech stewardship and how technology is transforming our world - for better and worse - how we must help bend the arc of technology toward good. The afternoon program offers participants the opportunity to learn, engage and explore innovation and changemaking. ​​​​​​The event is open to everyone to attend, please feel free to register for RISE at the door or in advance.

County of Simcoe hosting Virtual Ask an Expert Speaker Series on 2023 Economic Outlook

April 17 from 11:00am - 12:00pm (virtual)

Join Pierre Cléroux, Vice President, Research and Chief Economist at Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), for an overview of the economy, here and abroad. Learn how inflation, the rise of interest rates and the resulting economic slowdown are changing our business environment. You'll also discover how entrepreneurs can forge a path forward in a context marked by labour shortages and global uncertainties. The session will conclude with an opportunity for you to ask the expert your questions. This free virtual event is taking place on Monday, April 17, 2023, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Register today!



Simcoe County Cybersecurity CDAP Top-Up Grant
Cybersecurity start-up firm, White Tuque, and the County of Simcoe are excited to announce their partnership to support and enhance the cybersecurity of regional small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The County of Simcoe’s In-Market Support Special Projects Fund, combined with the federal government’s Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) grant, will provide funding that will allow eligible rural-based businesses in Simcoe County to develop a cybersecurity digital adoption plan at no cost to them.  Businesses can apply for the Simcoe County Cybersecurity CDAP Top-Up Grant by Friday, March 31, 2023 for the first round of applications. Learn more!

Aerospace Trade Mission – Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
The Ontario government is organizing the Aerospace Trade Mission to the 2023 Paris Air Show, the largest worldwide event dedicated to the aviation and space industry on June 19 to June 22, 2023. The last edition of the Paris Air Show was held in 2019 which welcomed a record 2,450 exhibitors from 43 countries. Apply by March 31, 2023.

Fund your R&D partnership in Israel with CIIP
The Canada–Israel 2023‑24 collaborative industrial research and development call for proposals is live! If you have an R&D partner in Israel, you can apply for up to $600,000 in funding to help cover your joint project costs. In Canada, this funding is offered through the Canadian International Innovation Program (CIIP), which is delivered in collaboration with the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC‑IRAP). CIIP helps Canadian small and medium‑sized businesses pursue international R&D partnerships to adapt, validate or co‑develop their technology. Proposals for projects in a variety of sectors are being accepted. Application deadline is April 17, 2023. Learn more and apply.

CanExport SMEs Program is Open for New 2023 Intake 
Canadian SMEs can apply for up to $50,000 in grants from the CanExport SMEs program for sales and export marketing activities that help expand into new export markets and opportunities, especially high-growth markets and sectors. This program is currently open for projects starting on or after April 1st, 2023. Learn more and apply online.

WILWorks Student Work Placement Program
Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium’s (EMC) WILWorks Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) is now accepting applications for the Summer 2023 term with placement dates of May 1 to August 31.  EMC’s WILWorks program offers wage subsidies up to $7,000 per student placement. Initial offering is for EMC Members. Funding is limited. This project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Student Work Placement Program

Edited by Lauren Wild, Georgian College
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Shifting Gears · 1 Georgian Dr · Barrie, ON L4M 7B7 · Canada