Be sure all staff members are receiving the C2P
and please share relevant information with your volunteer leaders. Click here to sign up! Click here for archived C2Ps.
“We are re-envisioning the Chancery and how we support parishes and schools, as part of the ongoing Partners in the Gospel renewal effort. We are blessed to have many faithful people using their talents to serve our local Church. I am truly grateful for their dedication and commitment to our mission.” Read Archbishop Etienne’s letter
Share the March Partners UPDATE as a bulletin insert for your parish and school families. Read about the 6 pillar work groups and how they will help guide parish families in the process of re-envisioning and becoming one canonical parish. Englishand Spanish
When raising funds for your welcome circle, make sure to use the correct language: “We're raising funds for our ‘refugee fund’ or ‘asylum support fund’ and not “We're raising funds to support the _____ family”. As long as you use the correct language and the parish is deciding who and what it is spent on, your fundraising effort will be legal.
Please help us promote Northwest Catholic by placing this QR code or these digital assets in your communications. Check out the April/May issue of Northwest Catholic. Read about:
• Mother Joseph, the Northwest’s “mother of faith”
• Parish collaboration building community, faith and outreach
• How you can honor Mary every day
All content is also available in Spanish at
If you have not done so already, please send us your parish’s remittance from the Jan. 28-29 Northwest Catholic Collection directly to the annual campaigns office.
Palm Sunday Mass demonstrates how Jesus willingly enters into every kind of dysfunction of the human experience: greed, cruelty, indifference. Click here for this week’s Scripture readings, prayers and reflections.
Encourage your parish and school to celebrate all Easter Season at Click here for social posts, web banner, and graphics for your newsletter and bulletin in English and Spanish. Click here to download Archbishop Etienne’s video Easter greeting.
Please check all materials against the packing slip. If you are missing items, please contact Printwest at or call 425-402-8600. The labels included in your shipment are not for mailing — they are to be used for processing. We have also included an instruction sheet on how to use the materials.
Click here for PDS File. Click here for instructions on how to download and extract PDS flies. Click here for non-PDS parishes (including ParishStaq) pastor letters in Word. Letters are available English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
Witness speakers
Click here for a speaker quick reference guide. Available in English and Spanish.
‘Planning for Senior Care: Everything You Need to Know’
April 5 from 7-8:30 p.m. | Virtual
April’s Wellness Wednesday will focus on a brief overview of different senior care providers, what is important when looking for care and recognizing the signs that a move is needed. Learn more | Promotional assets
April 15 at 10 a.m. | Virtual
Join Bishop Elizondo for a livestreamed Mass celebrating people of all abilities in our Catholic faith community in the Archdiocese of Seattle. For more information, contact Jennifer Wong at Learn more and register | Promotional assets
Many employees are realizing that they have received two separate W-2 forms. The reason there are two forms is that Box 12 held more information than there was room for on the W-2, requiring a second form to complete the codes for Box 12.
Please insert a reminder in the bulletin (or a Mass announcement) to have people submit their Rice Bowls. Click here for tips on how to collect Rice Bowls.
Archbishop Etienne requests all parishes to mark this month with prayer and awareness efforts. Use this parish toolkit for resources to support your parish liturgies and communications efforts in April. Assets in English and Spanish
Take advantage of the special rate and reserve space in the June/July Religious Life and Graduation issue. Ad reservations due Wednesday, April 5. Click here to reserve.