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Welcome to Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire News

Welcome to our weekly newsletter.  

In this week's email:

  • Communication from NHS Midlands Regional Team re Compliance Aids
  • MP Visit to Community Pharmacy: Karl McCartney
  • End of Life Care: DWP Special Rules Update



  • From 1st December 2022 - Changes to email access requirements.  Inactivity period prior to permanent, irrecoverable account deletion reduced from 180 days to 60 days.
In order to access the store email account, users need to maintain an active nhs email individually.  It is important you sign into your account regularly or it will be disabled by NHSmail administration and will not be able to be recovered. Please make sure you share with your colleagues/team members the need to log into their nhs email at least once every 30 days-perhaps make a diary note to log in once a month to make sure. This was covered in more detail in the newsletter here.
PSNC have produced a factsheet about NHSmail on mobile devices which explains how to access the shared NHSmail inbox within the Outlook mobile app. The app enables contractors to quickly and easily access NHSmail and provides contractors with the flexibility to choose how and when they would like to be notified about incoming emails. Find out more here
  • 1st December 2022 - Changes to Controlled Drug Reporting - new website active 
Please complete registration on the new website ASAP. More details in our recent newsletter here.
  • Remember changes occurred on 1st October 2022 - GPhC reinstating full revalidation requirements for registrants with new standards for the reflective account now apply

Communication form NHS Regional Team re Compliance Aids

The LPC are aware of a challenging email sent to pharmacy contractors late last week from the Midlands Regional NHS Team regarding compliance aids under the equality act.

The email contained some factual inaccuracies and we are in communication with the regional team to ensure communications that are sent to contractors are appropriately worded and contain accurate information in future.

Remember, as a pharmacy contractor you only have a duty to consider reasonable adjustment and to help with this please see the guidance issued by PSNC -  The Equality Act 2010 - PSNC Website
Additionally recent GPHC guidance should also be considered when looking at any adjustment - Page 14 point 1.5 -

MP Visit to Community Pharmacy: Karl McCartney

The Chief Officer of the LPC, Dr Tracey Latham-Green and Mr Marc Brooks, LPC Vice Chair and Head of Pharmacy at Lincolnshire Coop Pharmacy, along with the team at Newland Pharmacy in Lincoln were delighted to welcome Lincoln MP Karl McCartney to Newland Pharmacy last Thursday, 30th March. 

Having attended an event in Westminster late last year hosted by PSNC, which was also attended by the LPC Chief Officer and signed a letter to the Secretary of State for Health to highlight the urgent need for additional support to community pharmacy, Mr McCartney was keen to find out more about the work of the pharmacy team and how he can help support community pharmacies for the benefit of the local community. 

Karl McCartney MP, Marc Brooks, Vice Chair of the LPC and Head of Pharmacy at Lincolnshire Coop Pharmacy and Tony Hayer, Pharmacist at Newland Pharmacy

Tony Hayer, the Pharmacist in store, gave examples of advice, guidance and services that the branch offer, much of which is unremunerated, but whose provision is vital to patients in the area. Tony painted a very clear picture of the important role of pharmacists and their teams in the community, including their wider social and well-being impact on the people of Lincoln. 

We outlined the financial and other pressures facing community pharmacy, providing Mr McCartney with a briefing that included an in depth financial analysis provided by PSNC. Drawing attention to and aligning with the recent messaging from PSNC to central government, we noted that community pharmacy needs:

  • An immediate injection of funding to shore up the community pharmacy network. After years of funding cuts hundreds of local pharmacies could soon permanently close.
  • A fully-funded ‘Pharmacy First’ service in England - This would allow patients to go straight to their local pharmacist to get support for minor conditions, and freeing up GP capacity, as they currently do in Scotland and Wales.

Mr McCartney also spoke at length to Megan, a trainee pharmacist who is studying at the University of Lincoln, but also works at Newland pharmacy.  He was very interested in the flexible structure of the Pharmacy degree at Lincoln, whereby lectures are all delivered on two full days a week, allowing students like Megan the opportunity to take on part time roles that can help their studies and provide an income during their time at university. Mr McCartney is very keen to support the development of the range of Medical School courses at the university and sees it as a vital resource within the county to develop our clinical workforce moving forwards.

Megan Sedgwick, staff member at Newland Pharmacy and Pharmacy student at University of Lincoln discusses her role and university course with Mr McCartney.

Mr McCartney has asked for us to forward some structured questions to him which he will present to relevant ministers over the next few months.  The LPC will liaise with PSNC to ensure we can maximise the profile of community pharmacy with central government and highlight the support necessary.

Thanks go to Emma Snedden from Lincolnshire Coop for the photographs and to all the staff at Newland Pharmacy in Lincoln for their assistance with this visit.

End of Life Care: DWP Special Rules Update.


We have been asked to disseminate this information across the clinical community to encourage clinicians to talk about financial support as part of wider conversations about what matters most to their patients. 

  • The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) Special Rules provide people nearing the end of life with faster and easier access to some benefits 
  • On 3rd April 2023, improvements to the Special Rules criteria have brought PIP, DLA and AA in line with previous changes made to UC and ESA in April 2022  
  • Therefore, individuals who are likely to have less than 12 months to live can now claim PIP, DLA, AA, UC and ESA via the Special Rules  
  • Clinicians, such as a GP, consultant, hospice doctor or senior specialist nurse, can be asked to provide medical evidence on an SR1 form to support benefit claims made via the Special Rules process (the SR1 form has replaced the DS1500, please destroy all copies of the DS1500) 
  • For more information about the Special Rules, obtaining an SR1 form and for guidance about providing medical evidence, please go to 


Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire are continuing to update and refresh our website. Let us know if there are any specific things you'd like to see, You can email us at

Remember, you can also contact us using with any questions, queries or feedback you may have.

Lincolnshire Local Pharmaceutical Committee is the voice of NHS pharmacies in Lincolnshire.  For further information about the work we do, contact or visit 
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